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Ibanez Rx Custom

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Well I set out to customize this old RX.....and what I ended up with, I dont like one bit. I want to sell it, so if anyone wants it let me know. (not sure on the price)

Heres the pics


Its not quite finished, I still need to clean the fret board and add a logo to the headstock.


Edited by shinjiakari22
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My last name done in the ibanez logo style.

The clear crap around the letters should dissapear when I clear coat it, I cant do it today though because the humidity is around 100% and it will make the clear coat dull and crappy.


Im actually thinking about keeping it and putting metal knobs on it along with black EMG pickups (vintage coil). Yeah i pretty much dont want it to sound like the traditional Ibanez. Im more of a vintage (62' fender jaguar) kinda guy. If anyone has a fender jag body they wanna get rid of...please let me know =)

Oh and another thing, what would you guys recomend I do to clean up that fret board that has years of finger crap built up on it.

Edited by shinjiakari22
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whoa! looked ok to me! You've done us RX owners proud :D .

Youv'e given me some ideas on what to do to my own RX 170D (once I get my RG!).

Hey, what is the exact model of that one, I noticed it has a pickguard (unlike my own RX170D)???

My RX is in better condition that that one, but from all the "before" pics it looks like you've done well. Just clean that fretboard! Eww!

heres my green piece of poo:


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