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Everything posted by travismoore

  1. I love purple heart to but bassed on those to particular peices of wood i would go for the walnut =)
  2. Ya im pritty happy with them and the fit seems to be nice and snug. Im trying to get it all set up and wired for testing(so il get a sound clip then). Then il take it all apart make all the changes i need to finish it then set it all up =)
  3. Hey guys, I started cutting the pick-up holes with a chisel (i never have the tools that do it quickly lol) Iv only just the rectangle part im going to the the cemi-circle part with a round chisel as soon as i get one. But hopefullly not long till i get to make some noise with it =) Enjoy =) Edit: bridge pick-up is slanted like a warwick (im hoping it will add abit more bass).
  4. nice one =) Good work! i can see why your nephew is happy
  5. hey guys, some progress for you starting shaping the neck to day with my rasp and file lol. here's the picture. more has been done since this picture but il take another one once its all finished and smooth. All the best, Travis
  6. ouch im really sorry to see that happend. I thought that fretboard was so awsome as well.
  7. Cool glad you see it finished and its looking great! Good to year it soudns as good as it looks =)
  8. Wow that looks awsome! This maybe a nob question but what exactly is a bariton guitar?
  9. Looking awsome! I like the sound of the ebony lining =)
  10. Ouch! Thats really unlucky sorry to see that and i hope you manage to sort it out.
  11. Is that blood on there yours lol just joking Looks cool, happy impailing =)
  12. I like the look of that mock-up and cant wait to see that in wood =) Ya as for bridge idea i think afew luthiers use them. E.g http://www.adamovic.nl/2basses_gallery.htm
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