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Everything posted by Jehle

  1. I drove past it and thought... Dude, that is so GAY! What's the big deal about that thing?
  2. I'm still finding new tones in the guitar. The first 3 here are useful. Enjoy! The bridge bucker with the single coil has a bright snappy telecaster sound as heard in this Clean Country The same pickups now through my standard "marshall" setting is just a little edgy. The single coil really tames the bridge humbucker as heard in Australian Dirt And lastly just the bridge pickup with the same amp setting. I put a doubled guitar way down in the mix to fatten it up a little, but you can hear how well it drives the amp in California Dirt
  3. And... by all means... come back to this thread when it's all over. Everything that we've said here will have new meaning when you read it again. Let us know how it went, the good and the bad. Be cool.
  4. There's always Deft lacquer sanding sealer. It's available at walmart (queue evil voice), Ace hardware, maybe lowes, and home depot used to have it.
  5. Ah, memories. I remember my first public gig. I wanted to vomit I was so nervous. Sound familiar? Thing is, I found it way easier to play in front of 400 people than 4 people. Dude, you know the song. Enjoy the moment. You are going to be a rock star to these people, even if just for 2 and a half minutes. Think of that moment after you finish. People are going to freak out and say, "Dude, I had no idea you could play like that!" You'll see. Jump off the cliff: fly, not fall. BTW, you'll also find out the the rush you get from being in front of a crowd is addictive.
  6. There's search options that he could be using to find your auctions. If he's getting Tele template auctions canceled unilaterally, he's probably searching on that. Could you sell a generic "electric guitar template" instead? Is he so hell bent on you as a seller that he would cancel a generic auction like that where any registered name like Tele, Strat, or whatever is NEVER mentioned? I'd play around with the wording to find one that sticks. Well, it's still up at the moment, for what it's worth. I think you need to get rid of the angry sounding disclaimer. It sends the wrong message. In the interest of helping you here, I wouldn't buy that template for two reasons. First, the description is not well written, there's misspelled words, typos, etc... Second, that disclaimer is the best written part of the whole auction and it's filled with venom. I had similar anger and rage against Kench Byers when he ripped off me, projectguitar, and fishbake. It took me a long time to deal with that. I think you need to rewrite your description to be generic, as you've done in the auction you linked to. But, loose the anger. Stick to the product. For example: "You are bidding on a 1/2 MDF electric guitar template. The shape and design is based on several classic instruments that date back to the 1950's. You can use different pickup configurations, add an F-Hole for a semi-hollow body, or even modify this template to create your very own special combination of features. Use the Buy it Now option and shipping is free! I've been a power seller for 5 years for a reason. If you have any questions about my templates, please contact me. Disclaimer: buyer should contact me within 10 days after auction completion to inform me of method of payment. Shipping and handling is not negotiable. Shipping rates are based prices established by the USPS for parcel post. This template, in no way, is intended as a replacement or copy of instruments that are protected under registered trademark." Something like that. Anyone else is free to modify that as needed. Surely we can all write something that will keep you in business. <edit used code blocks to set out the auction rewrite.>
  7. Exactly what I was going to say mattia. I could have left the enamel naked, but it would have been near impossible to polish it without sanding through. That's where the clear coat comes in. It builds up and levels the surface so that it can be sanded back and polished to that mirror like finish.
  8. Interesting idea with the fretwire used on the bridge. It makes a lot of sense when I think of it. I'll bet it really does ring nicely. I still want to build an archtop and just seeing this thread come back again has rekindled my interest. I've got a repair and a refinish job to do first. Maybe then I can start thinking about the jazz box. Awsome work!
  9. Brian May comes to mind. He made ONE guitar and still plays it today. Period.
  10. I'm in the wrong business then. I know that selling guitars can be a tough business, but for $2400 a pop, I'd risk slapping one together and trying it. I just need to be sure that I advertise that I take DAYS to set it up or some other similar BS.
  11. AMERICA : We burn stuff and drink beer.
  12. and a slot for either a 3 or 5 position switch. ***?
