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Everything posted by jefm

  1. HAHAHA...that's pretty funny Probably it has less to do with it's function and more with it just sounded trendy
  2. Good to know...thanks for that review and yes...I burn myself all the time with my iron too
  3. Hmmm...I should try and track that down again But I guess coming from gibson itself is better than a random site on the net...I was a little sceptical anyway... Did you ask about the tune-o-matic bridges??? It's alright if you forgot...you mentioned in your thread about the explorer...I was kind of curious
  4. And there's always raw sex appeal... If you're in college carry around a guitar....you don't have to play...you'll get all the attention from the ladies you need Also the recent awards shows have been dominated by rock...and even pop stations play a lot of rock... guitar will never be un-cool... if this were a bag pipes or accordian forum...you'd have something to worry about
  5. Awwww....what a terrible terrible waste... actually...it's not entirely true...often they sell them as epiphones...I forget where I heard that but a lot of epiphones are labled as gibson 'seconds' as far as the serial number goes...maybe true maybe not...I think I got it off a serial number site I can understand doing that for customs and stuff though... too bad they don't do like warmoth and peice off unused parts or stuff with defects...it'd be kinda cool to do your own 'Gibson' custom **edit I just remembered...did you ask about the bridges???
  6. Errr...it's no different from a material finish.....unless he built it up in layers and caked it on...in that case EWWWWwwww... but thin coloured tissue in a mosaic type pattern would be pretty cool...so would newspaper clippings if you were still able to read part of it... It sounds bad (as in awful)...but it really has an incredible potential to be bad (as in bad ass)
  7. Actually yeah I like how they look on the CoCo as well... What if rather than an angle where the strings don't touch they touched at a roller...or even maybe a peice of graphite or something...like a seperate nut for each hole I was originaly envisioning having the string go past the tuner and bend around a roller to reach the tuner...it'd be a little easier to engineer....not with the LSR something like this http://montana.gibson.com/guitars/Signature/chetcecec.html except hidden from the front...you'd just see the small holes... I'd also probably need longer strings to compensate for the little bit of extra length....depending on how much extra was needed...this would give a lot more freedom with the tuner placement and headstock arrangement... Would it put too much stress on the string or not tune well or other problems I might not be envisioning right now??
  8. Yeah I thought so...I mean being bolted to the trem cover... I wasn't sure if they operated differently from a normal trem though I bet knocking on that cover with the gain way up gets some neat feedback
  9. Everyone has seen string through bodies... but will that work for the headstock..You could maybe have something like the old accoustics with the parallel pegs but kind of covered or something...... you could have all of them enter at the same point in the headstock...you wouldn't need string trees and you'd have more freedom to design without the ugly posts sticking out Actually it was kind of inspired by http://members.aol.com/intertunei/LSR.tuners/ neat tuners...too bad they look ugly...if they were upside down maybe??? that likely wouldn't look much better...I don't know... Any thoughts???
  10. Is it even a trem....it doesn't look like it could even work as a trem??? Neat bridge though
  11. Hmmm...neat The little gas ones work well too...don't cool down as fast though
  12. Oooo...Nostalgia I voted HL this time too Rise of the Triad I loved...that game was great it had the guys that would throw grenades and shout "Here Catch"...huge levels too.... I always hated the duke nukem shooters...the platform games were way better Wolfenstein and Doom I played a lot of too...actually I had all the secrets in those games memorized when I was younger...doubt I could do them now though Quake I did quite a bit of level design...that game is a riot... You did forget Unreal...which is ok...it's not that great anyway also serious sam...way underrated...the game isn't half as good as the technology behind it but it's not that bad... Also the console shooters...like Halo and Rare's N64 stuff...and turok I guess... Also the tactical tom clancy ones like ravenshield....and project IGI.... Wow...I play a lot of video games...
  13. Sells it by the pound regardless of grade!!! Make sure to tell him that everyone else does the same thing...and that nobody really wants ugly wood that looks all wavy What a crazy deal...Nice Score
  14. When I was working at an autobody shop I did a lot of paint prep...I had worked with a paint stripper made for aircraft paint...you spread it on...you covered it with plastic you come back 10 minutes later and the paint will fall off...you don't even have to scrape....THAT was some crazy stuff...way faster than sanding for getting paint off large panels
  15. Meh....it works for solid snake... He even has a mullet now...Proof you can be totally bad ass and have no fasion sense... And if anyone bugs you about it...just mumble something over dramatic and remember to use a silencer...exclamation points are a pain err...yeah...so I'm a total geek...anyway...go for it...
  16. jefm


    Gibson has both... it has minihumbuckers and p-94's A little expensive but they are the real deal
  17. jefm


    Actually if they're genuine...especially vintage ones...you could sell em on the bay for the price they'll claim you could likely get a whole whack of stuff for that guitar
  18. Well the Epi PU's that I have aren't terrible... They can distort well and with enough tweaking I can pull some really nice stuff from them ...I'd like something with a little more life though...you could do worse....but I think you could do better too for less money Some minibuckers or maybe some burns pickups could work without changing the look of the guitar too much...
  19. I wonder if Jack changed the PU's...I'd imagine so This to my knowledge was a cheap store brand guitar...probably cheap PU's...and they were likely tossed when he got it...Meh.. Or maybe that's part of the sound...that's the charm of going with the $50 special at the guitar shop...they're likely made out of plywood and have awful feedback problems...but it makes them have a "unique" sound...for better or worse... When You buy a gibson it's like buying a Cadillac...you know what you're getting...you won't get any surprises... buying cheap is like buying an 8 year old kia...You'll never know if it'll make it around the next corner...and that can be quite charming
  20. Well...how it SHOULD work... again I'm not too sure about it but I shouldn't be far off The 2 on-off-on switches are your coil selectors... up they select the lower coil...down they select the upper coil...(I guess that's a little odd) and in the middle they are humbuckers...there's one switch for each HB The 3 way switch is the selector for the HB pickups...same as on any gibson 2 HB setup...the middle both are on and one way or the other is neck and bridge...that would be the on off switch...I would have went with a 5 way or something of that sort but you said you wanted a seperate swich for the middle (hence the seperate on off switch) The pickups don't change phase or go series/parallel (at least not here) Actually...come to think of it I never considered if you want them phased or in series or whatever...that's not a big change though... Anyway....to sum it up and answer your questions The switches all work independantly...the gibson switch is the pickup selector switch...the on-off-on's select which coil you want to use on whatever pickup is working...and the on-off switch turns the middle on and off...the position of one switch doesn't affect the others (except the pickup selector I'd guess)
  21. This SHOULD work...maybe...I'm not to sure about how the volume and tone circuits will affect each other... http://picserver.student.utwente.nl/view_i...S/picserver.gif but it has all you were looking for and maybe more... vol and tone for the HB's and coil switching for each... a seperate switch for the middle PU You could put all the switches into push pulls... you could even use one to select inside and outside coils instead of selecting it on both seperately... actually with the 4 pots...if you used one for the coil tap the others could select the pickups individually...this should give you enough versatility though... I haven't tested this...it's pretty late at night...no guarantees... I'm not too sure about it right now but I imagine it won't work too bad AHHhh...I noticed a mistake already...that's a SPDT for the 2 coils select switches anyway...ugh...bedtime...if you need help I'll go over it later
  22. actually that switch sounds cool....not quite what I had in mind but that'd be better than the typical bridge switch mod... I was considering relays but most are pretty heavy...and usually a little noisy...I really can't think of any better non-mechanical switching though
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