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Everything posted by Jeanguitar

  1. Hi , Beginners have to focus on, When I decided to start playing a short time ago... I learned the basic chords A B C D E F G...along with alot of simple extra chords like Am Dm etc...and after I got good at playing those in any order without hesitation I started out trying to play songs that had easy chords. Most songs I played had 3 or 4 chords. After playing those for about a year I changed my mind and wanted to try and learn the lead guitar parts. I feel it is very important to learn chords before playing lead guitar riffs. It helps you to understand the different sounds on the fret board and build up speed which you will need in the future. Jeanguitar http://totallyguitars.com
  2. You have too much patience, that you have stick to one from three years. The wood you have used looks Incredible. Goes on doing like this. Jeanguitar
  3. I am not aware of all that material sites but I rather give you site that would be helpful for you in learning Acoustic Guitar. Jeanguitar
  4. Taylors 12 string version of guitar was not new but it went to become more popular because of 12 strings that results a great looking, easy playing guitar that has the celestial ring and as well as innovative features. Jeanguitar
  5. Hi guys, You all guys are genius in making guitars. Wooden Craft would be good but the wood should be very smooth and strong for that otherwise you can't fix your string bridge into that. Jeanguitar
  6. Hi, You can't do any thing to that, Its time to go for new bridge. Jeanguitar
  7. See I don't have that much experience but I know that if both strings and bridge mixed guitar becomes more difficult to play, better to put 8 strings using 2 bridge pins it would be helpful for you. Jeanguitar
  8. I like the videos on humidity. Really they are awesome. Thanks for that. Jeanguitar
  9. I am new to your community and I just want to say your forum is very interesting..................... Jeanguitars <edit: cross-posting advertising links>
  10. I Like the book very much, its really brilliant and the pictures no need to say anything. Good work keep posting more pictures. Jeanguitar
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