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Well here goes nothing!

Hi, my name is Garth, I live in Nepean, Ontario, just south of Ottawa, and I have “Fat Fingers” (more on that later) :D

First, a big thank you to Brian and all the staff involved in Project Guitar. I have spent the better part of the last three weeks or so, on Project Guitar surfing, reading, drooling and making really good use of the search button!

My hat goes off to all of you who have posted your success stories, and even some failures here. I have learned much and am looking forward to implementing some of your ideas, concepts and methods on my next creations.

May I present, the Viking:


This is my first guitar. I decided to dive in head-first and create a custom made original neck-thru guitar and case.

Here’s a link to my page with some more pics and some specs:


I am a single dad raising four kids on my own. As a result, I have next to nothing to spend on making guitars, not to mention very little free time. So I have scrounged as much as I could to make this guitar.

As I already stated, I have “Fat Fingers,” which is to say I have thick fingertips. That makes playing a standard guitar nearly impossible. So I decided to custom make one for my “Fat Fingers.” I have spaced the strings a little farther apart at the nut. I have used a regular Tune-O-Matic bridge.

The neck is a three layer (horizontal) laminate made from a piece of cherry I found in the rafters of a house I bought years ago.

The body “wings” are made from four laminated solid maple planks I salvaged from an old skid (pallet). The head stock veneer and fret board (both discarded pieces of pre-finished tongue and groove flooring) were also obtained from a local dumpster. That dumpster was good to me, with the exception of hardware and inner material, my case came out of there too.

I made many mistakes throughout the making of this guitar. I have learned from all my mistakes and I will not make those mistakes next time (I’ll make a whole different set of mistakes!) :D

I am restricted to working in an unheated workshop/garage, that means little or no working in winter (Ottawa is the second coldest capital city in the world eh?!), so I have to make the most of summer.

After the success of this one, I have started to draw out the plans for my next three guitars! That way I’ll always have something to work on! My two youngest kids want me to make them each one of their own (that way, I’ll get this one back! ) B)

I have come up with some interesting ideas to make guitar building easier (for me at least), that I will document and post here later, perhaps even a newbie like myself can offer something useful.

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Hey there,

I'm just up the road in Greely. :D

Congrats on your first build. I'm hard for cash, too, but I'm not resourceful so I've spent far too much money on mine already, and I'll be lucky to finish it in the next year. :D


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