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Everything posted by Sambo

  1. Neck was $170 US i think.... Cant remember to be honest It's in the showcase section. As for body, i got a photo of a MM petrucci off the net, blew it up to the right size and made and modified a 1/2" MDF template from that. (modified as mine is only 22 fret). Then rough cut the body with a jigsaw (didn't have a bandsaw then!) and trimmed the body with a 1/2" long template bit (didnt have a router table then either, so this took a while). As for the chamfers, they are different widths all the way around, so to start i used a small V-shaped template bit all the way around, and then a slightly wider one in the bits that were slightly larger (ie around the top and bottom). Then took too it with a small chisel blending in the two, and then much sanding to make it smooth. Hope that helps
  2. I'm with tone monkey, get some cheapo unfigured maple for the first try! don;t wanna go nackering a loverly piece of quilt! Practice makes perfect and all that.
  3. Graphtech sell the saddles for 7 string guitars with a strat style bridge. But interestingly they fit in Hipshot 7 string Tremolos (just a question, why are the hiphot 7 string trems more than twice the price of the 6 string?!) I've already looked well into this, as one of my two new guitars is going to be a seven string, and i'm hooked on the piezo! Oh just another bit of advice, don't bother getting the internal preamps. You have to fumble around with batteries and put one in each guitar. buy an external one and run it with a stereo cable. Sounds better, and more importantly is cheaper! I have a behringer ADI21 as a stopgap before getting a nice LR baggs one, and it sounds amazing through a PA.
  4. The second jack looks weird cous there isnt a jack in it at the mo. Again! gotta get a bit of stuff from mouser, but havent had chance yet. The armrest is nice! especially as i wear my guitars very high, makes it nice and easy to play.
  5. To be honest, i wouldn't bother with Craft supplies maple. Only bother if you can get to buxton and choose a set. Don't trust them to send you a good set. I'm in the nice position that my gran lives literally next door to the place so i can pop in when we visit her. But for seeing what you get, check out durawoods/3dhardwoods. You see what you get, and if you ask him just to saw the wood to what size you want and do nothing else to it (ie rough sawn lumber) theres no import tax either. And it'll probably be cheaper than Craft supplies. I got two tops (probably about 3A) for $115 including P&P. They were 1/2" thick too rather than 3/8". If my maths is right, thats nearly half the price of Craft supplies thinner maple
  6. Sounds brilliant. needs a bit of a nut dress cous i have it tuned to C, But otherwise its very good. Its finished with danish oil and beeswax. The tuners fitted fine! There will be a switch, i just gotta order a matching one from mouser when i get the chance.
  7. Sorry, didnt realise it was that big til i posted it... My bad
  8. http://wdmusicproducts.co.uk/Merchant2/mer...Code=BLDRSSPPLS 9.40 for what looks like a stew mac rod.... hummmm!
  9. Sorry for the wait. camera on blink. This is taken with a mates shitty camera, so i appologise. And yes, that is a hole on the upper horn, no switch as yet! oops. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y84/s_j_b...tt/PA100044.jpg Cheers EDIT, Photo Too Large
  10. If you look closely at the picture on that article, there is 5 wires on the middle single coil, and 10 out of each 'humbucker'. Basically, its a start and finish wire for each set of wire (there being two sets of wire round a pickup core) and the pickup grounding. this makes 5 wires (as in 2+2+ground=5). I don't see how the wiring can be done with the standard 5 way and standard 3 way, but hey! I was thinking of making a similar version but ommiting the middle single coil. this would probably make it a bit easier As i said before. it says on the FAQ on the Seymour duncan website that they will make coil tapped pickups for you for $12 extra. never seen them for sale, but apparently they do it. Might email swineshead and see if they will do some.... hummm...
  11. Yeah, basically it is 5 coil tapped single coils wired in certain ways to make humbucking and SC configurations. Each one has a coil tap to achieve 'vintage' and 'hot' outputs. Seymour duncan will make custom pickups with coil taps (note the differance between coil taps and coil splits) so you can have a hot pickup that you can lower the output of. But, the problem is that you'd need some sodding complex wiring to pull it off! If you could find a switch with enough poles its possible (PRS has theirs custom made), but it'd probably be easier with a twin humbucker configuration with two three way switches, one voicing pickups, and one choosing the heavy, clear and single coil settings.
