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Everything posted by Bigtommyb

  1. For my 7 string project ive cheated on the neck by using the 1 off a cheap Aria Mac50 7 string i got Big Tom
  2. the 1,3 and 5 positions on my Fender Mex Strat do the same so its compleatly normal.
  3. I just got their catalogue this weekend (craft-supplies) and the prices are awsome... and have a good range of wood. it also comes with a sheet telling you about how good the wood is to work with and what tonal qualities they have. e.g. Padauk Another great wood often overlooked, it can produce great sounding guitars. Care when bending is needed, but otherwise a lovely material to work with I found these guys great. Big Tom
  4. yea that guitar (and piano!) looks awsome! i would stick with the natural finish if i were you! Big Tom
  5. Hey dude im 16 looks good! im doing my first guitar at the moment too... will start posting as soon as i can... Big Tom
  6. Ive been playing with the idea of hidden pickups and thought of using plastic covers, ive tested it and putting anything Wood/plastic over it makes very little difference. The only problem is playing it would be pretty hard as there is no room under the strings if you want the pickups to work properly... Big Tom P.S. yes im back and finally i can afford to make my guitar Woohoo go me! will post info as i start making... just gotta wait 4 the wood to arrive and get my final designs done and will probably come asking for help when something goes horribly wrong....
  7. OK well Hey Folks... Looks like i can finally start on my first project. Been thinking of doing this for years and now i can finally afford and have time to build one! Well 2 really. First im starting with an Old Aria Mac 50 7string thats in pretty bad shape... and basiacally im stealing the neck and giving it a new body and compleatly new look. (will keep you informed) And the 2nd is going to be Fixing my brothers old Les Paul.. hes had it for years and the neck doesnt sit properly to the body and is pretty banged up. 3 of the pots are broken. And so ive offered to Make it good as new. I will keep you guys informed with all my progress and will prob come running to the comp asking for help when i f*** it up. Holding a sign like this feeling sorry for my self. Big Tom
  8. Me too please! - Bigtommy_b@hotmail.com Jpg would b best. Big Tom P.S. Looks like ive got the money to start my project but first im gonna do a lil "practice" one.
  9. This wont b much help but i get the same from my Ibanez RG320QS, but when im playing through an amp i dont notice it at all. and i just live with it but if i could fix it i would cuz it does get annoying sometimes. Tom
  10. Hey guys looks like im gonna have the money to finally start my 7 string project (just gotta get paid!!!). Then i will be starting my guitar, im starting off by stealing the neck from an old Aria Mac Series 7 string. I will keep u all posted as i progress, and prob call for u guys for any help and stuff.... And heres my First Prob! What Floyd Rose Trem should i get? and wheres the best place to buy 'em? Tom
  11. Hey Folks, im making a 7string and will post updates on it as soon as i get in to it. but first i need to get the parts and does any one know any good custom pickguard sites that do a wide range of styles? Tom
  12. Sounds Gr8... hopfully will b able to go! Big Tom
  13. I think hes an awsome guitarist but not a big fan of his stuff... Big Tom
  14. hummm... well what are the symptoms and how do u fix it then? play less guitar? pff i aint doing that would rather have Slightly injured hands...as long as i can still play i dont care! Big Tom
  15. k thanx dude... how much do you guys think its worth tho? gonna take some pictures in a lil while and put them up on here... as soon as ive sold this im gonna get to work on making my guitar! Big Tom
  16. Ok ive quickly made a lil web site... it sucks but its only for pics that im gonna post and details on the the guitar that im gonna start work on as soon as i get the money to pay for the parts Click ME!!!! ok have a look im gonna wack some more pics on there soon of that guitar (better ones) Big Tom
  17. The one that looks like its infested with mould when its actually just had all the other crayons rubbed all over it and chipped and stuf...
  18. How do u put pics onto a post that are on ure comp....?
  19. Yea its a Jackson... And its supposed to be the guitar thats on Legend of Zelda : Majoras Mask for the Nintendo 64.... yea i kno im sad.... Big Tom
  20. Hey Folks! Im selling an Antoria Rock Star Hollow body and i dont have a clue how much its worth im gonna get some pics and put em on here asap (so in about 20mins or so...) its it pretty awsome condition only thing thats wrong with it is one of the pots doesnt work properly and theres slight rusting on the pickups... So any ideas on Value... post in £ or $ im not botherd... Big Tom
  21. i would have to have the Paul Reed Smith Custom 24! Big Tom
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