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Everything posted by Slabbefusk

  1. Götebor is a nice city, I live in Norrköping. Not quite as big .
  2. Looks sweet Aidlook where in Sweden are you?
  3. Neck joint and wood choices in the neck are delicious.
  4. Yupp like Prostheta said: Polygon lasso, use Image -> Variations to get the basic colour, gamma then fool around with the brush to to "fine tune" it, then gamma again if you feel it aint poppin enough. I do it in Photoshop.
  5. Well my picture is almost like your real version. HAWT!
  6. Well I'll give it a try again ^^. Finlands cause is Swedens cause someone said a while ago .
  7. Note to self: Read the whole post. I'm following this!
  8. Ah, should be cool with the Kahler but is it that an exact Explorer shape or is it thinner around the waist. Or is it just me? :?
  9. I was not entirely serious I do understand why he burnt them. I just got a bad feeling in my guts when I saw a Myka burn thats all.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You could've sent me one! A small part of me just died. Why Myka? WHY!?
  11. I lurv Hagstroms. I like the Swede (coincidence) alot, it plays nicely and sounds beefy. That one looks cool too.
  12. I think everytime you start learning a new language you start with the cussing because it is funnier than starting with all the grammar. All the French, German and so on that I know is mostly cussing. I went to France as an exchange student and I was surprised at the level of their English skills. I got a letter from the person I was staying at and she seemed to have decent english skills but when I met her they went down to what I could say when I was like 7 or 8 years old. I'm not saying all the french people suck at english but I have to agree with aidlook on the subtitles. I could read and understand most english by the age of 6 and I did watch alot of english/american movies. No books or anything taught to me just watching movies had me learning english. I am swedish just as aidlook.
  13. Ye made the same mistake with sanding through the burns as I did I see. Great looking gittar though!
  14. I think you should make the top horn flow more other than that I think its cool looking.
  15. I think it looks like maple too . *dons the flamesuit*
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