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Everything posted by litchfield

  1. I have some black walnut tops that are pretty interesting
  2. Well, for the record, I have deleted some threads....dont worry, they were mine in the classifieds. That is an area that is cluttered. When a transaction goes through, let a mod know, then we can get rid of the thread.
  3. For Korina, I suggest Gilmer. I havent found a steady source yet.
  4. Guys please be patient with me tho. I'm new at this and will do the best I can. Feel free to PM me or bring up in a thread (one that I do something in question) and voice your disagreement. Like I said, I'm new to this and will do the best I can, and I will keep in contact with the other mods for direction.
  5. Uncalled for And so I leave you with this. No more pot shots. A size/pixel limit on the pics is a much better idea. One liner posts within 10 minutes of each other are rediculuos....an hour and 12 minutes apart....thats a little far fetched. I have agreed that the forum has problems, and openly disagreed with the chosen methods of fixing them. I have stated that it will only create more problems, and whatever. I am gonna sign off now. I may not leave just yet. Maybe a wake up call is just what was needed.
  6. Wow. Kevan, was that what you wanted? I hope not. Please. Lets at least try to be reasonable.
  7. So we went from being 5 minutes apart to one hour? O well. Wasnt even within an hour, check the times. Besides, how is trying to get everyone pissed at me going to make them live you? What a crock Reset my post count to zero. I really dont care. As for you lack of respect and chosing to piss on me, think again. I really dont appreciate that, and I have pointed out nothing but flaws with this plan of yours. TSL posted for the first time in months, and you ignored it. Wonder why he left? I dont. He pretty much said it. So dial up is the bitch for pics? Pfft Here I am on a sleasy ass 46.6 dial up on a good day advocating for pics. Ironic, dont you think. Where the hell do you get off playing God? I really think this forum would actually be in better shape without you. How's this? When your forum (it is yours now that you took over) falls apart on itself, read what I posted. It will be too late then, but think about it. What do you want? It looks like you want a daycare. One last thing. If I am not mistaken, Mods and admins are not above the rules. If you feel like slamming me, reopen the slam thread. All you accomplish here is making an ass out of yourself. I mean it. Next time you feel fiesty, go to an appropriate place. Silent support is just as good as saying "go for it!" to a bad idea. Same goes for bad advice. But apparantly we like that here. I am dead serious about leaving if things dont start looking better. Disrespect wins you no points. Behaving above the rules doesnt either. Also, how does singling me out as your scapegoat creat community. You logic is faulty.
  8. I've been a member on this forum since October 7th, 2003. I remember the 'old' PG, and this is not going to resemble it in any way shape or form.
  9. Vintage frets are smaller due to wear and fret jobs. Unless you bean vintage frets, bought new.....those are just small frets. I hate them myself.
  10. Go into your control panel and click board settings. This whole pic thing is bullsh*t. I will post as many pics as I want. Like the above states, edit your board settings if ya dont wanna see them. With all the shxt you are pulling to "pull the forum together" all you will achieve is breaking it apart and running a damned daycare. The seasoned members will leave. A lot of people enjoy seeing pics of other's work, just as much as they do posting (and vice versa), but wont click a link to see them. The pic thing is the last straw for me. If you wanna ban me, do it. If I dont say what I have to say, I will regret it. If what I have to say doesn't mean jack to you (which I assume it doesnt) fine. You have the forum in your hands, and feel free to fxck it up. So far you have done a whiz bang job of that. Letting little kids (or those behaving as such...cant distinguish over the internet) run rampant, post blatantly wrong advice, pseudo theories, ect. is just plain wrong. But that seems to be what you want supported. Enjoy Project Kindergarten. "If I cant say anything nice, dont say anything"....you know how I feel about that. The nicest thing to say doesnt always go down so easy. Unlike the sugar coated anectdotes so preferred here. Bah, fxck that! If I build a shxtty guitar, I wanna know it. I dont wanna hear things like "looks great!", when people are thinking "Good God, that's hideous!" Leave the false pretences at the door Yes, I agree the forum had some problems. It has more now. The sections you are doing away with were helping to create community. Guitarist (or anyone really) talk more that just shop. The best thing that could have been done is to make the search function more into awareness, and fix that it only goes back 30 days. Also, Take care of the "weekly topics" with a FAQ section. What did removing the rant section do? What did the forum badges do? Removing post counts wont fix that, but will in theory fix the post whoring. If that makes no sense, kiss my ass, I'm out. I ain't gonna sit here and watch my favorite place on the net be perverted by a nazi. BTW, I dont give a tinker's damn about post counts.
  11. What would you use for mixing from a Tascam 424 MKII to CD with a computer? I am getting a lot of hiss. What can I do about that?
  12. If you dont want to see posted pics, you can change the board settings so you dont see them.
  13. http://fullservesite.com/lcgs/Tele/tel2.JPG http://fullservesite.com/lcgs/Tele/tel3.JPG http://fullservesite.com/lcgs/Tele/tel4.JPG http://fullservesite.com/lcgs/Tele/tel5.JPG http://fullservesite.com/lcgs/Tele/tel6.JPG
  14. Since I am to understand that only one pic is allowed, what gives? What specific reason?
  15. I dont like the pickguard. The idea of an amp powered guitar is interesting tho.
  16. Yup, for no reason. Anyway... Like any wood, there will be differing weight. I have seen honduas mahogany that weighed a ton, and light as a a feather. I would say being as that is the absolute rock bottomest LTD model, it's agathis. The shop guy is on commission, he will lie to get you to buy it so he can eat. Do some homework before buying a guitar at a big store. Ask if they have a catalogue . If he's lying, you can easily call him on it. ASM. If you want to brag about your ideas, start your own thread. I'm sure Jim didnt appreciate that.
  17. As already stated it is all BS hype. Propaganda
  18. Love craft, when I told Kevan about his partiality, I used LGM as an example. There was no link to a reference, because the issue had happened a page or 2 earlier in the same thread. As for being a nazi, that's an opinion, and this thread and his general attitude support in IMO
  19. 1959 Silvertone 2 amp in case. Hell yes I miss it.
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