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Nitefly SA

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Everything posted by Nitefly SA

  1. He never got it, its not a strat so he probably doesnt want it
  2. i heard some chinese guy made it for yngwie malmsteen...ed roman does eem to over charge
  3. like zakk wyldes but more fendery
  4. its differnet sounds people have 20 guitars that doesnt mean they dont love them all i want a certain sound that im told is not obtainable through guitar i have now so i want an LP
  5. warlocks did slightly change design over the years so it is possible, and everything would be covers so the routs arent that important
  6. my guitar is a douglas and its great. every thing is a good fit,the finish is great, its light, i love it
  7. well what kind of guitar is it, a jem?
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/Electric-Guitar-New-Do...1QQcmdZViewItem that is my guitar, say what you want, but it plays GREAT, after i got this i got rid or my 1990 BC Rich Bich and my washburn delta king (semi hollow) i switched out the humbucker with one from my bich (just out of bordem) but ive been investigating pick ups for a while i dont want to spend 70 dollars on something i *might* like or something that sounds *ok* i want it to be just right. the bc rich P/U has good crunch but gets a little muddy at times whilst playing clean (and distorted for that matter)
  9. OK to clear everything up...Agile and rondo music products in general are out...greco or tokai is my best bet right now,i dont even want a gibson les paul, from what i hear they have some BAD quality control issues, like grain coming through the finsh, unleveled frets, sharp fret edges, just general crappiness. and if you are going to shell out 2 grand you should get a friggin perfect guitar.
  10. im not trying to copy his sound completely i just want the tone of an lp and hes my favorite artist that uses one, is tokai good?
  11. im not trying to copy his sound completely i just want the tone of an lp and hes my favorite artist that uses one
  12. the 2 reviews i red were bothe from people that had been playing 20 and 30 years, and i got a guitar from them (a douglas) and it works great, every factory has some imperfections, im sure the guy at rondo wil replace it, or refund your money.
  13. The people at harmony central say that the pick ups are good but i was planning on replacing them any way with SD alnico II pros, because thats what slash uses and thats pretty much what this is about
  14. where did you get the paint? BTW I LOVE this guitar it looks awesome
  15. i think you should stain the front and paint the back black, no burst, a sudden line between the colors like on stained parker flys
  16. I was looking at this les paul copy on ebay, SX is the brand, it get great reviews at harmony central and it is made of solod mahogany and has a set neck for about the cost of a squire (worst brand ever) if you have experience with this model or dont think it looks decent, please throw in yur 2 cents http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data...aul_Copy-1.html http://cgi.ebay.com/Electric-Guitar-New-Ma...oQQcmdZViewItem
  17. that headstock is hideous.....cool body though
  18. I want the tone of a les paul but i want it from a fat strat, does any body know a good pickup that would duplicate or at least simulate the sound of an LP thanks.
  19. Where does the twang come from? if it is a string through the strings would go throught the maple neck, would that make a difference?
  20. i was just thinking the shape of a tele, i dont like anything but the look of them, their twang pisses me off. so to butch one up would create a supreme guitar, it'd be like a les paul with out the weight
  21. couple body mods, it will have a bevel for my elbow (like strat) and it will have very easy acess to the upper frets
  22. the guitars he carves down ARE actually BC Richs, so really its no worse than buying a guitar and giving it a new finish or replacing the pick ups and selling it.
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