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Samba Pa Ti

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Everything posted by Samba Pa Ti

  1. i just found out as well, i am gutted : ( he helped me with my trisonic wiring (when i first joined) i stopped posting for a while as i wasnt well myself, i wish i had have found the time to come on more. RIP
  2. yes posted before. last month infact. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=29308
  3. if both stereo connections went to a mono (that would bridge/mix them) wouldnt sending it to a stereo jack (and just put a mono jack in it) work since then the 2 stereo channels would be bridged only when a mono jack is inserted ?
  4. the magnet still shouldnt effect the resistance humbucker or not, you could take 2 trisonics apart and wire them as a humbucker (and split the coils half way thru) that would make it half the resistance on each coil totaling about 6.4k
  5. i dont think the magnets have an affect on the resistance do they ? (when its wound it wont have a magnet attached)
  6. wooden trisonic covers? i would imagine (unless they are shielded inside) they would Add a load of hum into the mix (trisonics are not the quietest of pickups)
  7. you could do that, i prefer to resolder the wire on from inside the pickup (off the bobbin) another way if you dont want to go that far is to just solder some new wire on and use heatshrink tubing to seal it all, that way its nice and neat and tidy.
  8. i doubt theres any spares around for trisonics i was looking for some screws and none will fit, i emailed WD music asking if they stocked spares and said they could order some from the factory but never got back to me maybe they can find you some covers but its like trying to get blood out of a stone.
  9. ive always wondered about lace sensors , polarity and RWRP pickups (i dont think there is such a thing) ive got a set of california specials (transensors) which are all identical. im sure they can be wired out of phase (dont know if you will get a humbucker tone as the polarity maybe wrong) most of the sensors are already "hum cancelling" so its probably just going to be a tonal change if the wiring is altered, the transensors can be used with other transensors just not other pickups.
  10. i wasn't exactely comparing the function but more saying people might like to put more expensive electronics inside their guitar (as it seems to be better quality) if they have expensive pickups or somthing like that. now im more confused about the varitone/tone pot and how all that crap works, i assume switching through a varitone is just like having each capacitor at 10 on the tonepot and 1 posistion is bypass (no cap at all/clean). i was looking at this pot here : http://www.guitar-mod.com/rg_passive.html il post the info here and picture links incase the site dies as well. V6 - 6 Position Varitone (for Guitar) 5 interesting tonal filters plus a true-bypass position Position 1 = true bypass Position 2 = subtle cut of highs - softens up a harsh tone Position 3 = clapton style "woman tone" - works great with overdrive for a nice creamy distortion Position 4 = mid-scoop - hollow tone just like my passive mid-scoop controls which works well for funky rhythms Position 5 = warm jazz - great if you are after a unique tone for jazz Position 6 = dark jazz - a more dramatic effect Comes with Chicken Head knob, but you can put any knob on this provided it tightens with a set screw Easy installation - just connect 2 wires, one to hot and the other to ground Includes detailed instructions. http://www.guitar-mod.com/images/varitone/varitone2.jpg
  11. i guess its just like building anything, (computers for instance) some people just want the best quality parts and cant see a point in putting a cheap 10$ PSU into a computer when it has $900 worth of parts, same could be said about guitars using an expensive caps that alter the tone might not be better sounding or last longer than a cheaper version but it wont let down the rest of the parts in the guitar. on another note, i was wondering how the varitone/vari-tone thing worked its just a 6 way switch with 5 caps soldered to each lug, would this be like having the tone knob on 10 or 0 when each cap is selected ? also im wondering what happens when you turn the tone pot all the way down (to 0) and it drops all the highs is that the capacitor at 100% ? ifso i wouldnt want the varitone if its everything on 100% all the time. (i find my guitars go really muddy with tone pots turned to 0, it sounds find for metal distortion but i dont have a need for that)
  12. hi, im lookin for a burns cobra pickguard (or similar) a template would be ok also. i havent been able to find one and the only pickguards i can find are for weird burns models : ( anyone spotted one on their travels ? it doesnt matter if noone has i just thought it was worth a shot to ask.
