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Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. This is the finish that I was thinking of doing with an image of dime on it with some song's form Pantera and damageplan on it I was thinking of buring the leters of the song's in to the wood might be cool look'en !!METAL MATT!!
  2. Hey guy's I need an old dean chepo that I can use for parts for my dimebag Memorial guitar that I want to build it does not have to be just like dime's guitar the only thing that has to match is the headstock any help hear would be deadly, I have an almost new black ESP H-50 that I will trade for a beater dean that at least has a good neck on it, any dean part's would be cool thanks guy's Hears some pic's of the ESP sorry they suck!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZADOKGUITARS/esp7.jpg hear's a link to dime's guitar http://www.deanguitars.com/dimebag.php !!METAL MATT!!
  3. Sound's Cool have you got any pic's yet !!METAL MATT!!
  4. What about lace wood or silky "OAK" as it is also caled I use it all the time I look's good, sound's good it's great for guitar's in mind, but then again my mind is twisted !!METAL MATT!!
  5. I think that's a great Idea I guess I'll see mine real soon!! HAHAHA I'am just kiding around hyunsu !!METAL MATT!!
  6. Funny you should say that I was just talking about that in my Dimebag tribute thread I'am realy thinking about it man it would be cool!! any way thanks for the kind words man and good luck with the headstock I cant wait to see some pic's !!METAL MATT!!
  7. Jivin I've been thinking the same thing for 3 day's now that would be the best kind of a trubit to Dimebag rember him with what he loved "music" can you think about how cool it would be if Vinnie and rexx got togather with the members of damageplan and did a trubit album that would be cool man!! and I was also thinking of building a trubit guitar ya know just for me kind of a thing, It would be like dime's dean and it would have something on it to rember him by on it, ya know like a Memorial guitar I think it may be worth giveing it a try. !!METAL MATT!!
  8. I did not vote none of the amps that I like or use are up there Randall warhead,line6,krank,rocktron,Mesa Boogie,and yes even Behringer !!METAL MATT!!
  9. Ya know I dont normaly like that style guitar but this one has a real monster evil dark side of the moon kinda feal to it that I love and that's A great looking finish any progess pics of how you did the finish, I would love to see your work in action, how much do you charge for finishing a guitar body?? that is if you do any outside custom work!! As good as I get at building my guitars I cant get a deadly great finish on them and that's just wount do it any more, Any info would be great!! EDIT:>I dont want to be a snob but this is in the wrong area it should be in the In progress and finished work area, Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  10. WOW hyunsu great stuff!! what do you do with all these guitars?? do you sell them all and if you do for how much? I want one man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  11. hey stringkilla if you want you can just email me your pic's and I will post them for you !!METAL MATT!!
  12. Hey wes I have been recessing the bridge's on my 7-string's for a wile now and I do it because I love the way it look's,feals and play's and I realy love how I can bear down on it to and I find with my 7-string guitar's that not recessing the bridge just dose not feal right it's my playing style I think, Peavey's been doing it with there 7-string Predator for some time, so I dont realy think that it's a cop out, at least not for me anyway !!METAL MATT!!
  13. I think that it sound's like alot of work for your first guitar but I hope It works for you, what kind of a finish are you planing to use and what type of hardware are you useing like pickup's,bridge,wiring and all that stuff these are all thing's that you are going to need to know so look around ask for info and have fun!! !!METAL MATT!!
  14. Man Simo this sound's like a realy cool idea I hope it work's out for ya, i cant wait to see some more pic's, that thing look's good !!METAL MATT!!
  15. You could try something like this iam useing this one on my death vipper design the line's should go well with an SG style guitar since I designed it after an esp SG style guitar anyway!! !!METAL MATT!!
  16. I voted i dunno since I never realy took much time to get in to them the only teles that I love are Drak's. Drak you build some deadly teles man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  17. Hey Maiden just a waring watch out for the wormholes If you hit one just right with a router bit it will tear out a huge cunk and it might destory your whole guitar, I know It's happend to me before and you may still have another problem if worms laid any egg's at all some time down the road you may end up with a big problem I might be going over board hear but beter to be safe than sorry, if I were you I would start over but that's just me. !!METAL MATT!!
  18. Hey hear are some UPDATE links I just want to keep this thread up to date with any new info I can find but if there is any one out there that has any info that I missed or any old pic's of Dimebag feal free to post it all in hear, I want this thread to be a trubit to Dimebag Darrell and his past. Thanks!! http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1494943/2...?headlines=true http://www.andpop.com/article/3787 http://music.tinfoil.net/modules.php?... http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/_/i...0359/pantera?... http://www.antimusic.com/dayinrock/04/dec/10.shtml !!METAL MATT!!
  19. Hey Maiden what was it that caused that tear out on the top was it a planer?? if so do you have any acsess to an wide belt surface sander? you see I have had the same thing happen to me with softer woods and the wide belt sander work's great for that, but the only problem that you would have is that you've allready done the shape of the top so you would lose some of it, but you could redo it. But I just wanted to ask. hear's a pic of the one I use in the shop I work in. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12090shop.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  20. Wow thanks Myka that means alot comeing from you, I love your work it's even helped to improve my own work, and I would love to work with you on a design one day!! and I will forever have A need to build more and more guitars thanks for all the kind word's Myka EDIT:>Man I just had to take another look at your web page and I was almost knoked off my seat that wood you use is NUTS where do you get it from you have some realy jaw droping wood there that I would kill for man "GREAT" stuff!! And deadly guitars man realy deadly . !!METAL MATT!!
  21. I think this is a link that I should add http://www.damageplan.com/ !!METAL MATT!!
  22. Man Maiden that thing look's deadly it's way beter looken than I ever thought it would be, To bad about the top but I know you will make it work for Ya!! and one more thing forget what I said about the heel that look's great know that I see the full guitar body cut out good work I cant wait to see more !!METAL MATT!!
  23. Hey wes this is where I got alot of my pic's from this is where you can find the guitars http://www.deanguitars.com/dimebag.php !!METAL MATT!!
  24. Hear are some pic's of one of the greats, This man was HEAVY METAL he was MUSIC his whole life he was around music right from the time he was a child listening to the blues in his dad's recording stuido. As sick as this whole thing was At least he died on stage doing what he loved!! this man gave so much of himself to us all R.I.P DIMEBAG http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...g/Dimebag_1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD..._jpgdimebag.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  25. HAHAHAHA Ya know man I think I would just spend the 5$Bucks and buy A real one!! So you won't rob a dump but you would steal something off a bench I like the way you think!! !!METAL MATT!!
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