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Rock On Song


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I'll attempt to be gentle.

1. It sounds like wanking over the jam section of Skynard's Freebird.

2. What was it recorded in? There's a lot of noise that could easily be removed, intro hums, string movement..etc.

3. There is no mix, it was almost painful to listen to. Rhythm guitar is way too loud, drums too soft.

From the sounds of it, it's likely you don't have the greatest of tools in the world to work with but there was a lot that could have been done to improve it before publishing it to the world.

I'm not trying to discourage you, just being honest without being brutal.

Keep at it... :D

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Hey Gorecki, that's the kind of stuff I'm trying to find out.

1. It sounds like wanking over the jam section of Skynard's Freebird.

-Not really something I can give an answer to but I understand what your saying. It's probably just inexperience for me

2. What was it recorded in? There's a lot of noise that could easily be removed, intro hums, string movement..etc.

-The recording program I use isnt actually for recording musical instruments, its for recording old LP's and such into your pc so you can put em on a cd. I need to get an actual recording program, if you know of a program that would be cheap and easy to use let me know. It's also probably from the pedal and the connection from the pedal to the pc (headphone jack in pedal to the mic input on the back of the pc).

3. There is no mix, it was almost painful to listen to. Rhythm guitar is way too loud, drums too soft.

-Again due to how I recorded everything. Recorded the drums and the rhythm guitar at once. and then played that recording and played the lead along with it (one of the reasons for all the annoying hum and such)

Thanks for your comment though. If you have any other tips on how to improve it let me know.

Edited by bconner
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search on google for audacity. its free and easy to use once you get the hang of it. just be sure to save your work often it might crash from time to time.

another tip for recording. either turn your computer monitor off or face away from it while recording because it crackles which quits oncei ts off or facingaway from it.

Edited by silvertonessuckbutigotone
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Hey silvertonessuckbutigotone thanks for the program suggestion. One more question though, how should I be recording into my computer? I have it set-up so that my digitech (RP-200) is hooked up directly to my pc by the headphone jack on the pedal and the mic input on the pc. What woudl be a better way to have it set up?

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It's good your taking things objectively. B)

As recording tools freebee's.

ProTools Free


Tracktion by Mackie

I don't remember the URL but if you search these forums for 'tracktion' you'll find it.

In either case are good free multitrack audio tools that should give you more control over what you're doing. In any case, remember there is always a learning curve to using these tools so be patient with yourself.

The Skynard Freebird comment to clarifiy was that the chord progression you're playing IS the jam section of Skynard's Freebird, if you have it available, give it a listen, you'll see what I mean. That sort of thing has happened to me many times over the years, even a couple of years after I've done something I realize it's very similar to something else. But the reverse has happened as well...where something NEW on the radio sounds like one of my tunes I'd done years before. :D

have fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. I just keep messing with file and it keeps getting better. There is yet again another veriosn (not really another verison, but mixed better). Its on my site www.blair.tk But I also started a new song, walking at night. And I want to make it longer, but am not really sure how to continue it. Any comments or ideas would be awesome.


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Ok, im recording some stuff too, i have a marshall mgdfx 15 with a line out, when i take a lead from the line out and plug it in my pc's mic input i get nothing, whats going wrong. Sorry for the Hijack.

I think your playing is good, much better that me anyway. The mix now is good i enjoyed listening to it. Walking at night it remids me of the sound track of a play i saw called in to the dark, it fits the discription you gave well.

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Ok, im recording some stuff too, i have a marshall mgdfx 15 with a line out, when i take a lead from the line out and plug it in my pc's mic input i get nothing, whats going wrong. Sorry for the Hijack.

Using a mic input will sound horrible even when it works. :D

It's quite likely your input source in your Microsoft Sound settings is not set for the mic or you don't have it selected correctly in what ever you're using to record in.

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Buh, it sounded reasonalble at my school when i did it, i tweak every thing befor it goes in the mix. What input should i be using, i just asumed it should be the mic cause my sound card doesnt have a direct line-in.

Im using Acid pro if that helps.

Hi, I use the line in on my pc, but I just bought an iMic, which uses a usb interface, they claim it sounds better since its not a sound card or something. I used it to record my school play onto my laptop since it doenst have a mic in. Its about 35 dollars, and I think it works pretty well. I haven't actually tried acid pro before, but I've heard it's a good program. I use Audacity, I think it works pretty well, its what I used on the songs I recorded. Its got a bunch of good features, I think. But it's real easy to use, and best of all free. Hope this helped. Peace.


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The basic idea's are there, I can hear that and I kinda like it.. Couple things to work on, though.. Firstly, your rhythm needs a little bit of tweaking.. Not as tight as it could be in certain areas.. Secondly, would be your phrasing (don't we all :D).. Pardon me if I'm wrong but it sounded to me like you were playing as fast as you could for sake of playing fast.. Try getting a little direction and flow into the melody..

As for the recording, I've discovered a little trick you can do when in need of a mic.. Apparently, you can use a pair of headphone and plug 'em into the mic jack of your PC.. B) Sounds a little crazy but that's what I've been doing when I need an ok mic in a hurry.. The eq of the recorded sound would probably depend on your headphones (I think), but I found mine to be a little bit lacking in bass response.. I'm talking whole band sort of thing here so I must say that for recording an electric from an amp, the range of frequencies I got more or less encompassed the entire spectrum of the guitar (i.e. it sounded ok.. :D), though a little post eq-ing wouldn't hurt.. Hope that helped some!!

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I was trying to sorta remaster the song for kicks, but there is way too much wrong with it mix wise that prevents me from doing a good job. The main thing you need to watch out for is rumble from your guitar track, it has a brittley sound yet you get a too much lows when the big E string is played much. That's something in a stereo mix you can't eq out, without disturbing other instruments in the mix. It's better to run a hi-pass filter at around 110hz to get rid of the rumble your hearing in your mix. That's the biggest thing I can see as far as the mix goes, but it's not bad for someone just starting. Keep it up..

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