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Jackson Neck On Rg Body?

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Forgive me for being a pain, but I just bought a used Jackson neck and realized that I may have a slight problem with the project I'm working on.

This is my first real project, I made an early RG type body (non-AANJ), modeled after my RG750. Now the neck I bought is 24 frets, but I just realized there is hardly no fretboard overhang. The overhang looks just like a 22 fret, it's hardly there, but the heel is a little rounded, but not AANJ. What happens if I install this onto the body without modifying it? Is the scale going to be changed? Will it tonally make a difference for the neck pickup if the 24th fret is 1/3 of an inch away it?

Man, I do stupid things sometimes, and I hope buying this neck wasn't a stupid idea. It's a Kelly XL Pro neck, which AFAIK was a pretty good neck to have.

Thanks for your time guys, I always appreciate your help.

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the scale will be off.they make jackson necks specifically so they won't fit other guitars...same with esp,fernandez,etc..

it's has a specific name in the computer world...i can't think of it for some reason right now...it means that it is made to only fit one brand...starts with a "p" i think

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Thanks for the info, but could I simply just re-route the neck cavity a little lower? I mean it shouldn't be too hard, right? Also, what should happen if the scale is off by a few.. say.. millimeters? Would that completely screw things up?

Thanks for your patience guys, sorry I'm such a newb.

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what should happen if the scale is off by a few.. say.. millimeters? Would that completely screw things up?

yes...yes it would "screw things up" if you were off by more than the saddles could compensate for...after all,the saddles only have a few mm of adjustment to begin with

but could I simply just re-route the neck cavity a little lower?

usually not...it would get into the pickup cavity and AS WAS MENTIONED in a thread only about 2 days ago,lowering the neck into the pocket(towards the bridge) creates a rather large gap at the back of the pocket...since the pocket is tapered.

modding a guitar is no small feat,to be done with no prep or research...most of the guys on this site(the vast majority) could not build a good guitar to save their lives...if you want to mod guitars,you need to learn what is possible and what is merely just "hacking away"

your plan is nothing more than hacking,really.

a proper mod would be to either build or buy a proper neck...or build or buy a proper body.

don't get me wrong...it CAN be done...but it is going to cost you more than doing it the right way,i'm sure

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It'll definitely cost you more in terms of the money of the soul, at least. :D I don't even want to contemplate the frustration of measuring and adjusting neck pocket, filling in/re-drilling mounting holes, moving bridge, etc.-- not to mention refinishing the whole shebang.

If the neck is lovely, why not try making a new body to go with it, instead?


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Did he not say that he made the body? If so, it may cost you more money, but I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to build another body, this time taking into account the neck you have and designing the body so it works.

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i think it would be better to make a new neck to rg specs...he has already done the body once,and i think if he were to do another,he may get into a rush to make his first playable instrument.

not that there is a heck of alot of difference...but i know if it were me,i would just pay the $100 and get it going...then try other stuff later

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Well, you have a point. I was just pointing out that if he already built one body, he should be able to build another one to Jackson specs pretty easily. I agree with you though, I would hate to see him get into a rush and then regret it later.

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If you like the body, I'd just forget the Jackson neck and find a real RG neck.  If you go this route, the pre-AANJ necks are different (I think this is what you are describing) -- these old ones are essentially 22-fret necks with a 24-fret fretboard.  The overhang is pretty long.

pretty tough to find the one that you would need...alot tougher than buying one of those brand new inexpensive jackson bodies...which are very similar to an rg anyway.

besides...2 guitars are better than one anyway...and building a neck is rewarding

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