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Everything posted by ikke_998

  1. thats so cool!! Even Van halen himself would be proud of you! I agrea with Nirvana_RATM2 , I would love to here a (EHV?) sample of how it sounds!!
  2. Do they? I haven't seen that, so examples would be appreciated to back up such a slanderous statement. They say james hetfield plays the ESP standard eclipse wich isn't tru!! he plays on a custom made custom LP finish eclipse with special inlays and has 2 gibson custom les pauls!! of course hetfield is assosiated with ESP and because the new explorer arn't played by him they used him to promote the eclipse!
  3. here you go:: this might be a bit better http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Books,_plans/P...htop_Plans.html I got it from this site wich gave the link that stewmac actually had the plans of a real benedetto: http://www.tollway.com/archtop/started/plans.htm This is the site, it has got the one of the best guitar tutorials I've ever seen!! and this one has straight bracing!! so you can install any pickup combination you want! hope this helps
  4. I found this!! http://www.mimf.com/ maybe it helps they sell plans!
  5. wow thats really nice!! its something between an airlineguitar/icemanbody design with a kramer neck!! I'd love to see that in a burst or in red!!
  6. :helpI found this on the australian site : -here- thats about 3000-4000 dollars wich is a rediclius price for a non-custom shop or non- gibson guitar
  7. I'll throw this in for inspiration HERE how about making a normal solid body guitar and carving the spidy into the wood (or would that be too hard) you can even carve a net between it!! anyways I like the idea....
  8. I saw this nice picture of a verry verry shiny guitar it just looks great. and i was wondering how do you achieve such a high gloss finish (or is this just a regular finish from a very good angle??) u can find it here
  9. wow thats one beutifull neck ,especially the veneer!! Is that a ebony or rosewood fretboard , i like dark fretboards since so many guitars have maple or rosewood and that makes it a bit special I saw this picture of a "custom shop V" and I think the gold/green combination isn't that great. but maybe jehle's V might just turn out better (any bursts/color's is good for me anywayz the maker likes it himself!!) ps. been away for 3 days and look what i missed
  10. its definetly fibreglass (they anouced it a while ago) dunno bout the knobs but thats probably 1vol/1tone per Hbucker
  11. look at this!! here do you think they are any good?? they look cool
  12. hey i was wondering where i could find the program to make virtual guitars, I saw brian and others post pictures from it and it looked really cool!!
  13. That was just a rip off model only sold in korea for almost no $$, Jim "epi" rosenberg made an anouncement that epiphone had nothing to do with the incident! I'm a happy owner of an epiphone and never had any problems so far and it shure weights to much to be made outof cardboard
  14. wow nice work, you could almost post it as a stripping tutorial!!
  15. I found this (maybe it helps) http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/cyanburst%20-%20full.jpg http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/cyanburst%20close%20up.jpg http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/cyanburst%20-%20headstock.jpg
  16. hey I see your indian rosewood V there (I really love that one, one of my favorite guitars i've seen!!) do you have links to pics of that guitar?? funny face btw
  17. that looks really nice!! I like the top very much, have you got any plans on doing the neck inlays (blocks, trapezoid, dots ,nothing?) maybe you could match the headstock with a burst because your headstock has a nice peace of wood on it!
  18. hey i just saw that ESP has a new guitar, its just SO sweet: http://www.espguitars.com/images/guitars/Eclipse_vtb.jpg I even like it more then the aged gibson one's what do you guys think???
  19. thats really sweet man! are you also gonna age it like the original one?
  20. how is that supposed to look?? red edges to black with red grain and I think its kinda impossible because you need an (ash) body with a deep grain to fill and jehle has put a veneer on it better suited for normal bursts. Oh and for all the flying V lovers here's a site deticated to them. http://www.flying-v.ch/ an here's a beutifull custom with black/cherry/Tburst http://www.flying-v.ch/customs/fc_02lp/fc02lp.html#Tobacco
  21. another nice one (just for inspiration ,don't wanna hijack) here again a dean V they have such great flametops , but i don't like the 2 pointed heastock.
  22. i really don't want to be the boogyman, but if you look here: http://www.evh-guitars.com/gallery7.html you can see they have a special mark on there headstock that says : Art EHV series ,and if you look closley on the main page ,all guitars have nickel or chrome hardware!!
  23. check this out they are actually reproducing the airline guitar (probably a cheap copy, but at first site its not bad at all! here This is an original one: and here ikke
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