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Everything posted by Drak

  1. Wow. Guess I didn't pay THAT much for mine then, but it was more than I had paid for any other top previously. I got mine, which I consider damn nearing spectacular, for $130.00 off of the 'bay. I thought that was a LOT, but LMI's are double that. SCORE then!
  2. Not to worry. You'll be the envy of your block with your Carriburst.
  3. Christ I love that song... Theatrical lyrics? Yeah, I'll give you that one. Dio? I don't think so. But christ that guy can wheedle-dee! and besides Jim,...you're too young to have been a part of the 80's. If you were growing up in that time, Yngwie WAS god to you! He 'owned' every guitar magazine cover in existence at the time. ...I remember seeing this little band back in '79 see, at the time a very small, no-name band that were touring on their -one- single hit at the time, 'Runnin' With The Devil'...Woo-Hoo! Those were the days Jim, those were the days Hahahaha!
  4. Why wait to call them until you're completely piss raving mad and will at that point never use them again no matter what they respond with? Call them NOW. You'll feel so much better. You could also e-mail them, or you could leave a post over at their BBS forum, (which I believe he checks up on daily) you have a lot of options any of which will make you feel much better than just doing nothing and waiting and getting more pissed. I've never bought from them, but I've had countless 'net situations' over the years, and I've learned that picking up the phone is by FAR the best thing to do AS SOON as something is not going right, NOT 2-3 weeks down the road. I've seen Bill post countless times in several forums over the years, and he's always been courteous. Always. Never seen a negative word out of the guy. C'mon dude, dispute resolution 101...get in touch with them now.
  5. Maybe you could shoot for a really high-grade flamed piece. Flamed isn't usually as expensive as quilted. Just a thought... ..or maybe Sycamore?...
  6. ...thanks, but I already have my wood. Woo-Hoo! www, just guessing, but I think to do a bass you'd need about 24" or therabouts. Nice hunka hunka Maple tho...
  7. I heard 'in the wind' that the prize is gonna be either a life-size poster of Carmen Miranda or the dreadlocked rastaman himself, Bob Marley, ...winner's choice. ...the free 'Weekend in Bermuda' vacation just wasn't quite do-able... Oh, BTW, here's the Official Masthead pic. "Underneath the Mango Tree, Me Honey and Me..."
  8. ...hehehehe... BTW, I think the first few posts on the new thread should be the pics we've already gathered on this thread, but all posted right up front at the beginning just as a point of reference...that Jet, and those other ones, and those Bahama Islands color pics were good too. ...And a BIG ole' picture of ...CARMEN MIRANDA!!! BWAHAAHAAHAA! I'm off in search of a good Carmen pic now... PPS, and Derek's question is a perfect example of what the new thread should be concerned with. Derek might blow us all away by doing it some way we with airbrushes wudda never though of...
  9. ...I got a feelin' she's gonna ROLL right thru to Jan.1 BWAHAAHAAHAA! ...Uhhhhh... probably not tho... Hey, I was jez readin' anudder post by StonesCreed and it made me tink of somdin'... I already know how to do a Carriburst, and I'm sure others do to, but for the folks who are giving it a run... ...but may not know 'everything there is to know' about the fabled and infamous Carriburst finish, I thought maybe we should have a tips and tricks section? I'm posting this 'cause Brian said to keep the ideas flowing...so I'm just throwing it out. ...and this is supposed to be FUN, and a 'kewl' learning experience for those who might need some asistance along the way. So, even tho I might not want to actually UNLEASH my babaliciously bountiful 'burst until Jan. 1 '05, I thought we should keep the young'uns in tow if they need help in picking stains, mixing stains, applying stains, water stains on wood, stains mixed in as toners... ...all the different ways one can get to 'THE ISLAND'... So maybe ren had a point of having a 'special reference section' for this, or we can just do it thru normal channels on the inlays and finish forum... Maybe we'll let this thread die and start up a thread on the inlay and finish section talking about all the different hues and mixtures you can use to do a carriburst. That would be kind of like an helpful informative thing that could be pinned for future reference? just tinkin' oud loud mahn. Kirkoutmahn.
  10. Hell, I think Frank probably invented the term 'guitar wanking'. It even sounds like something he'd come up with. Frank never really considered himself a 'super-duper' guitar player in the first place. He considered himself a composer first who 'just happened' to play guitar as his primary instrument. Frank smokes Steve in every musical way (I think even Steve would admit to that)except for sheer wankness, where Steve could easily whip Frank, but Frank wouldn't really care...after all, Steve was Frank's 'hired gun' anyway, that's what he was good at. Well...except maybe transcribing. I doubt Frank could transcribe as well as Steve, who is/was a master at it. Frank could create orchestral movements in his head sitting at an airport, but I don't think he had anywhere near the patience or talent to transcribe someone -Else's- stuff the way Steve could/did...
  11. Snork, go here. The FDP Search Engine When you get there, under 'search username', type in SMark. Then scroll to the bottom of the page where it says 'display in groups of', and enter 50. That's it, leave all other boxes alone, (unless later on you want to search the archived section for more of his posts from way back)... Then hit the search button at the bottom of the page. Mark is like 'Mr. Pickup' over at the FDP. This will show you SMarks posts, and a lot of them have his MP3 links at the bottom of his posts. He is a walking talking playing Lace Sensor user, the Hot Golds being his favorites. But you can read his posts for yourself. There are lots of links to his clips using the Hot Golds with the 13.2 SC bridge, the 'dually' HB bridge, some Alumitone clips, some Holy Grail clips. Some clean clips, mostly dirty/distorted. Just keep rolling thru his posts, he's got a slew of links at the bottom of his posts, the Hot Golds are his overall favorites. Good luck.
