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Everything posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. I think this is more what your going for, I got this pic from BRT-Real metal guitars!! you should check it out he has some realy cool stuff!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...tar20Bodies.gif your's is close so with some work it will work out EDIT>-sorry that's the wrong link this is the right one but I cant get it to link right. http://www.brtguitars.com/Guitar%20Bodies.htm !!METAL MATT!!
  2. "OH" I wish I had some money that Jackson Soloist Neck look's realy deadly well maybe I,ll sell some stuff so I can buy that thing. !!METAL MATT!!
  3. Well up hear it's free!! If you can sneak it out but realy it's very cheep if your willing to druge nee deep in A wee bit of waist up hear all the wood Is put out on it's own in it's own place to keep some/most of it dry, I went out a few time's and I found some good stuff. !!METAL MATT!!
  4. Hey man I sent you an email great loking stuff!! I hope I win a free hat !!METAL MATT!!
  5. Na!! I think it would be way cooler if you went to the dump, one of my guitars has some wood form an old dresser that I found in a dumpster behind my local Bar But don't ask how I found it hahaha but man feal free to rumage thru my junkbox any time!! !!METAL MATT!!
  6. Wow great design!! but I dont realy like the heal but that's the only thing I don't like but who know's how it will turn out in the end It may work out great, and one more thing Maiden "green" green all the way that design is screaming for it man!! !!METAL MATT!!
  7. Hey mike I think that is one of the most deadly things I heard sofar, to think that there's someone out there that thinks that highly of my work I would be glade to help you in what ever way I can with your annihilator!! Though I do think you could do a great job with this body but if you feal that your not yet firm enough in what you can build or in what you know, that's cool and this offer still stand's if you ever change your mind mike!! !!METAL MATT!!
  8. Hey Maiden go with the green!! I think green is way cooler then red and I think your wife is right on this one I cant wait to see some pic's this thing sound's cool !!METAL MATT!!
  9. Cool man no big deal I think you would have more fun doing it your self and it would be a lot more easy on me if you built it your self but I could still help you with some of the work but the offer is there what ever you want so think about it and get back to me!! !!METAL MATT!!
  10. Well the shop belongs to A friend of mine we meet about 3-4 years ago and he took a real likeing to my guitars so he gave me full use of his shop [oak work's] any time day or night if it wasent for him I would have never got this far!! As for the neck Jig I trace the the neck that iam working on then I cut out the rough shape then I sand it with a small sanding drum this method work's very well for me but it take's time to get it just right!! !!METAL MATT!!
  11. Hey mike I think that it's just under an inch thick but Iam not to sure right now, I can check later, you know I can do a nice top for you If you sent some money for the wood I could do like maple or purpleheart or something what ever you want the body sofar is figerd paduk and yery nice at that I can do most any thing you want with it I could build the thing for you if you sent me the part's or the money It would just take more time!! get back to me. !!METAL MATT!!
  12. Hey mike how's this one find ya, this is one I have had laying around now for A year it's not a whole guitar in two way's, "1" it's still just a body no neck no pickup's nothing no work done at all just the 2 hole's drilled out for volume and tone "2" it's not thick enough to be a guitar yet this will eather be a top or a back what you do with it is up to you I would only ask one thing [if you want it??] just build it dont let it sit the way I did the design is up to you after all it your 's if you want it!! so get back to me and we will work it all out. know this thing still need's alot of work it has some blemishes from siting around for so long so it will need some sanding I can help with that but it will take some time or you can do all the work if you want it's up to you!! and sorry the pic is upside down !!sorry about the pic I will try to get some beter ones of this one soon!! Sorry Wasabi J I dont think I have anthing else right now but I may some day so dont give up on me yet!! !!METAL MATT!!
  13. Hey mike you never know I may have something for you one day soon I,ll look and see what I got in my junk box for you but I cant make any promises but I can at least take a look !!METAL MATT!!
  14. hears a pic of a 7-string pickup Jig on one half and a neck Jig on the other in progress, Oh ya the lines that you see where for the neck they have notheing to do with the pickup Jig at all. Dave I make all my own Jig's by hand and for the cuting I use a router bit with a guide on it that follows the edge of my Jig's, and while Iam at it I may as well show you guy's some of the large tool's I use for building my guitars!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12089shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12090shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12091shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12093shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12094shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12095shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12097shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12096shop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ec12099shop.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  15. !!BAM!! Sorry crafty but I love ESP and as you can see this one is no copy !!METAL MATT!!