  13. lmao ← Maybe he has to rest after turning a screw after a quarter turn. I know that can wear some people out. ← Well, he IS pretty old...claims to have been working on guitars since the 60s. ← And he still doesn't have them set up yet? I'd want my money back if it took that long! *ba dum tish*
  14. lmao ← Maybe he has to rest after turning a screw after a quarter turn. I know that can wear some people out.
  15. You mean Drak is a Bon Jovi fan! Ah, reading back through that whole "5a in 30 days" I see what you did. Ship it to me and I'll fix it up.
  16. Got it. There was not a picture of the complete guitar, so there's no proof that you actually did build a guitar in 30 days.
  17. I just read through that description again. So he replaced the orginal neck on this Tele because it was "road worn" or something like that. Okay... Read on and on and on... pontification... I rock and so forth... Then he replaced the two piece body with a one piece body... Wait a second... didn't he just make a new guitar here? Who is he kidding?!
  18. The Green Hornet? Sigh... time to search. I need to mourn for that before I can get excited about the barn door guitar. :? <edit> Search shows 2 threads with Green Hornet. Sorry to say, I don't get it. :/
  19. Back when Neil Schon had guitars made with his name on them, he put wireless units in them. That was back in the late 80's I think. Sorry to say that you idea isn't new, but it is cool and I've often wondered why more guitars don't come with this retrofit. It makes sense if you are a pro and play on stage a lot.
  20. I never cared for the feel of the Khaler whammy, but I agree that the hard tail looks classy. I always thought that they had the best design because they don't go out of tune when a string breaks, and the 6 way adjustable saddles. Why did they not dominate over Floyd?
  21. There's also the Excel spreadsheet fretboard calculator on my site... www.bellyjellymusic.com in the downloads section. There's a ton of these programs out there from everyone else's postings, but I thought I'd throw mine in there. I used it to build the last guitar with a 25 1/8" scale length. I wanted something between Fender and Gibson, so I split the difference and went right smack in the middle. I can get some really wild vibrato with it like I can on a Gibson, but it's got the snap of the Fender scale too. Anywho, it just so happens that the that body was designed as a 25.5" Fender type. The neck was built as a 24 3/4" Gibson scale, but it was a bolt on. I calculated the fret positions with the Excel spreadsheet in the inbetween scale. When I put that fretboard on the shorter scale neck, the 21st and 22nd frets actually overhung over the body a little. No big deal. I placed the bridge at the right spot for the string scale that I calculated, NOT for the 25.5" position that the Fender scale would have had me put it. So, you can mix things up a bit, but the bridge has to be in the right place depending on where the nut is at the other end of the string. If you have the body already made, or the neck already made, your string scale is already set. You can't just slap anything on there and expect it to work. They have to work with each other.
  22. What the heck. Here's the "Odd Boy", a collection of all those little bits and pieces that have been in my junk box for years, plus lots of stuff from $1 auctions from eBay, scrap wood left over from previous guitar builds. Total cost $150. Notice the Tele "top hat" on the Gibson toggle. Scratch plate cut, sanded, and scraped from a '72 Tele Delux model. Pickups are pulls from 2 different guitars. Screws from Ace hardware. Body from 4 boards of 8x1 poplar. Wraparound badass bridge 20 bucks (my big expense). Output jack and chrome knob, switches, all junk box finds. No dots, mandolin frets, Pau Ferro over Maple, 25 1/8" scale, 10" radius. My first attempt at a better access neck join. 99 cent ebay auction here for the hardware. And that LOVELY PATENT PENDING headstock. Two ebay auctions to get a working set of 6 tuners. Free roller nut from an earlier trade, leftover pickguard material for truss cover, etc...
  23. Well, at least I don't have to worry about anyone stealing my headstock design. To be honest, it's not exactly what I had in mind. Trying to come up with a functional shape given the tuners that I had was part of the problem, and then trying to work with the template that I had made for the Flying V was another part. Why not make a new template? Because that would have required a new template and I was focused on using what I had laying around. The curve sanded into the headstock came from borrowing the curve of the lower horn on the body. I thought it might make them look better together. So much for that idea.
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