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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. funny that you mention inconel.i have worked with that on power plants and i think it's a really cool metal.you think it's hard to work with in a machine shop?you should try it in the tube racks of a power plant in a space barely big enough to crawl into on your belly.hardest work i have EVER done.and to top it all off i am 6'2 and everyone else was around 5'6,making ME the big useless dumbass.ahhhh good times
  2. run you wiring to the pots like this but the out put from the volume to the switch should look like this in other words run it just like the first one,but between each volume output and the jack you will put your switch.hope i am clear.that sure is alot of electronics for one guitar.
  3. faux pa i think. (the spelling i mean)anything you want to do to your own guitar is perfectly o.k.i agree it sounds cool.
  4. the oils help protect the wood without having to apply a finish.i think teak is extremely suitable.
  5. i have a jackson super telly where you actually have to remove the neck in order to remove the pickgaurd.the fretboard overlaps it.
  6. possibly with all the heat during the many rewirings they did fry.i don't know.try new ones they are cheap.
  7. i still think that is one of the most beautiful pieces of work i have ever seen.what kind of finish did you use? seriously
  8. there's just worms EVERYWHERE man. thanks for the laugh scott.
  9. alex posted this once it explains with a picture.scroll down til you see it.
  10. suggestion.leave the wire unhooked,plug your guitar in with the volume knob all the way up,and experiment by touching the wire to each contact on the jack.that's what i do when i get confused.when you get noise you got it right.(if everything else is right.)
  11. that's why i put it in my brownies
  12. i can answer that 1. locking nuts come in a variety of widths.decide which width suits you best. 2.the retaining bar holds the string down behind the nut to compensate for the curve of the locking nut so that when you tighten the locks after rough tuning it doesn't detune your guitar.(the locking nut curves back towards the headstock)
  13. hey you must have got my brain,i can't spell either.
  14. read in the players corner.2 people on the forum just bought agile les paul copies
  15. i feel for you man,i wish i could just wire it up for you ^_^where are you located anyway?
  16. it is a stereo jack.stereo jacks can be used mono or for active pickups.if you use it mono you just don't hook up the third one.and no you can't blow up your emgs.the worst you can do is burn the wiring.ibanez uses stereo jacks in their guitars even though they only use them mono.
  17. check this out rye i asked the same thing earlier.(not about the money though)
  18. by the way vh thanks for posting that link again.i do want to try that out.but i could swear your website says you spray polyesters and eurethanes.
  19. i think both finishes look great.i have seen many new esp and ibanez guitars with horrible finishes.i have also seen many with great finishes.i think it's the care taken by the person applying it rather than the type of finish used. the word proffessional is used to describe a person who makes a living in a certain field.so that makes lgm a proffessional in polyeurethanes and vh a proffessional in polyester.i thought different opinions were encouraged in this forum.if i want info on polyesters i know who to ask and if i want info on polyeurethanes i know who to ask.everyone has an opinion based on their own personal experiences and everyones personal experiences are different. but my experience is not in finishing.it is in proffessionalism.i deal with proffessionals everyday(even though i probably can't spell it right.)
  20. anything looks better with boobs.except me.
  21. just be glad you have a brain.some people go their whole lives without one.i gave mine to charity last year.i figured what the hell,ya know,i'm not really using it.
  22. i think that's what you're missing.the two solder points in the middle of the toggle are actually going to the same place on the volume pot.just make the bare end of that wire long enough to solder to both contact points.i think you already have this. but this one is especially clear.
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