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Everything posted by www

  1. I learned the hardway too! It was winter and I tried to use a 150 watt light to help keep the body warm while drying. I had a lot of fun sanding it all down again!
  2. Too bad you can't get more out of the cabinet maker! Tearing roofs off is mighty hard work in the hot sun. Good luck.
  3. That has got to be one of most difficult ways to do it! and I certainly wouldn't recommend that as a way to wire a hollow body!
  4. Superlatives to you. Mighty fine work.
  5. This has been addressed before! Don't waste your money on them. I have used them and they look terrible. They stick out, so you snag them when you bend. They felt odd under my finger tips. Others here stated the same problems as myself. Do your self a favor. Save your money!
  6. Yeah! I have the number 3, 5 and the jointer planes! All cut nicely.
  7. Look Here for an alternative. These are well made planes and the prices at this site are the lowest I've found.
  8. I purchased a set of these planes and have found them to be a good value. they are now where as good as Lie-Neilsen planes, but for the difference in cash the Anant planes win hands down in my book. I use 600 grit wet-dry sandpaper on a piece of glass to sharpen and the cut pretty good when properly set up. They are compareable to Stanley/Record planes at a lower cost. Anant planes
  9. Does it have to be a Saga neck? If not, you can get necks at a lot of places.
  10. I believe Ywngie Malmsteen has frets on his necks. Doesn't He? Edit: Late post as usual!
  11. Try a clothtop! So many designs to choose from.
  12. If this is your first stab at building a guitar, I'd suggest a kit first or maybe buy a body and neck from someone. USA custom guitars here This a great place to start. Also, Universal Jems has kits.Here It is hard to build a guitar correctly and there is a lot to learn. It gets easier eith practice. As far as time, it depends on the time sanding, finishing, putting the parts on and the set up. Building from scratch takes much longer and takes more tools. Good luck. I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers to your question.
  13. Do you mean as a top for the guitar body or just as an inlay design? Either way it will work. I'm just try to clarify the question.
  14. MMMMM... Bass! Iwas looking at Claro and the price has gone up so much because of the gun collecters. As far as I'm concerned they could make the gun stocks out of balsa wood and leave the good stuff for the guitars. I like the Circassian Walnut, but at that price it makes Claro seem absolutely inexpensive.
  15. I had the experience about 14 years ago. I was towing a barge on the side of my tug and a huge water spout (water tornado) came out from behind a nearby island. I turned my tug into the wind and headed straight for it. The resulting blast took everything that wasn't tied down and threw them into the air and concurrently into the water. The sound was very much like the roar of a jet engine. After a few scary moments the funnel collapsed on the barge and thousands of gallons of sea water dumped from the sky instantly. It was quite the thrill, needless to say.
  16. Claro Walnut if you can find a piece. It is the best looking walnut and is used mostly in gun stocks which has driven the demand high and the cost as well.
  17. I think all the superlatives have been used already, so i'll just say great work.
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