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Everything posted by StratDudeDan

  1. i'm afraid i'm going to be withdrawing my prior statement of "i am enterring my SG." i just found out i lost a scholarship at school, so i gotta actually start paying for it...blast it... oh well. i'm still gonna build it, i just might not have electronics/tuners for it for a really long time. i've already got part of the body, i just need a couple pieces of 1/2" maple and i'm ready to start building. so if it has to be a 100% finished guitar, i'm out. if you'll take just a neck stuck onto a body, i might be in. depends on a lot.
  2. how's she play? looks like a bit of a radius on the fretboard for my style, but has the appearance of an "i love everyone and everyone needs to finger me" sort of bass. the kinda bass you don't wanna play...just hug...
  3. 'nuf said, wes. sry. i'll keep it in the slam section. it was just too perfect.
  4. Ovation Acoustic bass of my choice (there are 3 for sale at the local music store, so we're heading down in two days to pick the one out that i want), lotta clothes, 'bout $200 worth of gift certificates to random places, and Medal of Honor: Rising Sun for gamecube. very happy. EDIT - and the first two soundtracks for the Lord of the Rings Series. they're great to fall asleep to, btw...
  5. wow! that was post 311! personally, i do believe that 311 is the greatest band in the world, so that's a big deal for me.
  6. went with the EG112. i could see just what he did to it and i really appreciated the work that went into it. but everyone else is right, this is insanely hard... blah...
  7. i coulda sworn it was 10 and the first... oh well. i could be dumb...
  8. i couldn't tell you exactly what mine was, but it would involve a lot of beating, some odd liquid, let's say mountain dew for now, and a really long noodle...
  9. you must not watch American football much... a: rushing is an offensive thing, and it's a type of play, not a penalty... b: the only 10 yard penalties are holding and defensive holding (not the same thing, they're found in different places on the field) c: refs say offense or defense after "penalty" or "flag on the play."
  10. props senor. the only pictures i have of my "relic" job were taken on film, and my scanner blew up a long time ago, so i never got a chance to import 'em. it was a really old harmony that my friend had that i happened to dig up. oh well, nice work anyway. i'd love to play it. it looks really user-friendly.
  11. mm, i like it, which i find odd...not really my style of guitar, but i still like it... plus, i like the fact that you showed us all how to do it.
  12. i'm still all about Dan. if it's a girl, Danielle. that easy. also, as for the torture thing, you have no clue... my parents were not only my parents, but when i hit high school, they were my teachers, too (they're the band/choir directors at my hs). now that, is torture. except for the part where if you ran out of money for lunch... but then they also know all your teachers on a way different level than you could imagine, which really creeped me out... and you couldn't hide getting in trouble from them... and your mom tried to give you a hug after choir...in front of the potential g/f... anywho...
  13. which is what this topic is all about. (aboot for you canadians)
  14. taco bell, wendy's, and this local place called Uncle Nick's (great sandwiches) are the only places to eat that are open when i get off work (usually past midnight, editing sucks...) so i'm so tired of them all... and i realized something. taco bell uses the same 6 ingredients, just moves them around. they are: shell, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, cheese, meat, bean dip (sorta...) taco: shell, meat, lettuce, cheese. chalupa: shell, meat, lettuce, cheese. supreme taco: shell, meat, lettuce, sour cream, cheese, tomato. double decker: shell, beans, shell, meat, lettuce, sour cream, cheese, tomato. try this helpful thing and see if you can come up with something taco bell hasn't yet... by 6, i meant 7...
  15. wow. you looked really dumb there for a minute...
  16. okay, sorry lex, but that tele does have my vote now... *next entry please*
  17. use meat to literally stain the wood. fade it out to "sour cream." or vice versa...
  18. i believe my grandpa has been sitting on both some redwood and mahogony for over 17 years now. he said he had something in mind for it, which is why i couldn't steal a piece of the mahogany out from under him, but that ****'s way dry.
  19. that, my friend lex, is gorgeous. you have my vote until something better comes along... *next entry please...*
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