  12. Lace Sensor Hot Golds with the 13.2K bridge option. About $123.00 for the set at AAMPS. I've got a set of these waiting for a guitar to cure they're going in so I can't personally comment on them yet, but I've heard several MP3's using these, they definitely do blues and heavy rock. But pkp opinions are like, well, you know...everybody's got one.
  13. All doze rules make me dizzy mahn. I'm puttin' on some Bob man, gettin' in da spirit of tings. Anybody got da Carmen Miranda record? I need one now mahn, make me head stop spinnin'...
  14. Not enough wood for a carved top, maybe I should have expalained that better. Both tops are only about 1/4".
  15. OK, here's the scoop-du-joire. I finally got this piece of Koa I've had for awhile cut today, boy-how-dee am I lovin' it, Flame-Taste-ique! BUT...this piece was sold (on e-Bay) as a gunstock blank. It is basically triangular-shaped. I got enough to do 2 tops, one is going to be another Rhoads Shark Vee top. The other, well, I can get a Les Paul shape out of it barely. Nothing with upper horns will fly on this. So, my dilemma. I love Les Pauls, but only the carved-top ones. Weirdo, I know. Something about that LP shape, ...but pancake-flat... like the Jr. was kinda bugs me for some stupid reason. I think it only looks good like Gibson did it, ala combo TOM/Stop all in one and P-90's. I kinda like that basic rock-n-roll minimalist look, but I think HB's on a flat-topped LP looks weird. You ever feel that way too? So, should I use the LP Jr. shape and use the minimalist concept of combo tailpiece and a pair of P-90's... Or instead use the double-cutaway look of the LP Special and some SA-MOKIN HB's? I'm not so sure I'm sold on using P-90's for much of anything, might be nice, but I'd hate to route for them just to find the guitar not being used, know what I mean? That would be 'designing-for-stoopid'. Help! Stumped I am I am. Or maybe I can get an SG out of it???
  16. Guess you don't play Mississippi Queen anymore then, eh?
  17. On a guitar with an arched top (like a Les Paul) it is necessary. On a flat-topped body, it is usually not necessary, ...but might be, depending on the circumstances. How's that?
  18. Hi hellium, welcome aboard, mate!
  19. Can you pull the back off and give us all the information listed on the speakers? Uhhh, hand-made speakers ain't gonna cut it I'm afraid. This might be the place to start. It sort of sounds like someone tried to recone them by themselves, again, not a good idea at all. Could be anything by what you said they said about the speakers, I'd like to know what's in there. The only way you'd see a crappy re-cone job is to actually pull them off the board tho... Also, are you blasting this cab w/band, or trying to play at 'residence' levels? Maybe you could/should use a 2-10 or 2-12 closed back cab if you are using it in an enclosed space so you can pump the amp up more, but that philosophy comes more from pumping my tube amps, they gotta be to a certain point before they start dancin'...maybe that wouldn't affect your amp so much...just a thought... PS, Yes Wes, Birch Plywood is the ****. If you look at birch and regular plywood sideways, the plys on birch are far far superior (and so is the price) to regular plywood, it's really good stuff, I've used it to re-baffle several amps so far. But for this case, I think it's more the speakers so far... I'd love to see a pic of the inside of that cab.
  20. SD Dan, that's funny, I knew I had a 50/50 shot at it...and blew it. Litch, I think Brian is going to take it, but he wanted at least the weekend to gather his thoughts on the matter. He'll let us know when he's got a plan I think. Wes, it IS embarrassin! that's why I removed it damn you! ...but OK, I'll try to keep some financial statements factually stating where the party of the first part, ...being of sound left brain...bla bla bla, yada yada yada...where'd that damn decimal point go agin?
  21. I think I covered that ground HERE ABOVE, (ahem)...but if you disagree, so be it, that's cool. But if you do disagree, then please offer up some better sage advice, just disagreeing with me w/o any experience or better answers of your own to add doesn't add anything to the conversation, it just confuses the original poster. If you want to disagree or just argue an opinion with me, that's great, but my post was aimed at helping the original poster fidgec. Do you have something else to offer him if what I said is incorrect?
  22. Wes, don't you know creative folks aren't worth diddly at accounting, that's why they have wives! It's all left brain man, no right brain! Repeat the mantra: NO RIGHT BRAIN! NO RIGHT BRAIN! NO RIGHT BRAIN!
  23. I wouldn't refin that one, it's too nice as it sits to go back and strip it all off! One thing I've seen a time or two that I did like a lot on some other guitars that were done natural Maple was they did the hardware and accents in black. It looked very cool, and I generally don't like black hardware too much, but on the clear Maple, it looked great, really accented both the black hardware and the clear Maple. I'd probably put gold on it myself, I'm a gold hardware freak, but the black really accented everything. I remember an all natural Maple topped Archtop where the guy made his own tailpiece out of Ebony, bridge Ebony, F-holes were accented w/ Ebony strips, I think he made his own Ebony (w/ inlays) pickguard for it, it was a real killuh!
  24. My opinion on wood putty is totally Blechhhhhh........ Auto-body BONDO is THE **** for repairing little dings when you have to fill in spots. It dries rock hard, sands easy, sticks to pretty much everything, and no shrinkback. My vote for Top Dawg No.1 dingo filler. PS, you can sand the paint back (if it's really that thick) ...to the point where a lot of the chip marks dissapear, and still not go all the way thru to bare wood, just use a bit of caution when sanding it back. Try to sand back to the original factory finish, whatever color it was, and try to stop at that point.
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