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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. also make sure that the ground under the bridge has good contact and that no pieces of solder bridge across any of the contacts or ground out to something they shouldn't.follow your diagram precisely.it's easy to miss something.
  2. it is best to solder each ground wire seperately.they can all be connected to the same spot but it is alot harder to get a good solder join on such a big lump of wires.do them one at a time so that you are sure each one has a good ground.
  3. sure i understand that but it's just sitting around and i want to be able to use it without people asking me why it looks like junk.and if i have it it might as well sound the best it can.i am really not partial to fender anyway but it's here.
  4. yeah it already has a graphite nut that came with the neck and was already preslotted.but having a straight string path is kind of a hangup of mine.
  5. by the way apparently that extra preamp tube is for the second channel.i didn't even know it had two channels
  6. the only way i know to clean pots is to spray cleaner in there and wiggle it around.all the pots have an opening i can spray in.is there a better way?(sorry i didn't reply to that question earlier,i missed it somehow)
  7. i was just reading up on my amp and found out it is a fixed bias amp which means it can't be biased.but the tubestore says if i order a matched quartet of 6l6 tubes and include the amp model they will pick out tubes that will work well with it.i think that's pretty cool
  8. yeah it's not a veneer though it's a top(about 1/2" and carved)that's what i like the most about it.
  9. yeah i have to have 24 frets.i rarely use the last two but it makes it easier to reach #1-22,which i do use all the time.
  10. nothing wrong with that.i spend too much money.besides you run a business you have to be cheap.
  11. hey tsl if i order a matched quartet of power tubes does my amp still need to be biased?
  12. ya'll be nice to the king now.don't want him changing you all to newbies do you.
  13. they may be old school but i love em besides that's what they said about headstocks when steinbergers came out.i HATE the way those look.
  14. i glued a bolt in neck that was smaller than the neck pocket on one of my cheap guitars but i also bolted it.i kind of like the smooth sound it gave it.(the glue) i will be making all of my guitars neck thru from now on because i prefer it but the next time i am going to make everything 100% from scratch.(i used a carvin neck in the v)i want to go all out.i've got my eye on this really nice piece of ziricote in a wood shop in austin.i am thinking 3 piece korina and wenge neck with ziricote wings,kahler flatmount,and emg pickups.first i need to get a real router though.my dremel just aint cuttin' it. i am also going to try my hand at inlays.i was going to start simple,like my name in abalone.
  15. i thought about that but i don't like how the strings would be so tight against the side of the nut slot.
  16. it's not pink it's coral
  17. this is the cheapest i usually see it. and that is a 3 piece blank.the one at gilmer is already planed to thickness and has finished edges.
  18. i prefer a locking nut because it doesn't wear out as fast as a regular nut.those roundwound strings are abrasive and when the floyd pulls them back and forth across the nut it cuts the groove deeper.i don't know about graphite nuts maybe they are tougher.i know they are slicker so the strings don't stick to them which is why they are recomended for that application.it seems to me that if you didn't have the wraps around the tuners that the string would be more likely to break at the edge of the eye.i don't know this for a fact it just seems this way.
  19. i just found out why they need to be hooked to a speaker.
  20. i would have it hooked up to my 4 by 12 cab.why does it matter?something to do with the ground?i want to turn it into a head.i don't like combo amps.i do know that the board can store power after it's unplugged.i don't actually want to change anything i just want to get everything working properly. 1.replace tubes 2.get the pots working properly 3.turn it into head form to make it smaller and to look better that's all i really want to do.
  21. so tell me,what should i do to restore the sound to this amp besides tubes?the controls are sticky and scratch when you turn them and they don't have a smooth transition in sound when you turn them(for example when you turn the treble nothing happens until you reach about 4 and then it all happens at once)will pot cleaner fix this?any tips are appreciated
  22. i found it!83 - 86 twin reverb 2 .look here on the index to the left.under twin reverb 2.it doesn't have a tube layout unfortunately but at least i know what it is.i did find one other with 7 preamp tubes it had the extra one for vibrato.
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