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Everything posted by nakedzen

  1. Here's "Siipi" (it means "wing" in finnish). It's my seventh build, started making these a bit over a year ago to ease the boredom of covid. One piece quartersawn maple neckthrough, ash wings, ebony fretboard. 25.5" scale, stainless frets, graphtech nut, Schaller locking tuners, Hipshot bridge, EMG 81/60 set, EMG PA2 booster. Satin nitrocellulose finish.
  2. Slight change in plans for the strat style one. It'll be a 27" scale 7-string. And most likely I'll try to make it look (somewhat) like this: Anybody used the white dye from TLC guitargoods? I've seen some good looking tops done with it.
  3. Now that's some beautiful grain there on the V. Koa, walnut?
  4. Great to hear it worked out right! I think I first stole that from Maximum Guitarworks video, started using it since.
  5. Lol. Are there other members here apart from finnish engineers? That's beautiful looking design. From what I've understood kantele is trad. made from aspen too.
  6. Frets done, and level sanded and buffed the headstock nitro. Now we wait for hardware.
  7. As long as the parallel pots are wired in series to the master volume the resistance would total always over 500K? I'm not too familiar with circuits or how they work. Personally, I'd do the pickup selectors as on/off switches.
  8. There's also the Duesenberg Les Trem II to add to your tremolo options, installs in place of a stoptail.
  9. Simplest trick for putting pressure on the center for the top glue-up for me has been tightening a screw in the pickup cavity spots.
  10. Second. It all depends on if you want/need more highs to come through. But you might want to check into partial split resistors for your wiring, could come in handy. https://www.fralinpickups.com/2018/10/17/using-resistors-in-guitars-101/
  11. Nitro needs buff/polish, but the tru-oil looks pretty nice already. Not entirely sure if I'll smooth it out after a couple weeks with steel wool and apply a last super thin gloss coat or just leave it as is. Next the frets!
  12. Lol. Nykänen was a national institution, constantly on the tabloids about his drunken exploits.
  13. Can't go too wrong with Warmoth. Beautiful build, nice idea to make the stoptail from wood.
  14. Glad you like it! It's pretty basic. I just took an owl graphic I found with google images, drew over it in Illustrator (rather, Affinity Designer since I moved from all my Adobe software to cheaper/better alternatives. Illustrator -> Affinity Designer, Photoshop -> Affinity Photo, Lightroom->Luminar, Premiere->Davinci Resolve. Only one I couldn't find a working replacement is After Effects. But you can do the same fx with Blender. But I digress. ) I printed out that simplified design, taped it on the fretboard with doublestick tape, slowly went through the lines with very shallow passes with the dremel. I think 7-8 passes to get it deep enough.
  15. Nitro done on the logo side, three coats of tru oil on the rest!
  16. Thanks! Takeaways: 1. I'll never ever again do a satin white nitro finish. Seriously though, there's a local paint shop that will do it for me for a hundred euros. I paid more for the rattle cans on this. 2. Slowly is better than fast. But that's a given. 3. Got the string ferrules lined up nicely. First drilled from the top with forstner tipped bits so that it just barely comes through. Then did the ferrules on a line drawn between the outermost ones, ignoring if the string hole is centered or not. Not much went wrong on this build, pretty simple design and not that much different workflow wise vs. bolt on.
  17. Thanks! I think I already have enough powder to last me for 15 guitars though! Almost ready for gotm, got the control cover in the mail. Only waiting for the chrome switch tip and it's 100% done.
  18. New nut installed, intonation checked. Glow in the dark resin truss rod cover done! Very happy with the quality of the powders, they stay lit for at least 45 minutes with just being held against a light bulb for a couple seconds. These: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0875X7W7F/
  19. Painted or natural finish? I went with a smaller blank and glued the wings together from three pieces for a painted body. Best would be to print out your plan and check the exact measurements you need by cutting up the print.
  20. App version of the Peterson strobe tuner probably your best bet.
  21. Do you think you have golden ears? Testing the difference between a neckthrough and a bolt-on. Same woods, pickups, tuners, nut material. Different frets and bridge. One guitar is: 25.5" scale telecaster, one-piece maple neck, ash body. Schaller tune-o-matic bridge, graphtech nut, Schaller tuners, EMG 81. Other guitar is: 25.5" scale neckthrough, one-piece maple neck, ash wings. Hipshot bridge, graphtech nut, Schaller tuners, EMG 81. There is a difference you can hear, but subtle. I can post the match eq frequency comparison later. https://soundcloud.com/lumiaaltoguitars/001-vs-006
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