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Boss Gt-8


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Yeah, I know it's my call, just wanted opinions.

I don't really want to get rid of the 7 but it's an easy €150 for new gear. The GT-8 is very very nice looking. If I can get one for the price of a ME-50 and the 7 string, why not?

I'm selling my computer and I want a new guitar but I'm not sure what to get. My main guitar is a LTD M-100 with EMG (85 & 81) and an extra volume pot. All my guitars have floyd roses on them but not very good floyds and I'd like a set neck/fixed bridge guitar but I'd also like a guitar with a good floyd.

I'm just confused.

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I knew someone would say that :D

The problem with buying a Real Floyd is that they cost about €200. That'd be €200 out of my guitar fund, leaving me with not enough to buy the guitar I choose. That said, the SZ520 is about €200 cheaper than the RG1570.

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Without having checked it out in its entirity, you sure you dont want to get the GT-6? It would be coming down in price now right? I got mine 8 months ago or there abouts and I couldnt be happier, its an amazing peice of gear. Im checking out hte GT-8 now, so I may just be editing my post soon B)

Edit: OK it sounds better.... get the GT-8 :D

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There's not really a lot of tuning issues with them. Blocking one would mean the tone is still going through the knife edges. Still won't sound as good as a fixed bridge.

in all honesty,feylya...the seven string vee i built has an original floyd on it...and i give you my word that if there is ANY tone degradation with the original floyd,i could not tell you where..and i am really picky about such things.

it is a very massive,heavy,hardened piece of steel...and that guitar with it on there gives more sustain and richer tone than -hands down-ANY guitar i have ever played...including les pauls and guitars with string thru t.o.m. bridges

think about a t.o.m. anyway...not much more actual contact between bridge and inserts than you get with a floyd anyway,especially when you consider the springs in the back ...and i think the extra mass of the floyd may make up for that.

MUCH more important is wood selection and build quality.of course,with that ltd you probably have neither good wood selection OR build quality...not picking on esp...just mass produced low end guitars in general

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MUCH more important is wood selection and build quality.of course,with that ltd you probably have neither good wood selection OR build quality...not picking on esp...just mass produced low end guitars in general

That's true but it also means there's little point upgrading the trem.

I'd like a guitar for alternate tunings too so the floyd is right out for that.

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This is going to be a bit controversial for those who are big fans of the GT-X products but when I bought mine a few years ago, I was seriously dissapointed. All of the talk about COSM this and COSM that, had me thinking that it would deliver unbelievable distortion and amp modelling effects. It was unbelieveable - just horrifying :D . I ended up taking it back the next day. I did try editing just about every possible setting but got no closer to my ideal sound.

Now, it was a few years ago and I think it may have been the GT-5 and not the GT-6. It was mostly blue with some yellow if that helps determine which one it was.

The delays, chorus, ... seemed pretty good but the distortion was shameful. At the time, I was really after a good distortion unit so that's what ruined the experience for me.

The price on these things is around $400, right? For that, I would urge people to at least consider trying out a TC Electronics G-Major. It doesn't do distortion but it does everything else and does it extremely well. TC has an outstanding reputation and the G-Major is a very well respected effects processor. I recently bought a Eventide Harmonizer and was wondering if it would lead to me offloading the G-Major but I found that the two sound awesome together.

I use a POD Pro for distortion (and I also use my amp's preamp when I actually plug into it) so if that's what you are after, you can skip the G-Major. If you're looking for a great processor that does pitch shifting, chorus, delay, reverb, filtering, ... please check it out before spending money on anything else.

If anyone does take me up on this, just keep in mind that most of the factory presets aren't that great. It took my about 15 minutes to dial in a great sound for what I like to play.

I don't mean to anger those who truly enjoy the GT-X products. Everyone has their own preferences and hears things differently. It just wasn't what I was expecting and it just didn't do anything for me. Again - it was a few years ago so maybe things have changed?

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Then again, some people don't like rack effects...

Off topic but I went to the newest (and smallest) guitar shop in town today. He had the ME-50 for €300 which is a good price but the GT-6 was €550!!! I could get the GT-8 for a hundred cheaper.,

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Then again, some people don't like rack effects...

Off topic but I went to the newest (and smallest) guitar shop in town today. He had the ME-50 for €300 which is a good price but the GT-6 was €550!!! I could get the GT-8 for a hundred cheaper.,

What do you have against rack effects? Sorry I mentioned it.

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You mean Multieffects pedals when you say Rack Effects right? Might want to clear that up or it could get a bit confusing :D

I respect your opinion Dave, but I find the distortions on my GT-6 to be very satisfying. I play through a 2/12" 100w solid state combo amp and it gives me everything I need. Once I was comfortable with the unit itself, I shaped my patches from the ground up and im very happy, even though I could probably tweak it even more. Ive also had some success taking patch settings from people on the internet based on their experiences modelling famous sounds and thats fun too B)

So yeah, like you said, its all personal preference :D

- Dan

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Yeah, I read the reviews on harmony-central on the GT-6. Many people seemed happy with the unit but there were at least a dozen people who had the same issue I did with my GT-5. They had very similar descriptions of the distortion being too weak and lifeless. It may have to do with the amp used - who knows? I am extremely picky about that so it could just be me being a distortion snob.

The reason I mentioned the G-Major is that the chorus, delay, reverb, ... are sooo nice and it's about the same price. I was afraid that this suggestion would be taken as an insult and it appears as though it may have - this was not my intent.

Of course, I am one of those people who doesn't want anything on the floor that could be mounted in a rack. I have a MIDI controller on the floor and that's all I want there. Others are happy to have lots of gear on the floor but it just bugs me.

The GT-X's must be worth the price though - there seem to be a good amount of happy customers posting on harmony-central.

BTW - Can you do ducked delays with the GT-6/8? I have found that to be a real nice feature in a delay. I didn't know it even existed until I had the G-Major.

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Well, that GT-8 may be a good excuse for me to put the old GT-3 on the eBay. Finally, they put real knobs in to control the most common functions, yet kept the same basic layout.

I agree about the weak distortion/overdrive on the GT-3, except in the 5150 modes it's reasonable. I still prefer my little FabTone for overdrive. But I bought the unit originally for versatility and portability because it's easy just to plug into the GT-3 then just go direct into the PA for the gigs I was doing at the time. I haven't found a modeler/processor that sounds good through a preamp on a guitar amp anyway, so I guess my expectations haven't been that high.

Combine that GT-8 with that Bose setup and you'd have a pretty sweet setup for some club gigs. Especially if you're your own roadie.

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