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Tonal Charachteristics Of Pine

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A good, cheap alternative to maple or alder or mahogany is poplar.

alder is usually about $3.50 a bf

maple and mahogany are about $7 to $9 a bf

poplar...is about $3 a bf

so i would say alder is a cheap wood...but not really an alternative to anything.

since alder,mahogany,and maple all sound completely different,you choose based on what sound you are going for

a poplar guitar would sound closest to alder...but not really...it is not worth it imo unless you are building 10,000 guitars...because for a guitar body poplar vs alder is about a $1 to $2 difference.

about the price of a pepsi :D

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I believe that at the heart of the 'Log' was a railway sleeper. Due to the softness of pine, I wouldnt think that the railway sleeper was made from this wood.

Are you reffering to the 'Log's wings? I believe that the sides of that guitarn can be taken off- i am sure i saw it a Les Paul documentary once years ago on cable.


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A short note to the hardness of pine/spruce - The hardness of the two depends of where and how they are grown, but pine varies from about equally as hard as spruce to about the double -check Matweb if you don't believe me!

The reasons to use spruce for acoustic instruments are many, but the most important is the extremely high stiffness to weight ratio (not strength to weight as many believes) compared to other woods as well as other materials.

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im making my first guitar out of pine. the local timber merchants refused to sell me any hardwood becasuse it was such a small order and couldnt be bothered (great customer care skills at work there). so i could only get pine.

i ended using two cabinet doors glued together that had a tiny hardwood veneer.

before i chose to use them i read up on pine and the conclusions were it was a satisfactory wood to use as cheap alternative to hardwoods.

im hoping i can mask any lack of "tone" from the body with tons of effects pedals and overdrive. so who cares if its not hardwood, who will know? i just have to be very careful i dont drop it! :D

even if it turns out to be a heap of rubbish, i'll have still learned a lot and its been loads of fun building it.

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