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Everything posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. Hey Perry what's going on with the Kelly Klone or your other jackson copy any new progress Yet !!METAL MATT!!
  2. holy crap I did not know that Phil Anselmo said all that crap about Dimebag he said> Dime was "a "shallow, stupid man," and added "he deserves to be beaten severely." Phil's comments were in response to Darrell's implications that Anselmo was on heroin, and that his singing was suffering as a result!! Anselmo planned to attend Darrell's public memorial service Tuesday night in Arlington, Texas, but was told that Darrell's family didn't want him to attend. "I never got a chance to say goodbye in the right way and it kills me," he said. "I wish to God I could've gone to his funeral, but I have to respect his family's wishes, and they do not want me there. I believe I belong there, but I understand completely, I'm so sorry." Not only did Darrell's death dash the hopes of a Pantera reunion, Anselmo said the incident has made him question his own career as a musician. "This has changed the entire world, and this is the last you'll be seeing of me for a long time," he said. "I hope you're happy, heavy metal music magazines, media, I hope you're happy. I'm done." Hear's the link http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1494905/2...215/story.jhtml !!METAL MATT!!
  3. sorry I should have put this in the last one but what kind of finish does it have and what is the body made of, any other info you have on it would help. Thanks!! EDIT:>bolt on or set set neck?? !!METAL MATT!!
  4. hey what type of a bridge does it have?? !!METAL MATT!!
  5. Man you've got the gift!! "realy" IS this is you first time building a guitar neck, man you've gota build me one how much do you want!! !!METAL MATT!!
  6. Well i was wanting what you had listed for 60$ But If your still going to use them why put them up for sale any way I guess I would still like to see the body and neck !!METAL MATT!!
  7. Ya go ahead talk to your friend!! But I not to keen on the you taken the humbuckers out but ask your friend and we can go from there can you try to email me a few pic's if you can,thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  8. I sent the email I would like to see a pic !!METAL MATT!!
  9. That would be deadly man Thank's for the offer what would you want for them?? !!METAL MATT!!
  10. No I think your pic's are working fine I think it's my Crapy ass slow computer That's given me the hard time, maybe you could send me some link's I would love to see the rest of your work man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  11. History Is full of great men and wimen and realy the only way any of us know that they were great is by the acounts given to us by the ones who knew them and : documented there past for all of us to rember there great deeds!! that's how I know DIMEBAG was a great man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  12. Hey man the only thing that I can see is the fretboard none of the other pic's work for me but based on what I can see and hear you know your stuff is this your first guitar ever or have you worked with them before?? that fretboard look's deadly
  13. WOW man look's good like ya what your doing your headstock look's like a burns Scorpion style I dont like burns guitars at all but that headstock should work out for you!! !!METAL MATT!!
  14. Yep there KranK amps!! Hey man that sound's cool!! I've not got mine started yet Iam still trying to find one Iam trying to trade my ESP for and DEAN or A dean copy or even a washburn would be great, any thing with that dime style headstock, Iam going to try what Maiden suggested it's sounds cool but iam still oppen to any help/info that any one has to offer :D !!METAL MATT!!
  15. GREAT STUFF hyunsu man can you ever work fast !!METAL MATT!!
  16. HA It look's like someone puked all over it, MY GOD what the hell was he eating !!METAL MATT!!
  17. This is stringkilla's pic that he emailed me today, and let me be the first to say deadly guitar this is going to be a deadly guitar great work man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  18. Ah crap thous are perfect but my cash flow is dried up that's why I need to trade the ESP.witch suck's cause it's a good guitar!! !!METAL MATT!!
  19. Sound's cool Maiden, and a tutorial would be very helpfull I cant wait !!METAL MATT!!
  20. Maiden you make it sound easy you just got my hope's up a bit more!! !!METAL MATT!!
  21. Hey Maiden that's a great idea I know the thing your talking about I have one posted im my guitar thread The impaler, I was thinking abot doing some thing like that but I'am no good at air brushing !!METAL MATT!!
  22. The pawn shops around hear arnt worth my time all they ever have is junk old plywood guitars and they want like 400$ for them Not worth it!! but I'am not going to lose hope over this Thank's EDIT:I just think i should add this just in case, I would also be interested in an old beat up dean that I could restore, Maiden's given me a great idea for my paint job I would love to restore an old one if there's any one that has one they don't want or use let's talk!! !!METAL MATT!!
  23. I think your right Drak I was thinking of that earlyer but I iam doing the songs burned into the wood all over it with the word dimebag in the center of it all. !!METAL MATT!!
  24. That's realy what iam looking for well any guitar with that style headstock would be worth me takeing a look at Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  25. Do you have any pic's that would beter help us to help you!! !!METAL MATT!!
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