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the third eye

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Everything posted by the third eye

  1. cool i'm still gonna download it later, now you've made me curious
  2. the holoflash one on here not long ago...
  3. errr...what? does azul mean something other than blue?
  4. yeah, that's what i was thinking, the blue ones look the best, i really don't care for the yellow ones azul, Azul!
  5. wow!, some look really bad, some look really good!
  6. LOL!!! ................... ...........aaarrgghh!! simon i'm afraid i can only accept those as proof upon personal inspection so send them to me ASAP!!
  7. yes yes of course but really it's just a cover, isn't it?......to hide a fetish just messin with ya guys ...no, i'm serious... errr...no, i am just kiddin
  8. well fender own jackson now.... so they may even have moved into the fender factory..
  9. yep it's all good, a fellow jemsiter sold me one, it's in transit at the moment total: $21US shipped from US to Australia the australian distributer wanted to sell me one for $80Au!!!!!! not including shipping!!! cheers
  10. i love blue!! this forum is blueaholics anonymous isn't it?? don't get me wrong, i love guitars....but that's not what we're here for....it's the blue!! Azul!!Azul!!
  11. no wonder you're a mod here.....most of the forum is blue!!!!
  12. if you were to make, say a green...or red guitar....would you turn to dust??
  13. .....and were there more links at the bottom of the page before? (when viewing a topic) or am i tripping? either way it'd be handy to have a link to the index from the bottom so you don't always have to scroll back up
  14. woah! i think it just changed, while i was on here! ......and some things have disappeared
  15. i agree with you wes, however a small point nobody has mentioned is that if there actually was no lower end market, the higher end guitar's prices would drop dramatically
  16. chicken go cluck cluck cow go moo!!! donkey go eeyyoore!!!! how 'bout you??????
  17. well said brian, on a side note... ..........................bells and whistles rule!!!!!!
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