  12. I've just had some rather.... Knotty mahogany neck blanks. Maybe it was just a one off, but i never bought from them again! It sounds like you've ordered a couple of blanks, it might be cheaper to go and buy a smallish board of mahogany from somewhere else and make two up? I mean 90 quid will get you a fair bit of mahogany, and you could get it specifically thicknessed! Their padauk is very nice though
  13. To be honest, Craft supplies is all well, but they do charge alot for what you get, the stuff is ok, but you only very occasionally get a nice piece of wood. Its OK if you can visit them and choose your pieces, but otherwise! As for their mahogany, don't bother. get some from somewhere decent (timberline is very good for honduran). Maple is nearly always cheaper to import from the US (Durawoods on ebay is very good)... But what pissed me off was that at one stage, it was cheaper to fly to washington, pick up an AC30 ovet there and come back than it was to buy one down the road from where they were made.... Hummmm.... But ho humm.... Nevermind hey.
  14. Dude, that's cool! I always think its nice when people make something that makes their lives easier. Why buy one when they are usually easyish to make one?! nice work~! May be making myself one if i ever do any fretboards with some binding!
  15. I think you mean should you use the outer or inner coils of each humbucker in the centre position? Depends what kind of sound you want! Just think that the inner coils will sound more like a strat in the middle position, but the outers will ssound more like a tele! I always use the inner coils just because i think it gives a little more tonal variation across all three settings. but its upto you!
  16. It sounds good, but you have to be careful with your choice of pickups. Most dimarzio's work fine (with the exception of things like the D-sonic or whtever its called). Seymours are generally ok (invaders aren't very nice), but things like gibson humbuckers (or come to think of it anything with a cover!) sound a bit... funny in the middle position. Give it a go
  17. Boss MD-2. Does everything from a touch of overdrive through to brain curdling chug. Bit temperamental (as in the slightest twist of a knob drastically changes its sound), but if you stick with it, it sounds wicked. Try one through a class-A valve amp ha h aha
  18. Bit of an update here. Guitar is all put together and plays and sounds like a beauty Just waiting on a few parts from mouser (switching jacks and a switch to match the 4pdt jobby). Looks good. Decided to stay natural and oil and wax the body. Just needs a few more coats of wax (local stuff from down the road ) which i know i should have done and finished before putting the guitar together, but i couldn't resist!! Pics to follow when i get chance.
  19. That's funny... cant get new ones anymore? maybe they aint building em, but you can sure buy em local music shop has 4 The singlecut is far superior
  20. Ummmm.... sunburst... now that's an idea. Just popped to get some sandpaper. bloody DIY shops. (i live in the middle of nowhere) only have down to 150 grit. bloody useless. Nevermind. I woke up and had a look at it this morning, and it is growing on me. But i did want to have a matching headstock.... Veneer me thinks or i might just leave it maple. i dunno. got the weekend of work, so will be sanding it down then. I really want a hard wearing lacquer finish if i can. But, i need something in spray cans! This may be a stupid question, but i have some acrylic lacquer for the paint i was gonna paint it with... can that be used? Or do i need something more *specialist*? Oooh, and i read somewhere that if you use UV protection the padauk keeps its colour? Where from and how?!
  21. It'd look ****. The project is under 'musicman petrucci project' in in progress work. I reallly do need somewhere that will ship to britain. Spose i could make some..... Hummm....
  22. I wouldn't say it was the tidyest work i've ever seen! But hey its a first attempt and has only seen the 40grit sandpaper as yet And yes, padauk is bloody heavy... thats why the electrics cavities are roomy to say the least body and neck without any hardware is currently weighing in at half a stone :S But there is a bit more wood to take out yet. As for finishes, I thought i'd try padauk, but so far i really don't like the way it looks. So, i think painting is the way to go. Oh, and i'm not a happy bunny. I marked two of my loverly stainless steel frets relocating one on the neck screw holes. So now i'm going to go and sulk. Goodnight *cries*
  23. I need a jack plate (pref. chrome) that has two holes for jacks! They sell them at carvin, but they don't accept my card (grrrr...) Like these... http://www.carvin.com/products/single.php?...=JP1C&CID=GTR/K Anyone know where to get them from?
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