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My Equipment Price


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i have absolutly no clue how much too sell my stuff for

i decided that i want to switch to bass so im selling my guitar stuff.

i have:

squire afinnety series strat in pretty good condition (a few light sctatches)

squire champ 15 15 wat amp in good condition needs cleaned/dusted off

squire hardshell case in ok condition. still usable but the straps to keep the lid closed have torn out, the "hidden" compartment lid needs glued back on, and there ar a few nicks on the outside (i havent tried to clean them off yet) .

digi tech rp100 effects peadal in very good condition but i havn't bought an ac adapter yet and it runs off 6 aa batteries normally.

a cheap strap

plz hlp me

i found the products online in their new form and priced them at about $400-$450

i dont know how much too sell them for though (keep in mind that i have played it and the items work fine)

plz hlp :D:DB):D

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No kidding you can buy new latches. I've built a case before. However, if you're not putting the new latches on with a riveter(and not a pop riveter), it's not going to look OEM. Not to mention, you can't screw latches onto a plastic shell like you can a wooden one. The best you could do w/o bringing it to a case repair shop would be bolt the latches on...you know how that would look. I think it would be misleading to tell some kid that knows nothing about guitar that he's paying for a case that's usable when, infact, it would need to be repaired before being used.

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just to clarify

the actual metal latches are not torn off

the straps INSIDE the case to prevent it from opening too far pulled out of the gap between the padding and the side of the case were they were glued.


only 100-200$?

i bought the guitar amp and case from my cousin joelle for 240$... :D

if i keep it i only get like 20$ a month to use for whatever and i have like 200 already so what bass should i get?

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only 100-200$?

i bought the guitar amp and case from my cousin joelle for 240$... :D

if i keep it i only get like 20$ a month to use for whatever and i have like 200 already so what bass should i get?

Are you from Canada perchance? If not, you got screwed. If you are, that's still a lot to pay for a Squier amp and case...

I would look at the OLP basses as a first bass. I know a bassist who owns a Fender Aerodyne (I think thats what it is) and he even uses his OLP for gigs occassionally.

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sorry i forgot a comma

o dont know if this helps but i bought the guitar, (comma) amp and case for 240$

Oh, gotcha. In that case, it wasn't *too* bad (although, I really don't think Affinity series Strats are worth that much. They were the same as the cheap Rogue strats that cost $80).

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Oh, I thought the actual latches were messed up. If it's just that strap, it doesn't matter. "Strat Packs" which come with everything you mentioned(except a hardshell case) sell for between $200 and $300 new. A hardshell case for a strat is worth no more than $80 new, unless it's a really high end one. I normally figure a 50% markdown when you're selling used musical equipment that has no chance of ever appreciating. What I'm trying to say is...you're probably better off just holding onto it.

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