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Everything posted by GEdwardJones

  1. Well I was talking about Korea. Truth of the matter is, with the incredible increase in technology the build quality on the best Korean guitars is as good (or better) than the build quality of anything that comes out of Japan or America. Right now, 2003, China is where Korea was 5-10 years ago, Indonesia is where China was. I won't argue that companies put lower-end components on their Korean goods (that's not always a bad thing. I'll say over and over and over again that the "lower quality" IBZ pickups on my RG7421 are better than the DiMarzios on my RG 7620). But just straight build quality? Seriously, body and neck construction is a wash. You don't believe me, ask anyone who's ever played a Maverick guitar (I've never read a bad thing about them), or Tommy Victor.
  2. Well this isn't really fair is it? A lot of overseas shops have highly trained luthiers who even make guitars *BY HAND**. But they get paid less, partly due to lower standard of living in their countries. That being said, in their countries the amount of $$ they're making is equivalent. Labor costs, however, are a big part of it. Also adding up how much it costs YOU to build a guitar is always going to be more than how much it costs Jackson to make a guitar. Even if you value your time at $0, a large manufacturer gets bulk materials discounts out the butt. When you buy a guitar know that the cost to make it was probably ~1/4 of that (after manufacturer and dealer markup). *What's the big deal about "hand made" anyway? a CNC Router is way more consistent.
  3. Kirkitis lives!!! You suck for selling that 565 right when I have to pay my taxes on my cars.
  4. That makes this sadder: "Guitar is set up perfect I had my tec go through it 100% after we put the guitar back together after paint. "
  5. Billy Gibbons swears by 'em, tho.
  6. lol. There is something nice about saying "ORIGINAL Floyd Rose" , like saying you have a FENDER strat or a GIBSON flying V....
  7. One of my co-workers found Mojo on his porch and then gave him to me and my then-girlfriend-now-wife for free. I'm pretty sure that Mojo was made for REALLY cheap, too.. All kidding aside, I'm almost positive that it's a felony to deface money (not a really enforced or enforcable one, but if you're advertising your defacement of cash....)
  8. You're right, to my knowledge Kahler's Spyder is the only FR that had height adjustable saddles. Kahler had a bunch of really cool bells & whistles for their bridges (the finger lock string locks are still genius and there's no good reason why their kit that allowed the Spyder to be converted to a stop-tail at the flick of a switch didn't take off). I still don't understand why they aren't Shcaller level big.
  9. I've always had mixed feelings about this. It's great if you have a flat fingerboard. But it becomes a pain in the behind when you have a nice radius. I know, I know, shims, but reallistically speaking I'm lazy and I'd rather have it done for me
  10. Which points are these? "Feel" is, of course, subjective I cant say that any Edge I own (1 Lo-Pro 7 and 3 Originals) just plain outperforms My TRS trem or the Kahler trems I have as far as tuning stability goes (The LP7 is, in fact, dangerously close to being tossed into the "piece of complete shite category because it's as fragile as a freakin' egg) Besides having a cool, overbuilt, look I HONESTLY can't give the Edge an, no pun intended, edge. And no, I don't hate them or hate Ibanez, I just don't think they're the be all, end all.
  11. Because I love you, man. Besides, I wanted to take your mind off that $100 Hamer Explorer.
  12. Naaaah, I've been cheap forever Me too. I'm sure G will vouch for the fact that I've been a CHEEP barstid as long as we've known each other. :-) ~d~ http://www.musicyo.com/product_specs.asp?pf_id=573 http://www.musicyo.com/product_specs.asp?pf_id=571 http://www.musicyo.com/product_specs.asp?pf_id=572 Yes, Dennis is cheap. He'll probably love these, too
  13. Naaaah, I've been cheap forever
  14. My$0.02 I'll (badly) quote my buddy Chris Steed on the V v RG debate "Start with something curvy. It's easier to correct a curve thru sanding if you screw up. If you mess up a straight line it's pretty much just messed up. As far as pickup position goes. Guitars with 21 -22 frets usually have the first coil of the pickup in a position where the 24th fret would normally be. guitars with 24 frets usually have it at the 26th fret. There *IS* a big difference, harmonically, in these two positions. Personally I prefer the 24th fret position (but I also prefer 24 fret necks, ahh, paradoxes) and visually I *HATE* big gaps between the neck and the neck pickup.
  15. I never said that working with raw aluminum wasn't dangerous. What I said was that aluminum causes alzheimers is an urban legend. The actual cause(s) of alzheimers is (last I checked) unknown. It's possible that aluminum causes it. It's possible that flourinated water causes it. Nobody really knows. You should *ALWAYS* use precautions when working with *ANYTHING* (I use a mask when working with wood because I don't like breathing sawdust). That's something that can be expressed without hyperbole.
  16. [[Aluminum is a probable cause of alzheimers]] http://www.snopes.com/movies/actors/valentin.htm This is an urban legend. Drink your sodas as usual. That being said, inhaling stuff other than air is usually a bad idea, anyway.
  17. Did Tae Kwon Do in college. My neighbor's teacher keeps trying to get me to start again.
  18. I'm anti-shred. Solo tone is very low on my list of requirements, but with my current setup I can pretty much get my solo tone from any amp with a decent clean channel. I like Peavey gear, I'm interested in the XXL, but my local dealer went belly up on me. BAH. All I know about the MG is that several people with sounds I like use that amp.
  19. My tip to anyone buying an electric guitar is DON'T plug it in. You can be fooled by nice pickups into a good sounding amp into not realizing that the guitar itself plays like absolute crap. better to focus on how it feels, most of the other stuff is cheap and easy to replace.
  20. Probably not. But supposedly the MG series amps were made based on his input, and I don't use amps raw, either.
  21. Totally forgot about Randall. In my head Randall Solid State = Warhead = TOO DAMN EXSPENSIVE. Mostly I'm looking for a big, dumb rock sound. Although I wouldn't mind getting something close to Tommy Victor's (Prong) sound. I know he used solid state Marshalls. Realistically what I'm most looking for is flexibility. I don't need a 100% over the top gain sound, but it'd be nice if I could get it. Line 6 is always tempting, but even their cheap stuff is a little pricey in comparison.
  22. Ok, here's the deal, every so often I get the urge to join a band/play out and I need a bigger amp to deal with drums in a practice situation. I've got my eyes on a couple of 100 watt solid state amps (Marshall, Ibanez, Peavey and that Rogue thing from Musician's Friend). I want to know what people here think about these amps. Again, that's *SOLID STATE* amps. I don't care about tube amps, don't suggest one. I will just make fun of you for it.
  23. People who don't hate non-japanese, non-edge equipped, non-Ibanez guitars. Say it with me Dennis There is no good guitar but Ibanez There is no good Ibanez that isn't made in Japan There's no good Japanese Ibanez except the Jem Steve Vai is God.
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