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Metallica's Effects?


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heyz guyz

it's me ali again :D

anyway i need guitar effects good one like for metallica's song and korn can u give me a cheap and a good model cause i'm havin a live show with my band so soon and my 707boss isn't that good so help and plz fast BTW i have only 100-150$

c ya

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This is NOT the proper place to post this. This is not about the construction of a solid body guitar or bass. A better place would be the "Players' corner" where we're supposed to discuss gear (among other things of course). I'd suggest you wait for a mod to move it, instead of creating another thread, since that'll create confusion.

I have no useful answers to your question though. Sorry about that.

Edited by G_urr_A
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Are you asking for what pedals they use??

I couldnt find anything on guitar geek for yea, sorry, but i am too tired to really look

Anyways, What kind of pedal you looking for? multi effects? just a distortion?

I can recommend a Digitech RP50 with expression pedal, I got me one, 40 different effects, with another 40 that you can edit yourself, so 80 different effects total, built in drum machine, tuner, when you get the expression pedal, just plug it in and boom, you got yourself a wah pedal when you have your wah effect on, with just regular distortion, its also a volume pedal

If your looking for a good Heavy distortion pedal, check out the Boss HM-2 or the Digitech Metal Zone

Heres the Boss HM-2 sound clip

Couldnt find one for the Metal Zone, but that should let you decide!


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Lovetone Brown Source is used by hammet, as well as a wah rumored to once have been owned by Hendrix.

Early on, i believe he used a Ts9 tubescreamer.

I believe a lot of the metallica sound comes from the amps- the Mesas et al.

As for the new album, it would be im[possible to guess, because there are so many different sounds there.

But the Lovetone pedals are used quite often.


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Really the 707 should be fine, you just need to learn how to tweak it probably! And I think you are wrong the 707 is Zoom and not Boss, unless I wan't aware of that one :D And you can get a close sound to them, it'sa almost impossible to get the same one since they mix their sound a lot before the CD goes out. If you want a list of hammets rig it's on the new guitar player, Check this site there you will see pics of his set up. Good luck in your quest for the metallica sound!

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most of their sound comes from the the triaxis preamp, james has like 3 of em that are totally customized so good luck gettin his sound, kirk usually plays thru the head, Mesa dual, james uses triples and diezel amps now your best bet would be to go get a mesa boogie head but thats lots of money


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If you only have $100-150 to spend, get a Boss Metal Zone and a Dunlop Crybaby. You'll probably have to pick one of the two up used, but that's all you really need for a basic metal sound. Later on you might look into tube preamps and such, but that setup will get you by for a while.

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Exactly. Numerous methods of getting a basic metal sound have been described, so that would be the best path to take. Get the basic sound and tweak it, find what suits you best instead of just straight out trying to copy someone else.

Not only is there equipment involved that you cant afford/get your hands on, but there is also an astounding number of intangibles that go into making their sound theirs... so just get the basic distorted sound by the best means your wallet will allow, and tweak it until your personally satisfied.

I think you will very quickly discover what pushes your buttons...

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Buy a boss me30.You get a lot of bonus effects.It got me by for a while,and it wasn't expensive.As Jivin and Maestro said,It's the amp.I use my old 1991 peavy bandit for metallica stuff.Hell,I'd look for a used one of those suckers myself.

Check out the article taken from Guitar player 1992 interview with the man himself.2nd one down on that page


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