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Everything posted by bigdguitars

  1. Sorta, adds a tonal variety to your guitar. A tone control has one capacitor that filters the signal, my varitone control has 5 different capacitors plus a true bypass that does not affect the tone. A tone control that is set to zero still filters some sound to the ground.
  2. A varitone switch is what BB Kings guitar has, it changes the tone of the guitar. It adds flexibility to your setup.
  3. I have a new item that I am selling a bass guitar varitone switch. The caps on this thing are a little more expensive than I thought so I have raise the price a little bit. for Forum members I am selling this at 40 bucks, with chicked head knob, no dial plate can add that for 5 bucks. I will be selling this on my site for 50 bucks. Bass players let me know, I can ship these as of thursday! Send me a PM if you want one.
  4. Can you believe they sell amps too? the stuff looks a little cheap...
  5. I use the smallest spokeshave out there. its an exacto knife thumb planer works better than draw knives and large spokeshaves.
  6. Maple is used because its cheap, is a stable wood, and takes a finish nicely. Leo Fender wanted to make guitars as quick as he could and maple was readily available.
  7. just because a friend says that they can do it does not mean that they are good at it. The very first guitar I made I had a buddy bandsaw the neck and ruined a great piece of flamed maple. Thats when I started to do all my own cuttin... Make templates. LETS SAY THAT AGAIN... MAKE TEMPLATES. much easier to mess up a 5 dollar piece of plywood than a 100 quilted top or whatever... 1 guitar full of messups is a guitar full of messups. Take the time a make a quality instrument. saying its a players guitar means its a piece of junk...
  8. If you on a date with a woman you really admired, thats what I think the Admins are getting too. Polite and nice, to get a piece of the action go to the rant section.... ha ha that makes somewhat sense...
  9. Zebrawood does have an odd grain. It does move like all other woods, and what you think is quarter sawn is sometimes flatsawn, or worse. just make sure the wood is stable.
  10. For sale on ebay, not much of this stuff left around... Auction
  11. tons of different ways, you can buy a cheap core and hollow out the inards and add a cap, or you can take two pieces and gut them out. Like I did on my last guitar... Or you can try and make an arch top which is only the hardest guitar to build... Probably the easiest thing to do is to get two 14x1x20 blanks and hollow out the inards and then glue them together. Then add the neck pocked and electronics and all that. Or you can get a 1.75x20x14 inch piece dig out a ton of wood then add a cap to it... tons of different options. PS when I was a kid in Chicago your avatar happened to the kid next to me...
  12. I have some bloodwood that is crotched, its only a 1/4 thick I will add a pic later.
  13. Kingwood, Lignum Vitea, hardest and dense materials - they sink in water Then these in some order mine may not be right. Bubinga Paduk ebony
  14. binding, the difference between guitar makers... Its a tough job to do binding... Great lookin stuff so far. -derek
  15. Selling Gold schaller roller bridge, very rare its always on back order, brand new And my ghost faas modular pickup system, used but working. This setup cost me 250 brand new. Will end auction for 180. Here is the FAAS auction: faas Schaller auction: since this is new and on backorder, I am selling it for 80 bucks in my shop: schaller
  16. please please remember this when you put in your ferrules. Take your sodder gun and heat up the ferrules so that they warm the paint up, if you don't you might crack the paint, when you push them down. that would suck...
  17. This is old, ITS PRS copyright he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. what I think and what you think are different, so what. My points condensed for all: 1. PRS guitars are nice and shinny - very expensive 2. Guitar Center pushes the guitar like its the best guitar ever - thats a sales persons point of view for commissions or GC has a special contract with PRS. 3. For the price, I think that there are better guitars out there. rhoads56, I promise I won't bitch about PRS again. My point in this thread was to see if others have had similar experiences... I mean I hate GC and how they push guitars around...
  18. wylde1919, hyjack this thread please, its old, we should all get a beer a Mcinturf, wow thats a sweet looking guitar. like the color options I saw.
  19. thats BS rhoads. A component to a guitar is not the same thing as a whole piece of art work. Compare a transmission in a car. you can buy a truck with a GM trans or one with allison trans, GM tells you that its a allison trans. Not the same deal. re-read my post. Read why I was delisted. if you can honestly say that saying an item is like something, then thats your view. I have another.
  20. no no I don't do the "not PRS" thing that sucks and annoying, I don't need that type of exposure. I mainly sell wood on ebay, not guitars, getting closer to that... I was selling a zebra wood top and said" "make your own PRS gibson fender style instrument" In the auction header. Its was a rough piece of wood, not shaped bookmatched thats it. When the lawyer emailed me back stating that PRS can do what they want to do with their copyrighted name, I asked him if they are going to pull the whole ebay listing PRS, because you can list items in that section that are not PRS.
  21. I made a miter box for my fret slotting. it look exactly like the stewmac one. I made it out of oak, and had my wood shop get everything milled to perfect 90 degrees. Mine is a little hard to see when I am cutting so I need to be careful. If I can find a pic I will post it.
  22. Anyone have a Les Paul long tenon template? I have a PRS style template that I made, but I am not so happy with it. anyone find a set of these online or something? Any other ideas? i was going to make a another set, but would rather buy something that is a standard. I am willing to purchase something with a picture of course...
  23. other place might be local high school along that community college line.
  24. I have been online for a year now, and selling on ebay for 2 years and never had a problem with fender or gibson. I list one item under PRS and bam... this will piss off a ton of people, I do agree with Ed roman on this point... If you have a dragon as your signature guitar wouldn't you do that yourself? not out source it?
  25. I guess here is one of my real beef... To have lawyers pull auctions because you mention PRS in the title or auction is complete crap. The cost of the PRS instrument includes that type of BS. Funny how fender, gibson, all the other guitar manufactures don't do that. so that with the fact that the folks at Guitar Center push them like they are the best guitars, and that the ones I have played and seen come in for repair are my reasons for starting this post. something to bicker about right? beats doing my real job... :-)
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