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Everything posted by Bytrix

  1. Yeah I'm thinking of getting some stuff from craft-supplies. Their prices seem pretty good.
  2. The original sketch I draw out was like this : Curved Cutout Body (Hi-Res) Which I like, but it looks a bit more complicated and for my first project I think something simple will be best.
  3. While I'm nowhere near starting this yet (atleast a few months away) and therefore it's not in progress or finished, just thought I may aswell start a thread off for my first project with my first idea for the kinda shape I want. I first took a pic of a Jackson RX10D, dropped it into photoshop and resized it to full scale (I know it won't be exact, but it's close enough for now). Then I started to draw in the body shape over the top, and started looking at how I could make it a little more curvy. For some reason I had the idea this morning (looking at striped through-necks) of putting a union jack on it with the red stripe over the neck (and red on the back of the neck). So here's what I came up with : Standard Body (Hi-Res) Curved Body (Hi-Res) Obiously not completely to scale (and the neck came out a bit fat but that's kinda what I'd like to end up with (not looked at the headstock yet, would want something curvy on there too)). So what do you think of the curved body, or the union jack (I assume it'll be easy enough to do something like that by masking off areas when I paint with the different colours, that's about as far as my painting skills go though). Please share any ideas you have, and remember this is gonna be my first project Basic Spec Modified 6 string RR V (almost roswell like) Neckthrough 24 frets 2x Humbuckers Tune-O-Matic
  4. Sound nice, for some reason when I see a cream guitar I just immediately think of a tele, looks kinda weird seeing it on other guitars. The cherry-cream burst sounds interesting.
  5. Very nice. I like the first one alot.
  6. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=14036 I think that's what you're looking for?
  7. I've been wondering what's the best way for a beginner to do a clear top like that. Reading some of these threads about applying clear-coats it sounds a very long and dangerous process (in terms of the toxicity and fumes from the paints, and requiring a spray-booth? to do it properly)...
  8. Yeah I knew basically what they were, it's just I asked what the advantages of a through-neck were and got : Which kinda confused me In terms of tone (with some decent vintage duncans in it) would you notice much difference between a bolt on and a through-neck Mockingbird ?
  9. Tempting, although I would actually have nowhere to put it yet (moving house soon). How much was it new ?
  10. You ask who Gimli is then mention Lord of the Rings in the same post... I like the design, but it looks a little thin around the pickups for my liking. By the way, nice lighting on the model. I prefer Softimage XSI myself (that's mostly coz I do character design and animation though.
  11. Is Set-Neck the same as Neck-Through? I was thinking a set neck is more like when you have the heel of the neck inside the body, glued down, usually with a maple top or something over it.
  12. I would offer to setup a kinda hosting area for all the tutorials, but I dunno how much bandwidth would be required. I know guitar building is quite an obscure hobby compared to most, but this site has one of the largest and best collections of tutorials and references around so I'm guessing it does get alot of traffic. I'm a web developer myself, and I always like to lend a hand and help people with their sites if it's something I'm really interested in, and recently all I've been thinking about is how and when I'm gonna build my first guitar
  13. That's very nice. I've always wanted a mockingbird, but I'm not a great fan of the stock BCrich pickups. What're the advantages of a neckthrough over a bolt on? I assume both could be painted and clear-coated, and the neckthrough could have the back of the neck painted all in one to give a consistent finish. This looks so good I fancy having a go myself (isn't that the whole point of this forum )
  14. I just read your thred in the tools section, as ever on here, everyone has an opinion of what's best, that's why I can't make up my mind on what to get, what is considered the right power, or size, not too small or too large.
  15. Good thread, I was gonna ask the same thing, I'm hoping to build a few guitars over the coming years (and hence spread out the cost of the tools, so it's not like I just bought them to make one guitar). I'm currently looking for a router, bandsaw and drillpress, but there are so many models of each it's hard to know what to get. Plus I've never routed anything before, so that is the one I really have no idea about.
  16. Cool, thanks for that, I need all the help and information that I can get, not only is this gonna be my first project guitar, but I haven't touched a saw or sander in years. Gonna be fun
  17. I've been wondering about this too, it would make the most sense to me to make it as a single solid piece just because I would feel it'd me more secure. But it'd be easier to do a seperate headstock and attach it. I'm planning on painting the back of my neck/headstock anyway so I don't really suppose it matters which method I choose for mine anyway. If I was going for a natural finish on the back of the neck I think I'd want a single piece.
  18. You shoulda taken more pics during the process, I want to put some 'non-standard' inlays in my first project, but have no idea how to do it (mos the tutorials I've found are just for putting in dot inlays, nothing 'fancy'. Looks nice though, I'm considering trying an RR for my first project.
  19. Yeah well that's kinda what I'm planning on, use this cheap thing as my testbed as I'm not too bothered if I do something to it and it becomes unplayable. I'm saving up to move into a bigger place at the moment, hopefully with a garage where I can work on my project, so for now I'm just finding out about all the ways to make a body, and which I'm gonna try, what neck type, 22 or 24 frets, scalloped or not (I really wanna have a go at scalloping, but everyone I've talked to with a scalloped guitar say it's cool for a while then they never play it
  20. Well thanks, I've decided to keep the guitar as it is for now and instead build one 'from scratch' with my own inlays instead Still got alot more reading ahead of me though.
  21. Yeah, that one looks good and will help me plan my guitar out (Make Your Own Electric Guitar). When I was adding it to my basket, Amazon showed me the other recommended books, I'm not too bad with my electronics but this had a few good reviews so I got it too (Guitar Electronics for Musicians.
  22. What he meant is you are going to have to do alot of reading, I'm not even considering starting my full project for atleast another month and I've spent two weeks reading through all the tutorials on this site and many others, plus I just ordered a few books, one on the making of guitars and one on electronics for guitars (they were cheap anyway).
  23. Yeah well I like to have a range of sounds, what's the point in building a guitar that just gives you bone crunching distortion... Because the stuff I write is (according to the people who've heard it) very progressive, I do switch sounds and effects alot mid-song, so a nice vintage sounding pickup combined with a shred machine is perfect for me. I know those two pickups will sound cool and do what I want, what I was more interested in knowing is how they'd compare to the ones in the Jackson Warrior XT (HR104), are they copies of Duncan's humbucker range of pickups, or cheaper models? I'm also buying some more pickups (EMG81/89 for my Ibanez Destroyer), and not sure what to choose for my Charvel because it's a HSS layout but I do know that I want DiMarzios on it.
  24. Yeah I know Schallers are licensed too, what I was meaning to compare them with is the licensed Floyd Roses that aren't branded by a manafacturer so you don't know where they're from.
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