  13. where are you going to be putting the effect ? most effects ive seen go in between the guitar/amp or in the effect loop, wouldnt this need some amp modifications before it would work ? a modified clone of the danelectro one might be your best bet http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Dan...p;CJPID=1350534
  14. are they meant to sound better ? ive read many times they dont sound any different to the generic parts available, but ofcourse these are probably quality tested to extreme levels and made of the very best materials available, orange drops are about as high quality as i will go when it comes to caps (i was tempted to buy hovland musicaps or mallorys once though for a treble bleed but the price is way to high).
  15. they are a decent company and have always been fine for me (bought a few things off them mostly pickups).
  16. http://www.axesrus.com/axepupcovs.htm about half way down http://www.axesrus.com/axepickup_files/hgates.jpg £5 each
  17. id have a mono one for the guitar but im thinking if i use a stereo one there and bridge the battery like in the original diagram it would still drain the battery (as the jack is connected and the guitar would be clean) :S im not 100% sure if it would but it seems to be connected.
  18. i know... but i wont have any jacks if i put the fuzz face inside the guitar. i put a 4pdt switch on my edited schematic so it disconnects the positive wire from the battery, does anyone know if that would work ? fuzzface diagram heres the diagram again i edited the jacks out as that seems to be confusing. the switch is going to be a 4pdt Toggle switch not a stomp switch, i guess il just try it and see if it works.
  19. i wont be using any jacks inside the guitar, just 2 wires for in and out, 1 from the volume pot and the ground (input) and 1 wire to the guitar jacksocket (output) all via the switch. atm thats all meant to be using "mono" jacks and the 4pdt switch is meant to be controlling the batterys power on the far right pole.
  20. its sad that this is being distributed by ebook : (, i just ordered a copy from amazon after reading all these posts.
  21. hi, i havent been messing with my guitars for a while now and decided to invest some time in my old crappy squier strat, im going to get a new body for it and then drop everything into it that i have now (maybe a new bridge), i was thinking of putting a Fuzz face inside the guitar , but ive been having some problems with the battery, first where to locate it (i dont want to rout the guitar out just to fit a battery in so im thinking of altering the circuit is the best option. i already removed the tone pots (fuzz face controls going here) and cut the bottom corner off my pickguard so i can get easy access to where the battery will be stored without removing the strings.Blurry photo now the schem im going off is from general guitar gadgets, Original Schematic this uses a stereo jack to send the negative connection on the battery to ground (like a lot of pedals) but i wont be using any jacks inside the guitar so i need to find another way to cut the battery. so here i come to my question, if i use a 4pdt switch where the 3pdt switch is wired, like this Modified Schematic Would this wiring work internally ? (cutting the battery when off and sending the clean signal to the amp) of course its possible using another switch but thats not really what i had in mind i welcome any comments/advice and thx for reading all this : ) Edit : fixed spelling mistakes
  22. i like the colour and the finish, how did you do the binding ? any particular method you used or did you just do it from memory ?
  23. when it was clamped together i thought it looked weird, but when you had drawn the shape on the wood it looked great, now that its cut it looks amazing and the different colours look fine especially because the guitarbody has multiple woods, its really good.
  24. how are you mounting them, pickguard ? rear routed ? i had a hell of a time making a 'strat' pickguard for some trisonics (they are a weird shape like / \ so its hard to get the right size) and i couldnt find a template anywhere
  25. seems like people were getting confused in this thread, turning a pickup 'upsidedown' afaik just means spinning it so the wire is at the top instead of bottom not flipping it so the pole pieces are facing the body, hendrix played his guitar with the strings reversed so its the same effect as turning the pickups round, and yes it does make it sound warmer . if you want a humbucking sound you just need to swap the middle pickups wires round (on a strat style guitar) so when you select posistions 2-4 its humbucking, although the pickups are far apart so it sounds a bit strange.
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