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Algee's Tele Project

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How about lace sensors? I think you could get the variety you're looking for if you went that route. Bottom line is, you don't need to spend $500 to get a good sounding set of pickups. I normally don't spend more than $200 on pickups, and I choose based on the tone I want, not a preset price range.

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Too many choices man. I mean, changing pickups in a guitar that isnt going to be very tonal diverse, but this is hard  :D

Hold on Algee, think about what you're building here...it's a tele. It's not supposed to be tonally diverse...well, okay, I see you're not using standard tele hardware, so anything goes, but...

I wonder if, by going for a 'tonally diverse' guitar you'll end up with a guitar without a distinct personality. I mean, I like my swiss army knife, but I prefer my guitars to be different, each one from the other. A different guitar for a different mood.

Think about THIS guitar and what you want the GUITAR to sound like.

And don't get hung up on big-name boutique pickups. Sure, there's probably a slight difference in sound. But in the end, it's just wire and magnets.

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Mickguard-(idch? :D )- You're right. I think i'm just getting too hung up on the whole pickup choosing thing. Hell, i'm putting off final decisions on pickups until I actually start working, then i'll decide. Thanks for the advice!

Pr3Va1L-I dont really like the jazz pickup(you're talking about Seymour Duncan right?)

TenderSurrender-I'll be using "The AlGee-Stock":


I'll see if I can get a frontal shot if you would like. The little carve thing closest to the bottom of the picture is going to be carved more(that was my first attempt at that headstock, i've since refined it)

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Tell you what, if you want a good shred 'bucker, check out the Gibson 500T. A lot of the EJ-types like to rip them out of their LP Classics and replace 'em with Alnico pickups, but they're not bad pickups for the high-output thing. 2-1/6 string spacing, too. You can usually find them on the 'Bay for CHEAP, or check some local music stores. Like I said, it's probably the most swapped out stock pickup ever in Les Paul history, so you can probably find one cheap.

When I bought my Classic, I was concerned about whether I'd like the 500T in the bridge over time, but I really like the crisp cleans and hot distortion. It's a good pickup for the value--but only if you buy it used. I'd never pay $100 for a new stock Gibson pickup.

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I figured it was you man, how yah been?

I'll probaly just leave it natural. If it looks bad then i'll do it the same as the body, it's a win-win situation :D

Yeh ive been good thankyou B) yourself?

And i must admit, over time i think the natural finish might suit it more... but like you say, either way is win win :D

~~ TS ~~

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Crafty-I'm not too keen on the 500T pickup personally. I've played a few Gibby's that had a 500T(suppositly anyways) pickups, and it just wasnt what I was looking for. I've actually been looking into the Dimarzio XN2 or a Duncan Distortion(already have them in my Saga guitar). So many choices :D

TenderSurrender-I've been pretty good lately. Except for a 19 page essay due after winter break :D

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I've actually heard that also. I really dont know, I have to get some sound clips of them and compare and contrast some reviews and such.

I don't think the template has shipped yet, so it doesnt look like i'm going to be making any progress on New Years. Oh well, i will just have to wait until monday then to do anything!

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Templates have arrived B)



If it werent for school work(2 essays due tomr) I would be cutting the body and neck out, but you gotta prioritize I guess :D

Hopefully I will find some time tonight to start roughing out the body.

Damn picture posting rules :D

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Body rough cut:


Wont be any updates until probaly until friday night/saturday, stupid exams :D

I guess the next step will be routing the body flush to the template. Hopefully my router bit for the hot rod truss rod comes in on friday, I will then be able to route the truss rod cavity, and rough cut/route clean the neck :D

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