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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Thank you for the welcome. If I hadn't of gotten caught up playing my guitar yesterday/nite, I would have had my project pics posted by now. Guess I'll make that my next project. Check it out and let me know what you think! Look forward to it,will be watching and waitting.
  2. Good to see you here,your the first lady of guitar I have seen here.Look forward to your post and input.
  3. I would just level it off ,you have plenty of nut before you shape it.The nut will just be a little taller over all,but when you shape it and cut it ,it just has to be spaced and filed for setup.If I am looking at your neck right ,the nut just layes up against the fret board and flat on the bottom,like a 335 nut.
  4. I just have to say,all the entries are great. I voted for Eve ,because it is flawless...the lines and shapes just flow,and not to be harsh on any one ,it is different.To me this is the deal breaker.I just love the one who goes outside the bounds.Having said that ,I would love to own any of the entries this month.Great builds people.
  5. You guys are doing a great job,and I thank you for it.These forums take a lot of time,and to those of you doing it ,Thanks.
  6. This one ,too? http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/P5030002.jpg
  7. you calling my guitars ugly!!!! i think its time for one of those old fashioned PG wars!!! PS. i have an idea for that veneer you sent me, in particular the quilted maple... there is talk of an alembic style double neck!!! the most important thing about building a double neck is having someone who wants to buy and play it - and i have someone who will if he sells his house soon (not that i am charging that much!!!) LOL...I thought I was on another post...The ugly guitar one..hahaha....Naw Wes your guitars are just fine,looking forward to see you use some of that wood.Hey the housing market prices here are about the same as a good custom guitar.haha Take care and have a beer for me !!!!
  8. i know what you mean... i even managed to make a post with the words 'guitar' and 'burning' together in the same sentence last saturday... not even a comment in return. Rich,it is not your imagination,there seems to be more respect and good will being used.May it stay that way,I enjoy logging on to read and reply a lot more these days.Now back to your ugly guitar thread.....Wes ,How ya doing? hahaha
  9. That guy's weird beard thing is at least as ugly as the guitar The guy was really cool,great player,beard and all....the guitar was to be like a Bo Diddly style...Just a little to glam ,I think.
  10. I just thought I would chime in here,I logged on yesterday and was surprised to see so much porn spam.It was just crazy....I do not have a solution,but would help in any way I could.
  11. Check this out... http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...08/P1190757.jpg
  12. It can also come from things that are in the room with the amp.For example lights,computer,etc.Other eletrical equiptment can interfer with tube amps.Unstable power supply can cause problems ,too.
  13. By looking at your strings,they look to be to high of a gauge.Get some 9's or 10's and try that first.They should stay in, even with out string trees.
  14. Well,how about: Shawn Lane Monte Montgomery Muriel Anderson Andy Timmons Allen Holdsworth George Benson Joe Beck Buddy Guy Jonny Highland just a note Jimmy Hendrix looked up to Buddy Guy.This is a short list,but a good one.
  15. I could be wrong..but I think these were made for Sears ,and sold by Sears stores.I think by the head stock ,it mite have been made in the late 50s early 60s...just a guess.Hopefully someone else can ,give you more reliable info.
  16. Cool ,keep up the good work....
  17. Killemall8, don't sweet it man...my builder under sales his stuff all the time.He does it for the love of the instrument and music.I would put him against anyone in here,in knowledge and ability.I bought three amps and a guitar from him,his stuff is ahead of its time.Hell Baker sells his stuff for 6 to 8 thousand,and he is pretty well known.To be fare,most top builders don't post on forums.The way it seems to work ,is the more you ask for something,more people seem to want it.I would guess that most buyers could not tell you why a 6 to 8 thousand dollar guitar is worth what it cost.They just know it cost a lot so it is good.Perry, I really like your builds,but being a little humble,can be a good thing.Every one that reads these post could be a potential customer.Just saying.
  18. Wes,you have to use southern english,Hows that trim working for you?Is it as good as it looks? HAHA Nice bass man.
  19. Cool man ,post some pic's if you can sometime.Good luck on the build.
  20. How's this thing going,have not heard from you in awhile?
  21. When I saw the wood, I was going to ask you to make it quit looking at me !!! I love the guitar ,very nice.What does a 5 day-er run cost wise. (if you don't mind ) I would like to do a build class and one of those get together with known players for two weeks, and play ,things.I am in the states ,and I have aways said ,"I wish trade schools would come back in style" I just vision doing something you love for life,and getting better and better.You know going thru the stages like beginner to master.Oh well back on subject, nice work.
  22. No Dudz it's ambrosia maple and I have 100's of board feet of it. It was very cost effective for me. So In my shop it's scrap wood. Much less cost than pine at the Home Depot. I have plans for this wood beyond the staircase I'M building out of it. I will be making guitars for dying children in hopes of bringing just one good day into there short lives. MK Mikro,I know you aready know this ,but giving back aways brings good karma to you.I am a Texan ,and you make us proud.Keep up the good work.
  23. Just do it like practice ,a couple of days.build on guitars ,say 2 or 3 hour.Just take your time ,and do a little at a time.You will get more done then you think.I worked nights ,once you get in a rhythm you will have some time to use.
  24. Rules are like laws ,to many of them rune the intent.It seems to me the winners of GOTM have been the guitars that should have won.It seems to me, any changes are just a effort to get a edge in winning where otherwise you would not have.The fact that you did a build and showed it off should be prize enough.It's not like you get a prize or money or fame.Less government and more living I say.I would rather see more comments on the build thread,good or bad.Also ,if I did enter a build and won against a great builder,and there are quite a few on here...it would be that much sweeter.
  25. Hey Hector ,you using a real cat to test the smell.
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