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Everything posted by nakedzen

  1. Also I like to see the guitar, so there's that. Swapped the easel for this contraption. Built it so I can have better way of painting the guitars. It has casters underneath. Hasn't fallen apart yet.
  2. Easel makes a good stand for drying guitars too. Didn't want to keep it for weeks in our shed outside.
  3. Hand drill and hand-eye coordination. But it was pretty scary. It needs that large hole for EMG quick connectors to fit through.
  4. Beautiful looking top! Is there a small crack forming or is it just a grain line?
  5. Much sanding and spot painting later. Still work to be done. Cheeky test fit. Really needs the logo to not look plain.
  6. Britetone done, now we wait. I'll get the neck wood next week so I have to entertain myself with the rhoads build. More sanding and painting it is.
  7. Britetone going on. My second time using it, I like it. Very easy to get a high gloss finish.
  8. Done with the faux binding. Got some figure to pop with the oil too.
  9. Thanks for the info! Like they say, man who makes no mistakes produces nothing!
  10. That's a pretty neat shape! Been wanting to build a 7-string after I sold all my ESP's. What's the width at 12th fret?
  11. Yeah the back has oil on it, and the top britetone. The stain has gone pretty deep into the grain on the top. I'll have to go for the 25 degree angle bit on the router table to clean it up, sanding just isn't enough it seems.
  12. This is the style of finish I'm looking for:
  13. Well, fake/faux/natural, they're all the same thing. Just looking to make the grain pop a bit more, now it's really plain. Never done this before so I was wondering if you usually do that or not?
  14. Originally was going to do the natural binding with the router table, but I thought, heck why not just try with sandpaper first. Seems to work OK, 120 grit roughed mostly all of the stains that I managed to make. Next 240-360. Quick question, do you guys leave natural binding natural (without color)? Or would you dye it say, yellow then sandback to get the grain to pop more?
  15. Plain black ash grain can look quite nice imo. Testing out how the neck will look like with dark brown dye.
  16. None it is! If I go for black emg's that is. All nickel hardware could be cool too, hmmm. Black looks great. Still some glue spots and scratches to clean up but mostly done!
  17. So far so good... Put some britetone as scratchguard on the top, and am glad I did! Cavities and holes mostly done. Ordered some fancy flamed maple for the neck. Next I'll stain the back black. Which color pickup rings? Or no rings?
  18. Since I never entered this guitar in it's original form, here's (again) the "Remake - Revengeance of the Telecasters pt. 2". This was originally my third build (started building guitars March this last year), but I refinished it and made a new neck. So build 5.5 I guess? 25.5" scale, zebrano fretboard, ash body, flame maple top, spanish cedar/quartersawn maple neck. SD Custom/Jazz pickups, Schaller tuners, Gotoh 510UB wraparound bridge. Britetone top, distressed and oiled back.
  19. Old topic, what's eveyone using nowadays? I've been a Kemper user since 2012, been pretty much perfect. Created couple hundred profiles of my rackmount Rectifier and Fryette Deliverance, eventually sold all my tube gear. My back thanks me aswell. I/O is Lynx E22 card through s/pdif from Kemper to Reaper. Great for home playing/recording, with just one twist of a knob I have my own perfect recorded tone in a box. Sorry for the gushing ad.
  20. For full authenticity you'll need to match the inlay work.
  21. Bottom coats done and level sanded with 320-400 after 48 hrs. Still some filling and sanding to do before I start the top coats. Lower wing especially was pretty bad.
  22. No real story, I just like art nouveau style artwork. Found Chris Panatier and commissioned the album covers from him. Very fine detail of his work really impressed me!
  23. Couple releases. Has it really been 5 years since the last one? Really need to get to work on our new album that's been in development hell for two years already. It's death metal mixed with electronic music.
  24. Maybe already posted, it's a year old interview, but I found it pretty interesting.
  25. Little progress on the tele. Starting to get the top colored where I want it. Sanded back the first try: Getting somewhere: This top seems to really soak in the dye.
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