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Guitar Troubles

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I recently bought a second hand guitar, not expensive, a cheap BC rich warlock to use for alternate tunings etc. Anyway, i've noticed a couple of things that im hoping i can fix myself, otherwise its a 45 quid setup at a guitar shop (£ not $).

first i think the neck is angled backwards, its difficult to see in the pic but you can make it out.


Also the bridge is angled forward, though im guessing this is easier to fix that the neck, maybe. Apologies again for the poor picture


Any help is greatly appreciated B)

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I recently bought a second hand guitar, not expensive, a cheap BC rich warlock to use for alternate tunings etc. Anyway, i've noticed a couple of things that im hoping i can fix myself, otherwise its a 45 quid setup at a guitar shop (£ not $).

Hard to tell from the photos but it looks like that action is super high--maybe it was set up as a slide guitar?

Do you have a photo of the nut?

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The next should be fine. It looks like a neck angle to me. Take a look at ESP bolt on necks, they all (that I have seen) have a neck angle like that.

Can't really tell whats going on with the bridge. Some better pictures would be nice. All in all it doesn't look like it should be that difficult to fix.

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the neck angle is there due to the height of the bridge and to reduce the string action.

the bridge, well its hard to tell from the picture, maybe you got too big of gauge for the string, maybe the spring need to be change or just need to adjust the spring claw in the back to even out the pull of the string.


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Idch: I don't think it was a slide guitar, The guy i bought it from hasn't used it in a while so i think the high action is a result of that

i've got a picture of the nut, not sure if its what you wanted but yeah


Primal: I wasn't sure if this was a problem, but i thought it might be. The fretted notes on each string are sharper than the open notes. Maybe this is an intonation thing but the angled neck thing worried me, it does need new strings, maybe thats it. The bridge is tilting forward, but maybe thats the way its supposed to be. I think im gonna buy some new strings and sit down and clean it up and try and set the intonation etc. ill come back if its still out of tune etc.

also woodsman its not a trem its a fixed bridge. tune o matic maybe? im not sure of the name

thanks for the help

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Yeah sounds like intonation adjustment would fix it. You could always plug the bridge holes and remount it. This would set your mind at ease knowing the scale length is correct and the action starts within adjustable range.

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Hmmmm, this is a sticky situation. I've just now discovered a crack in the fret board. It's in the middle of the board, going from the nut about a quarter of the way towards the first fret. so its pretty small but, Is it likely my problems with sharp fretted notes are a result of this? If so im going to try and get my money back and buy a cheap new guitar cos this one is turnin out to be more hassle than its worth.

Thanks for all the help

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmmm, this is a sticky situation.  I've just now discovered a crack in the fret board. It's in the middle of the board, going from the nut about a quarter of the way towards the first fret. so its pretty small but,  Is it likely my problems with sharp fretted notes are a result of this? If so im going to try and get my money back and buy a cheap new guitar cos this one is turnin out to be more hassle than its worth.

Thanks for all the help

I think your problems with sharp fretted notes are down to the set up. The crack in the fingerboard won't help.

I really think you should get it seen to, the skill and experience of a sound craftsman is really worth the money.

The wrapround type of bridge tends to twist that way. It may have been pulled too far back on the coarse intonation adjustment.

It shouldn't cost you as much as £45 in for a basic set up (my charges for this are around £33 inc strings), and that would probably cure most things, but the crack in the fingerboard may need attention first as it could be compromising the relief and the truss rod.

My guess is the truss rods been overtightened in an attempt to cure excessive relief and it's split the board. this would point to a very bent neck. Wise to get rid, I think



Edited by octavedoctor
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