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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. i think it would be easy to play.like a violin.it looks great but i would like to hear it played.
  2. i guess that does mean you could take your favorite pickups and just shield them yourself huh. now why didn't i think of that?
  3. yes that is true,but they are a good interferance free medium output pickup
  4. shut the f*** up(stfu)thank youi for clarifying
  5. i just realised that may be lgm's first joke!congratulations!(for those of you that don't know he's usually very serious)
  6. what does lmao and lolmean?i am new to this whole online chatting thing and am not familiar with some of the lingo.it took me ten minutes the other day to figure out what stfu meant!
  7. now theres a great idea!go to the lake on a calm day and put your paint in,dunk your body,then instead of clearing away the paint you just move the body away from it.there's plenty of room ,it's a lake! then you might get some swirled fish and water skiers as a side effect. just think if that sub a couple of years ago had come up in a paint boat instead of a fishing boat.then it would have been swirled. go to the ocean,put your paint on the surface and hang a slab of meat over it.what do you get?swirled sharks!i think you're onto something lgm.
  8. i just bought 2 packs of those.yes they are good strings.i don't reccomend dean markely anymore though.those damn things will not intonate after a couple days use with a floyd.i have used them for years and i always thought my floyds were problematic,but then i put on a free pack of ghs and presto!problem gone.(yes by the way they were all the same guage) by the way slayer uses d'darrio so i know they can take heavy trem use.
  9. no idid not buy it but i mightin the future.as i understand though stewmac stuff is very high quality.you should see the metal humbucker mounting rings i bought from them.very nice.
  10. i think teak is very porous.you would have to fill the grain.
  11. i looked for one a couple of weeks ago and found nothing
  12. most scalloped guitars are only scalloped from the 12th fret down.and keep in mind after scalloping you will have to play lightly on the scalloped frets so as not to pull your notes sharp.(just some info i know that's not what you asked)
  13. man this topic is degenerating quickly.
  14. i love emg.super quiet and great tone.all with no need for a ground.
  15. man that would take a big tub of water! (for the sub;the boobs would be easy,but a heck of alot more satisfying)
  16. you guys probably already know this but duncan blackbacks kill the noise issue in that situation(so do active emgs but on a les paul they may not be suitable like blackbacks)the pickup itself is sheilded so the wires don't transfer interferance.
  17. by the way as i have explained on this forum before i am not egotistical i just couldn't think of a better name.i used to go by wesnickfis in alot of places but my wife,while trying to hack into my email to see if i was being a good boy,accidentaly locked up my old address.so i changed everything to westhemann right about the time i joined this forum.(by the way yes i was being a good boy,but you know how paranoid women can get)
  18. aww shucks in all seriousness the reason i have been able to help is because most of your posts are in electronics,with which i have an affinity.i have been rewiring all my guitars for years so i have some knowledge in guitar electronics and different pickups.but don't ask me about fretwork or finishing.(yet,i am learning) eastern tennessee huh?i drove through nashville and elvis's hometown on my way to bowling green once.beatiful mountains in that area.it's pretty flat here in austin
  19. now THAT is a useful emoticon!
  20. read the details at the bottom of the page.
  21. hold your horses it may come with the pots(they always do with emg)if not make sure you get one with the same value(the number written on it.)the reason they usually include it is because it is so inexpensive and they are easy to burn up so reusing them is not a good option.
  22. thanks for the link alex.i was like "herc who?" that guy is awesome!i didn't even know swirls could look so good.
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