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hey matt, you wouldnt be too distraught if i totally ripped off your neck design?

I dont know I'll have To talk to my lawyer B) If your going to simplify it It should be Ok I guess But Im sure You could Come Up with your Own man Ive Seen your designs! :D

Matt, great job on deciding to do your neck. I'm glad!! You're doing a great job.


Thanks Dave!


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Ok now I have a choice of doing Some coil taping stuff an Im thinking about useing A mini toggle switch or Im thinking A push pull Pot

What Do you guy's think?


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I would have said this was personal preference of the person playing it.

Thing is, as far as electrics go, I prefer one Vol pot right beneath where I pick so I can control the volume easily No tone control cos I never use it. In that scenario, having a push/pull pot would be ideal, but its not for everyone. I cant say I really like them myself, and I prefer a latching button or switch of some kind away from the Vol Pot, more toward the neck away from the picking area.

Like I said, thats me, and I guess that a lot of you disagree, which is why I said personal preference (see what I did there? Clever wasnt it!)

In fact thinking about it, why not look into lacthing buttons? you could get a chrome arcade machine style latching button and put a bat logo on it with a chrome plastic surround, and you could wire in one of those annoying MR.T voice Box things so it says "I PITY THE FOOL!!!!!" every time you change the pickup!!!! AWESOME!


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In fact thinking about it, why not look into lacthing buttons?  you could get a chrome arcade machine style latching button and put a bat logo on it with a chrome plastic surround, and you could wire in one of those annoying MR.T voice Box things so it says "I PITY THE FOOL!!!!!" every time you change the pickup!!!!  AWESOME!

:D  :D

That's awesome. I have that keychain.. my boys ran around the house for about 3 months saying "shut up foo!"

I don't like push pulls personally. And i never use a tone knob. I do a lot of volume control with my pinky while i'm playing.. a habit of strat players.. and push pull would be irritating that way. keeps the face of the guitar clean though.

What might be kind of neat is a little 3 way toggle where middle is normal, one side is tapped and the other side is a kill switch.. Could be useful for kill switch effects and a good place to hide the coil tap control.

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:D Well I think That Would Be A bit two much B)

What might be kind of neat is a little 3 way toggle where middle is normal, one side is tapped and the other side is a kill switch.. Could be useful for kill switch effects and a good place to hide the coil tap control.

Well I think I want to keep the top clean so I may go with the Push Pull Pot

But Im that There Yet so I have Time to think about it! :D

EDIT: Oh ya had to cut and reglue the body tonight :D Im not sure why but we had A big gap on the glue line I dont think I made te glueing surface Flat enough

But it look's good now I'll have Some Pic's soon once I get them from jeremy.

Ok now I've been thinking about what knd of A finish to do and Ive got it down to 3!

1. blood red to a lava orange burst

2.dark blood red to blood red burst

3.black to blood red burst


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Ok for Me it's between The 1. blood red to a lava orange burst Or 3.black to blood red burst


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Ok for Me it's between The 1. blood red to a lava orange burst Or 3.black to blood red burst


I don't think a red-to-orange would look so good on that guitar, but a black to red would make it amazing. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, that's one hell of a good job you've done, and nice design. :D

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I don't think a red-to-orange would look so good on that guitar, but a black to red would make it amazing. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, that's one hell of a good job you've done, and nice design.  :D

I agree with the red to orange thing, i dont think it will suit it... Black to blood red however sounds very cool!

But remember this is your project so go with what YOU like :D

~~ Slain Angel ~~

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man thats awesome...you should help me make a body style so i dont have to keep making BC Rich shapes :D

good work

what do you use to make a pc copy of your shapes? like how do you get it from paper to pc?

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Ok now Im likeing The look's of this one, blood red to a lava orange burst

I got to see Wha That Finish look's like and OMG Jeremy Is SO GOOOOOD at this stuff :DB)

And And Update I cut out the body today and rough sanded it to shape So Im just Waiting On Jeremy to post the Pic's!!

And Yes The Body is Ash!


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i'm all about the red to orange burst. gonna have flat black hardware on that thing? that would look killer against the red/orange fade.

Ya Man If you could Only see it :DB) It's Going to be such a deadly finish

And No flat Black just black hardware :D


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Well Ok Since I have No Pic's of the Body yet :D

I'll show You the Finish :D

This Is like what mine will look like But over Ash not Spalt The Orange on mine Will be briter And The red deeper B)

Now If You want to see More Of these Check this out http://www.woodviolins.com/html/viper.html

And Hear's Mark Wood's Home Page!!



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Ok now I was also thinking about doing a Burst like this but with the Brown A bit deeper in to the body

Now I have loved this style of finish since I was 10 year's old!!! :D and I was aloud to hold my grandpa's guitar for the first time,

we where talking about tabaco bursts In the Shop yesterday and now I cant get My mind off of it And Im thinking it would look great on My Ash body


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Ok I got my body cavity's jig started so I should be doing some routing on monday or tuesday B) I hope I can get you guy's some pic's :D


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