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How To Remove And Clean Pots


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It is going to take a little patience but remove the knobs and undo the nut holdiing the pots to the body. Slide them out and try to get them in an area where you can work on them while protecting the guitar body itself with a clean towel.

Radio Shack sells contact cleaner which comes in a spray can with an enjecter tube to control the flow. Spray it into the sides of the each pot around the contact areas inside and twist the pot back n forth. The cleaner will evaporate, then wipe any reside you may find (shouldn't be any) and replace the pots back into their original holes and tighten, put your knobs back on and play :D

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You know, hollow bodies are such a pain to work on without doing damage, I would replace the offending pots with good quality new ones. The cost is miniscule compared to the labor and it will be a long-lasting repair. IMHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Here's the stuff to use : Tuner Cleaner. Be really careful about using fancy hi-tech contact cleaners (like Deoxit®), because they can be very aggressive and often cause more harm than good ( you haven't lived until you've dissolved a conductive plastic pot in an active bass on a Saturday afternoon and had to hunt a replacement down before a 9:00 gig :D ). And if the pots feel rough or crunchy when you turn them, I'm with thedoctor -replacing them means you won't have to do the job twice.

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DeOxit is also highly reactive with bare aluminum. It didn't use to say so on the can-printed instructions but I know they paid for a lot of new computer chip heatsinks because of it. Surely some of the pots out there have some Al in them.

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