  16. HAHAHAHA some rich punk HAHAHAHA well no iam not rich I only make like 6.81$ at work and I dont realy sell any of my guitar's what I do is I build and teach others how to build guitar's for free well they pay for the part's and the wood, I only have like 2 guitar's that iam realy working on for myself right now, the reason for this is that I want to learn all there is to learn about guitars so that I can become great at the art that I love, you see I look at guitars as my life building guitars is what I want for my life so I spend as much time as I can learing about building guitars, guitars,guitars,guitars,guitars !!METAL MATT!!
  17. Oh hey moreau long time no see what have been up to?? anyway, well the wood for the top on this one purpleheart and maple, look's good and it should sound good well I buy my wood from windson plywood and wood"en"works I get 15%off all my hard wood's from windson plywood and that's where I buy all my purpleheart from If iam not at home Iam out lurking around at windson plywood or wood"en"works !!METAL MATT!!
  18. Well I showed cayle how to drill the holes for his birdge today and I let him do all the work on his own!! he is doing very well for his first and he is only 14 years old, this guitar should come out deadly, and the only resason that there is tape on the drill bit is that I like to have a backup plan just in case I set the depth wrong on the drill press I would not want him to drill right through!! right HAHAHA http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c12101cayle.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c12100cayle.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c12109cayle.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  19. Hey man that thing is deadly I love the color are you going to sell it??I want it I love the way your wood grain look's and that edeg where your arm rests is realy cool, great work man !!METAL MATT!!
  20. Ya this guy is like my brother Iam teaching him how to build guitars right know and he's geting realy good at designing his guitars he is the guy holding the guitar body in all the pic's and Iam the guy takeing all the pic's Hey that resoelectric bocaster sound's cool you should ask metalcarver about that square resonator cone. No not realy it's not all that heavy and even if it where I think it would be worth it I love the way that wood sound's !!METAL MATT!!
  21. hear's a pic of the headstock the neck came off an old vantage I used for part's. Well it is neck heavy that's one of the reasons I had junked it, but that's not why there's a strap up there you see 2 years ago I was drilling new screw hole's for the trussrod cover when I hit A soft spot in the wood and the drill bit went right through the headstock, but it turend out to be a good thing since that's how ray plays all his guitars with the strap way up there I lucked out on that one but I did learn one thing from that goof up, Use a drill press well this one is very nice birdseye maple that I got for free A long time ago for some work I did for a friend, but I'am not sure what dark wood your talking about I use a lot of dark wood's !!METAL MATT!!
  22. This is my best friends new guitar design that iam building for him it's realy rough I just cut it out a weak ago It was on the day of his wedding, This is a real one of a kind guitar. I like it this one should be fun!! it will be a 7-string with one humbucker and one volume and one tone what do you guy's think?? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11081ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11080ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11083ray.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  23. Well hear are some pic's I took today, this is a guitar I built about 2 years ago not my best work in my mind but ray love's it, I was going to trash this one when he came over and pulled it out of my junk box he asked me how much I wanted for it I told him that I wanted nothing for it it was crap to me but when I saw how much he liked it I told him that I would finish it for him and give it to him for free so he liked that idea!! anyway hear are some pic's there not the best. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11068ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11070ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11076ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11067ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11074ray.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...Dec11071ray.jpg !!METAL MATT!!
  24. Ok hear are some good pic's some of them came out realy good ans some not so good so enjoy!! First just a few view's of the body and neck http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11037matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11039matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11040matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11052matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11054matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11042matt1.jpg Know hear are some close up's of work that need's to be done to th heal of the guitar and the uper fret access. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...11035matt11.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11036matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11047matt1.jpg And hears some close up's of my homemade jack plate. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11034matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11051matt1.jpg Now these are some of my fav side shots that show how the top look's from the side. Oh ya thers been no sanding done yet that's why it's still rough and burnt http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11045matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11044matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11043matt1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...c11048matt1.jpg Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  25. Sounds cool I hope the neck work's out the way you want it to,and your next one sound's like fun I cant wait to see it get started do you have the design on paper yet if so let me take a peak, any way good luck man !!METAL MATT!!
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