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The Nordic Gawd

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Everything posted by The Nordic Gawd

  1. maybe steinberger will come along and make an 8 string headless. THAT would be really REALLY REALLY cool. It would probably balance the weight too because the neck would look like a landing strip
  2. uhhh why rush to before jan. 1? If you want this to be about how nice the guitar is why not give them some more time. I wish i stained mine in time. but i cant afford the stains right now. bah do as you will people
  3. oh sorry. you have a guide. nm i only saw crackle and wrote how i know how to.
  4. a crackle finish is achieved by putting a bottom layer on of primer. then a layer of whatever paint you want to show through. then you put a very thin coat of paint thinner on. and you wait for that to dry and you put another thick coat of paint on top. and that paint "cracks" and you put a clear over it and your done. It might be a little thick for a guitar. and the finish does chip easy.
  5. i respect your site and all, but pots should not cost 20 bucks a pop :'-( that would put me out.
  6. BAH! GO TO FIXED BRIDGES! IM LIKE FLIPPING OUT!!! http://www.hipshotproducts.com/ WOW!!!! my only question is doesnt it need a TOM or retention bar or something? and where do you buy the strings/p/us.
  7. were to get 1000k pots for a guitar? Apparently this will add to the "quack" of the single coils. Picked this up at jem site. man the mods over there are cruel and unkind.
  8. lmao led paul. obviously this guy don't know sh** from shinola
  9. i agree with streamline. it prob sounds like crap.
  10. went with lex. thats a great guitar. my second was Ryes RH1 Proto. Thats a nice lookin guitar. but i g2g with lex on this one. sry fellas
  11. lmao. thats probably true. but vai is a god and not many people can do what he does. However the color is nice and so is the inlay. I think its an overpriced sexy acoustic!@
  12. sry but its not. 1000 bucks i read on jemsite.
  13. not my taste at all. However you have to appreciate how much time and work went in!
  14. yeah i hate that polished crap you get from people who spend a ton of time in the recording studio. but I HATE page's style... so annoying. check out shut up and play yer guitar by zappa. from live concerts but just amazingly good. Doesnt sound like most live crap you hear from stupid players. check it out.
  15. I played a truly amazing guitar today. the taylor 400 series guitars. W0W. That is an undeniably clear tone. Truly a beautiful sound i much prefer to a martin. Anyone worked with this wood? what are its propierties? I could see it being a great back wood because i dont really like the looks that much bUT I LOVE THE SOUND! Does koa have as articulate a sound? I've never played I've only heard about its warm tendencies. But this ovangkol makes the martin mahoganies sound like muddy POS's. try it out. you wont regret it.
  16. damn....... i love jeff beck stevie and especially carlos. But mostly stevie then jeff then carlos. SRV IS A GOD! TEXAS FLOOD FOREVER WOOOOOOOOO!
  17. i saw that on jemsite. wow. that is one HOT acoustic. i've been wanting to make an acoustic for some time now. that may be my next project.
  18. yeah they were. they both were. terry bozzio right. i was confusing him with the bassist somethin thunas. or sometihng. terry bozzio is the one. he is incredible. chad wackerman was doing less of the epic stuff more of the "keep it in line" stuff. terry bozio was just a F******** amazing drummer. one of the best.
  19. sorry. listen to the pros here. Drak knows what hes talkin bout.
  20. so if the curly maple has some birds eye in it. i think you should be ok/
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