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Inlay Size For Standard Dots?

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hey again everyone. i was wanting to order some blue paua abalone dots for my fretboard and just epoxy them in. however im having trouble decerning the size,

does anyone know how many mm the standard fret dot diameter is?

i've checked it versus several guitars and it is the same size however i just dont know how many milimeters it is.

i have done a search and unfortunately turned no results.

thanks again for your time and patience. lol. im such a noob..

this stuff is completely different from what i used to do for fun.

so much more challenging and involved than building computers.

thanks again,


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ah. so many questions. i hate starting so many threads so i figure i could ask here along with this question. does anyone else own an ibanez ax-7221 and know what the thickness of the binding is? i was thinking how nice it would look if i bound the neck in paua abalone too.

thanks again - RS

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put a little epoxy in the hole put the dot in the put a little on top of the dot and make sure its seated ok. Then you sand them flat when they are dry.

how could you explain why epoxy is needed on top of the dots? im a little confused.


im sure it makes sense some how. but i just dont get it.

thanks gemleggat.


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