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darren wilson

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Everything posted by darren wilson

  1. For what it's worth, Zakk Wylde uses an 81 in the bridge and an 85 in the neck.
  2. I really like that Formicaster! I never even thought of using HPL. Thanks for the link! I'm getting all sorts of crazy ideas now!
  3. Not everyone will interpret the name so literally according to one set of writings. The word "leviathan" has been used in the vernacular for some time, despite its origins.
  4. Try Birchwood Casey's "Tru-oil" finish. It's available as a wipe-on or spray-on finish. It's designed for gun stocks, and you can build it up to a hard, durable finish.
  5. I wonder if DiMarzio has gone after Carvin for trademark infringement.
  6. My theory: Turning off the "Fast Reply" functionality may have caused a bit of a spike in the number of pages served. Thanks for turning it back on, BTW.
  7. Considering the coils of wire are wrapped around the bobbins, "removing" them from a pickup is quite the feat. To my knowledge, humbucker bobbins are not user-replaceable. Also: Doesn't DiMarzio have a patent on double-cream coils?
  8. I want to be chased off a cliff by topless roller-derby girls.
  9. The question is if you have broadband, not what kind of computer you have. And Curtis, yes, DSL is broadband. If you aren't using an analog phone line and 56k (or lower) modem, you've got a broadband connection.
  10. Sorry about that, guys... i could have sworn that i read walnut was a closed-pore wood ages ago. I stand corrected. But the pores are definitely not as open as mahogany... the wood is very, very smooth when sanded. I didn't necessarily suggest using it as a top wood... people build acoustics with maple tops, why not walnut? The original question was vague, so i didn't know what the intentions were.
  11. Walnut is sort of a cross between maple and mahogany. It's got closed pores like maple, and it's nearly as hard, so you get a lot of that nice growl to it, but it's got a bit of the lower-midrange warmth of mahogany, without getting that overly mid-heavy pronounced "honk" that mahogany is known for. I think walnut would make a great choice for back and sides of an acoustic, but i'm not sure it'd make a great top wood. I don't really care much for the sound of acoustics with maple tops, and i don't think i've ever seen one with a walnut top. But it might make an interesting experiment.
  12. When i'm plugged in to the wired network, i get pretty close to that. I think i clocked it at about 4.8 Megabit. Wireless slows things down a bit, so i think i'm seeing about 3.6 Mbit or so after all the encryption, etc.
  13. http://www.shoprogers.com/Store/Cable/Inte...ent/extreme.asp
  14. 5 Megabit cable to the house, then 802.11b (11 Megabit) inside the house to the PowerBook.
  15. It sounds like you're looking for pinstriping tape.
  16. I think a lot of issues needed to be addressed to make the forum better. I just think some of the things that have recently been implemented to try and address these issues haven't been fully considered. I'd rather see a hard limit on the number of pics per post and a file size and dimension limit (600 pixels wide, maximum). Forcing us to link images is a pain in the ass when you're trying to explain something visually. Users also need to be encouraged users to only quote previous posts when absolutely necessary, and even then, only quote the relevant passage(s) you're responding to. Quoting a full post, pictures and all, to post a one-line reply is just asinine. Disabling Fast Reply is pointless. Why make it more difficult for everyone to post, when it's only a handful of overzealous users with no etiquette who are the problem? You guys are throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
  17. Violins may be glued together with hide glue, but from what i've seen, they also require a lot more TLC over the course of their lifetime. They seem to frequently require repairing, rebuilding and re-gluing of all sorts. I highly doubt an instrument that's been around a couple hundred years is still held together with its original glue.
  18. I fail to see how disabling the "Fast Reply" functionality is going to make people post more thoughtfully. Unless the flood protection only works on the "Add Reply" button. It seems like 95% of us are being punished by having a useful feature removed because 5% of the population abuses it.
  19. Yeah, you need to slow down. I wouldn't put the bridge on or even think about strings or a setup until the finish is perfect. Doing a full setup and then having to disassemble the guitar to wet-sand the finish strikes me as a bass-ackwards way to do things. Patience! And "the drill press operator" screwed up? You had somebody else drill the holes for you? When things are supposed to be evenly spaced, and even one of them is off by a fraction of a millimetre, it throws everything off. The human eye will pick stuff like that up. The ferrules may not be "too far off", but they look awful. You've made some big improvements on this project... overall, your Tele looks much better than your previous efforts in terms of the quality of your joints and how it's put together. But then it falls apart in the details... the rough routing on the hollow chambers, the poor fit on the control cavity plates, the mis-spaced ferrules. Patience!
  20. If you already routed your neck pocket too big on three sides, why can't you move the neck 1/4" closer to the bridge? Are you using a pre-existing body and pickguard? Usually you mount the neck and position the bridge first, and then worry about little details like pickguard fit. Having the bridge in the right place relative to the neck is a little more critical than the pickguard's position. It's easier to nibble a little plastic off a pickguard than it is to keep modifiying your neck pocket.
  21. Roadie, Could you please run your posts through a spelling and grammar checker first? It's painful trying to decode your semi-phonetic spelling.
  22. Well, considering Kevan has gone on a two-week sabbatical, leaving Litch in charge, i would guess that it's either Litch or Brian's doing, since it seems to have only changed today.
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