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Another Power Amp Question!


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okey dokey.

id look at draks thread, but my goal is a tad different i think

ok, could i run my guitar to my effects, to the power amp directly or is there something else id need to put in there??? im gonna be changing my rig here soon i think, cuz i plugged my death metal into my marshall, and it sounds so sh*tty... it's all muted and stuff... bleah!! so, yea, i need this little thing known before i go and try to sell the marshall and stuff


thanks ya'll


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Sorry, Im a bit confused...

Are you talking about an effects loop? Or using a rack mount power amp, without a preamp?

Time based effects are generally used through the effects loop- but thats AFTER the guitar signal has been 'processed' through the pre-amp.

I dont know about any possible damage in my latter senario, but i can almost guarantee bad tone...



In regards to your death metal pedal, have you tried using it with your clean channel? If using it with your dirty channel, you will only get more noise (becuase you cant turn down the distortion on that pedal, I think).

I think that could be the problem- maybe try the pedal over a *REALLY* clean, clean, CLEAN tone.

That pedal also has a fairly good eq set up- have you tried messing with it?


Edited by LukeR
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alright someone help me out here..what is a power amp?! lol. I asked at steves music in toronto and a guy working there gave me a smart answer saying "it gives the power to the amp" so can someone just explain it in n00b terms for me what a poweramp is and does or whatever? Thanks.


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"it gives the power to the amp"
:DB):D gotta love the sales men :D:D There is 2 sections in an amp. 1 is the preamp. The preamp colors the sound and has EQ controls ETC ETC. it also converts the signal from high impedence to low impedence. Only problem is that the signal coming out of the preamp is not lardge enough to drive speakers. Thats where the poweramp comes in. The poweramp is after the preamp and does nothing but make a small signal bigger, MUCH bigger. And makes the signal big enough to drive the speaker(s) Edited by Godin SD
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...when using an active system in your guitar you can plug directly into the power amp...

Godin, there are a lot of things you can do that are far from the optimum use of your equipment! While EMGs will drive most rackmount power amps, they don't do a very good job of it, and with no EQ, you have one sound. Are you using, or have you at some point used, this particular setup? If you are, can we hear some soundclips, please, and, if not, why would you recommend it? For the record, I think this is a very bad idea! :D

1nf1d3l, FWIW, I don't think you're going to find that your Death Metal is the ideal guitar preamp, but it will probably drive a power amp, if that's what you think you want. Before you sell that Marshall though, I would follow Luke's advice about using your clean channel, and see if that gives you what you're looking for. Distortion pedals run through a distorted amp often sound like crap, because you're doubling up on the clipping, and losing a lot of high-end and definition.

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ok ill answer the questions quick

yea, i ran it through teh clean, equed the F*CK out of it and it sounded crappy, then i tried the dirty channel iwth low gain, still sounded horrible.

i do not have active buckers in my guitar at the moment. im hoping to change that though.

i just want it to be guitar-----DOD----GE-7-----amp-----cab.

and im lookin for a lower wattage power amp, so i dont have a set brand or anything. i use and ibanez guitar with the standard pickups.


is it possible to convert a peavey bandit to a "head" or disable the speaker and have it just drive a cab??? if this is possible that would be so rockin, cuz my bandit sound freaking awesome the way ive got it.

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is it possible to convert a peavey bandit to a "head" or disable the speaker and have it just drive a cab???

Yep, just wire up a jack and connect your speaker leads to it - just remember not to run your amp without a speaker hooked up, cuz it might destroy your output transistors.

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is it possible to convert a peavey bandit to a "head" or disable the speaker and have it just drive a cab???

Yep, just wire up a jack and connect your speaker leads to it - just remember not to run your amp without a speaker hooked up, cuz it might destroy your output transistors.

ok so id take teh little wires that go onto the things that stick out on the speaker, and i wire then to an 1/4 output jack?? dude.. im not a tech guy or an electrician or whatever, so that makes very little sense. but i think i got it. i blame you if anything bad happens!!!! :D

and by running, you mean playing through it?? or like turning it on?

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...when using an active system in your guitar you can plug directly into the power amp...

Godin, there are a lot of things you can do that are far from the optimum use of your equipment! While EMGs will drive most rackmount power amps, they don't do a very good job of it, and with no EQ, you have one sound. Are you using, or have you at some point used, this particular setup? If you are, can we hear some soundclips, please, and, if not, why would you recommend it? For the record, I think this is a very bad idea! :D

auccually I have used this exact setup before and it sounded fine to me. I auccually ran strait through an acoustic amps poweramp in. (I did use a EQ pedal to change my sound a bit. Now you can see why I ran through the poweramp. I only had an acoustic amp.) (I've auccually used a passive guitar strait into a poweramp with very satisfactory results)

Edited by Godin SD
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Carver made some extremely nice power amps, with matching prices - most were designed for home audio/theater applications, and probably aren't ideal for sound reinforcement. HTH

ok, the auction ended last night and i totally forgot about it.. so yea..

guess i just try that bandit to head thing.

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i have a spare peavey stereo power amp, 250 watts a side......great sounding amp, just not powerful enough...our drummer hits like a thunderstorm LOL, so now i'm using an 1100 watt amp, if you look on ebay for the older V - series peavey's you can run them reliably at 2 ohms.....really quiet beasts too.


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