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I know there are other sites out there that provide reviews for guitars, effects, amps, ... but I was wondering if anyone might be interested in adding a section on PG for this?

Maybe it could be used for reviewing tools for building guitars (stewmac, ...), pickups (with sound clips so everyone can judge for themselves instead of using words like glassy, punchy, ...)? Maybe include reviews on guitars and effects as well?

I think most of you have seen the numerous requests for opinions on pickups. Everyone eventually starts arguing over a couple of pickups and the person who asked gets no closer to understanding how it sounds than he/she originally did. Maybe it might be nice to have people post clips of their pickups - obviously, the more people that post for a particular pickup, the more the person will know what to expect. Each poster should list what type of wood the guitar is made of, and other things that would affect the sound differently.

I'm going on about pickups since it seems to be asked so often and there seems to be very little on the web in terms of a sound clip collection for this.

I also had one other thought - how about creating a place for people to detail their rigs. Show in detail how they arrange their effects, the settings they like to use, ... and once again - add a sound clip. This one may not be as helpful as the idea above but I've always been interested in seeing how others use their effects and it could provide a tutorial on how to get certain sounds such as EVH, satriani, SRV, ...

Do you think it might be worth giving some of this a try?

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I've always used Harmony Central for my reviews when I shopping for something. Some others too, but that's my starting point usually.

True, there's a ton of BS there, but the truth is there too, if you weed thru the responses, so I would probably vote no, not really necessary here, this place is about building guitars, not reviewing gear, there's just too much to review to make it in any way comprehensive enough to be worth the time and trouble, not to mention the Mods that would have to oversee it for proper usage, bla bla bla...and I think if you look around hard enough, you'll find reviews on pretty much whatever you're looking for out there.

Everyone has an opinion (review) and they all love to share them, so I think to do it here would just be repeating what you could easily find somewhere else, that's my opinion (. :D )

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That's why I thought it would be much more informative if people posted sound clips along with info on the construction of the guitar. That completely eliminates the jargon that is so often misunderstood and misused on those other review sites. It would basically let someone "try it out" without having to buy it. I do understand that it would be difficult to say that the sound clips would be 100% pure and all would be easy to compare but at least you get to hear something instead of deciphering what someone else thinks it sounds like.

I think it applies to guitar building since pickup selection has such a huge impact on the sound of an electric guitar.

Even if you put aside the pickup reviews, you would also say no to having reviews on tools?

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While I agree about the addition of sound clips as useful, I have visited sites that have a lot of clips of different pkps, even with different amp setups, I didn't find it particularly useful in the end, and again, it's already been done, it's already out there (sound clips I mean)

My major problem with it is that if it's not comprehensive and all-encompassing, then it's just random bits of data in the end, and no one would think to look here for a review of anything if we didn't promote the fact that we had a review section...and if we had one, then again, it should be all-encompassing and really good...or nothing.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that unless you''re prepared to give it the focus and attention it needs to be done the RIGHT way, and then promoted, then it's not worth the time to do it half-a**ed, and this is not a review forum, it's not our specialty, and there are other places out there that it IS they're specialty to do great and thorough reviews.

Again, 1. it's already been done better somewhere else, and 2. it would take too much time and focus by the staff to do it the right way, where it's actually worth the time.

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I guess we are looking at it quite differently. I viewed it as just a simple pinned thread but maybe that wouldn't work.

Now that I'm writing this, I'm realizing that it wouldn't really be a review as in having ratings 1-10 but just a reference. A place for people to go to hear what the pickups sound like with certain woods, ... since we do get that asked almost weekly it seems.

If there are other sites that provide this - that's even better. If you happen to remember one, please let me know - I'll pass it along next time the question is asked.

The thing that got me thinking about this was the fact that people seemed to get pretty excited when Wes does his guitar reviews.

I know you said that you like to use it but I find harmonycentral almost useless when it comes to things like this but I guess that's just my issue.

Thanks for the little one on one - I guess the lack of interest in this post says it all anyway.

