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Everything posted by MiKro

  1. It's done, sounds great. Not sure how to play the damn thing though. LMAO!!! Not even sure which tuning will be best at this point? I think it is already sold? I have a guy in a C&W band that is wanting it. I will try and get some sound clips.
  2. Wired up and tap tested, now to slot the nut and string this up.
  3. I was thinking about this again, What are the taper of the pots you have? You said they are from an LP? Gibson for some time used only linear taper pots? I am thinking you need audio taper pots. Just thinking out loud. Linear taper would exhibit some weird things on the volume I am thinking? Fender used linear for tone only Audio taper for Volume? ????????
  4. Yes Sir, BTW what the is the wood you posted. LOL!!!
  5. Thank you. That is just a small sample. I have a wood shed full of figured woods ranging from maples, mahoganies, ebonies, bocote, walnut, alder, cherry, lacewood, snakewood, rosewoods, eucalyptus, EIR, hell I am not even sure what all is in there anymore? Been collecting figured wood for over 20 years. I used to have some beautiful cocobolo, I became super allergic to it and had to rid myself of it. The picture below is a piece of curly purple heart I sent it to Perry Ormsby many years ago for this Bass guitar he was building for a customer.
  6. Yep no fiddleback. LMAO!!! also needs more burl and birdseyes. I really do have another one that I know has spalt, more burl, still no fiddleback. Both have not seen the light of day in at least 8 years. MK here is some serious birdseye with quilt. and a nice billet of Western Flamed. Not quite fiddleback..
  7. Beg to differ with you it is Big leaf western maple. I know where I bought it from. It was green fresh cut straight from the mill in Oregon. I was there.
  8. From there description. " Compared to the SH-14 custom 5, the JB has a stronger treble detail. Some players use it with 250K pots to smooth out the highs. " So, Whatever you prefer.
  9. Man I better look in my stash, I think I have some of that!! Edited to add: Well here is one I still have, I know I have one that is even better, as it has spalt and birdseyes as well. I have had this billet for about 12 years now ( picture taken in 2006)
  10. Not sure, I have no idea what pickups you are using? I would think you would want to match what you have though to the correct value of pots.
  11. It is all of that rain you just had down there. It has blurred your vision. LOL!!! MK
  12. You said in the original post that you are using LP guitar pots? Those will be 500K pots not 250K. Just thinking out loud.
  13. No just a hot lipstick single coil. The headstock is based on the older 8 and 10 string pedal steels.
  14. OMG!! I am LMAO!!! I keep seeing it differently as well. Oh Shit!! Too Funny.
  15. Hardware mounted, now to shield the cavity, add the electronics, and do a setup.. Sorry, another crappy picture.
  16. Well hell, LOL!! This keeps getting weirder as we go. I am at a loss totally.
  17. Well hell now I'm confused????? LOL!!! It is not the first time I have lost my mind.
  18. So switch the top pot as well, your diagram shows the first one as 1 = out, 2 = in, the second one you have shows it 1=in 2 =out. If you left the top one as the first diagram then it is wrong. YOU changed the bottom pot and it works correctly. Change the top one as well. This bass has 3 pickups, 3 vols and 1 master volume. basically they are wired as I have shown without the master volume in the circuit. They are all independent of each other as far as volume.. edited to correct: that it had a master vol not a single master tone pot.
  19. @curtisa If you noticed my WINK you would see I was messing with him about the ground loops. mk
  20. Yes. from my experience they are?
  21. No it is different, it does not have the ground loops
  22. This should work for you.
  23. I know I tried something different, I won't make that mistake again. Thx MK
  24. Well it still looks wrong, The color is washed and gray toned. Dammit not the dark walnut I am looking for. Oh well it is the prototype. Move forward and find the other problems. Make it playable and move forward. Next time it will have hardware installed. MK
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