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Everything posted by tim_ado

  1. so... to get to the crux of the issue. what is the easiest way, to get this upto a effects pedal standard?
  2. mmmm if were to buy it....i think should play the actualy song...not random midi notes over the top
  3. if you really going to throw it away why not burn it...i hear it helps with the stress but really dont give up. the fact that your trying to build guitars is one up on most people so you might aswell keep going
  4. i find tastful solos ten times better than (seemingly) mindless craziness.....its like a drill into my skull
  5. or metho.......just cut a coke bottle in half and soak your hand in it....ohh yeh
  6. yeah they form and pretty well....if youve got a bass around play that a bit aswell
  7. yeha you can buy some pretty decent books that tell you were to place mic's esp. with regaurds to drum kits i know roughly were to place the mics if you doing the whole kit but really a couple of decent condensers and a kick drum can do a good job a rodes Nt3 is a good affordable condenser for drums
  8. wouldnt be hard....you would still use one mic
  9. just looking at the wood now and i would say the it looks alot lighter on the other side in the initial picture the back seems lighter so im thinking that the front has some type of stain on it by the looks of the back im lending towards walnut
  10. nar its hard wood and i think its dam old......one of my dads organs is over 100 but im not sure if its from this
  11. nar that board is made up of about 3 pieces...and im pretty sure its all the same....the entire organ was made out of it
  12. so this is an old thread but im thinking of using this piece soon any other thoughts???
  13. yeah the Shure SM57s are awesome if you were wanting to mic guitars and you just doing it in a room with nothing else... and you have the money you should look into a rodes K2... these things are unbelievable they also do vocals as long as you have a popfilter
  14. hey goat good to see you back. you next build sounds mad.....cool choices of woods god bless
  15. i think i you going to spray you should use tape. i you use a stencil you'll probably have to tape it down anyway if its that detailed and you confident you could try doing it by hand
  16. yeah man thats looking sick tell you want would be cool if you could somehow rig the scratch plate up with out any screws....it would look mad not sure how you would do it though
  17. yeah thats what i figured the build is looking killer though good balance of imagination and practicality i'd say
  18. Tim, Not sure I follow. Are you thinking I need to clean up the edge of the soundhole, or add a specific bevel to modify air movement in some way? nope just a simple round over of the edge i think will help it follow better... in a subtle way
  19. it would probably only work if you got all the winners from '07 into the comp. rather than have every one enter if you got that set up i'd say it would be a pretty cool comp
  20. hey yeah im thinking slimline might be better for shipping and the cost i do all the graphics and codes and stuff i guess the rough thing is the theme of it right now....the page and the cd case it will change in time though im sure.......i just have to be the right about of bored for it to happen
  21. it probably isnt finished yet but i reckon the sounds hole needs to be beveled or something
  22. so a while ago i posted a thread about the cd cover but i firgure why dig up the old one this is probably what were going to go with....do you think we should put them into slimline cases like this...or get cardboard wallets like this made up??? this is the front
  23. yeah i think packing matches is pretty conventional just glue them in there and redrill
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