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Not really a lack of interest, I was just absorbing the discussion as it went along. I thought that a good application of the search function could come close to a review process. It has it's shortcomings but works and doesn't tie a bunch of bandwidth up with absolute rants or raves.

Maybe instead of going for the easy, drop in and see kind of review section like the catalog people and Harmony have a posted-topic requesting a review. That is how I find review-stuff using search on PG now. People need to learn to use search. I bought one guitar last night and passed on one other and an amp based on the "reviews" I found on PG using search. By the way, bought the Gibson SE135, passed on the Fender DeVille and the BC Rich.

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I think that instead of a pinned topic, have just a section dedicated to reviews, then there would be a topic on a certain product. Then when someone wants to add more info on a product thats already there they would just add it to the already made topic. But if they wanted to add a review that wasnt already there, they would just add a topic. And before adding a topic they would use the search feature and if theres a review it shows up, if there is not, it doesnt. And there would have to be rules about posting a review like the brand and model name would have to be in the title spelled correctly etc. that way you could avoid confusion and multiple topics on the same product. I think it's a great idea if properly planned and executed.

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I think it is an interesting idea. I also see Drak point. Think about the volume of info that could be created for Seymour Duncan pickups alone. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be an excellent resource, but I think it would require quite a bit more bandwidth and moderation to keep it useful.

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Hey Frenzy - thanks for letting me know. I'll check that out. Some tools that I had in mind were the different stewmac crowning tools. They have several different types but it isn't exactly clear to me what the differences are and why I would want one over the other. I guess I could just call and ask for tech support but I think it's nice to be able to read other builders opinions/experiences.

As for the pickup thing - no big deal. I probably wasn't very clear as to why I was interested in doing it. To me, reading someone's description of what something sounds like is similar to explaining what a color looks like to someone who has been blind from birth.

Here's a very quick search I just did this morning to show you what I mean (this is for the SD JB Trembucker):

The JB doesn't have enough bottom end and there's a high mid range spike that is like razer blades in the ears sometimes. If you're into '80's shred style music you might like it. I must say that it gets harmonics *very* easily, all over the neck.
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Where you speak of the JB, there are soundclips right there on the Seymour Duncan site.

IMHO the basic problem is the idea that pickups do have an own sound, which they have not - they have different transfer characteristics. On different built guitars with different wiring and so on the sound will be different. Not to mention the impact of the amp (which should not be used in these cases). A sound clip by someone won't help you that much. To compare pickups you should use always the same guitar with the same settings and stuff and just the different pickups.

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Ugh - yes I realize that it will sound different on different guitars. That's actually my point exactly. I just don't understand why someone would think that having a collection of sound clips could actually be of less use than a bunch of people throwing words like glassy, punchy, ... when those words may mean different things to different people. The more samples you hear (on various types of wood, ...), the better idea you will have for what to expect.

It's probably time to close this one.

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I agree with dave completely. He doesnt mean for one person to post a review on one product then noone else can, its almost like trying something out at the music store in my opinion. Because you have a variety of amps, a variety of guitars, and if your lucky you could find your exact setup in there.

But he's also talking about tool reviews, etc. which would help a lot also.

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Hey AlgeeEater -

What exactly are you saying? It sounds to me like you may be of the impression that I'm not capable of reading or searchinig.

Do you understand that the basic premise is that describing how something sounds with words is filled with opportunity for error. The best way to describe how something sounds is to hear it for yourself. This way, you take out someone else's opinion, you take away their potential misuse of language, ... Understand?

And yes, I actually do understand what this site is about. There have been many requests for opinions on how certain pickups sound and in particular how they sound with certain woods. This is a critical choice for people building solid body guitars.

This was just a suggestion for helping these people out and potentially reducing the number of pickup sound threads.

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Algee, are you trying to take my chair as the PG hardass/all-around mean guy/a-hole or something?(B))

That post seems out of character for you. :D

Give it up pal, you ain't got the nads for the job anyway. :DB)

And you were out of line here. Wassup, (you're usually a nice guy)?:D

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