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Comparing 2 Wah Pedals...


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I know there are other threads here about peoples favourite wahs but no one is really comparing these two.... Dunlop 535q, Morely Steve Vai Bad Hoirse 2 Contour. I am looking at those 2 pedals and wondering if people have tried both and what they think of them.... thanks :D

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If you can afford it try to get a budda wah or a Fultone if you REALLY have the cash.
:D Do you think so? The only reason I ask is because the guitar player I'm working with has been through two Budda Wahs, and currently owns his third Fulltone, but he always seems to end up putting the (true bypass modded) Crybaby back on the pedalboard when we play out.
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How much does a true bypass mod cost? and is it easy enough for a beginner(I can solder and thats about it) to do?

According to most (9 out of 10) reviews I have read they say that the Crybaby 535Q has true bypass and the Morley doesn't and about half the people say that it's bypass mode is good others say it isn' so good......

I am going to my local music shop later this week to try out these babies and just wanted some background info before going in... thanks alot

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I have a bad horsie 2 and i love it! When its off it has no tone sucking effect whatsoever. Its not the best wah for playing shaft but for that smooth soloing sounds its the best. The crybaby sounds like a crybaby but with more options, i dont really like the treadle on crybaby's myself and the pots wear out too.

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If you can afford it try to get a budda wah or a Fultone if you REALLY have the cash.
:D Do you think so? The only reason I ask is because the guitar player I'm working with has been through two Budda Wahs, and currently owns his third Fulltone, but he always seems to end up putting the (true bypass modded) Crybaby back on the pedalboard when we play out.

I totally think so, but not everyone has the good taste I do :D

Edit, does he have the Fultone Clyde or the Clyde Deluxe? the Deluxe is WAAAAAAYY more versatile

Edited by Scott Rosenberger
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... not everyone has the good taste I do  B)

:DTouche! Yeah, it's the Clyde Deluxe (his third one - he's already lost money reselling the first two, and still bought another one - can you say, "more money than sense!", boys and girls? B) ). I have nothing against the Fulltone stuff myself, I was just commenting on what he's done over the last year or so - of course, keep in mind, he's really a construction contractor who plays guitar on weekends, and he owns a Laney GH100, a pair of slightly different Splawns and an Engl Screamer, all great amps, but he changes them the way some folks change underwear, so maybe it's just him! :D For the record, while I've never heard a Fulltone pedal that didn't sound really good, I've never heard enough difference to justify Mike's prices. But I'm old school and poor - maybe I'd feel differently if I could afford to own the flavor of the month in boutique gear. :D

Anybody remember the Tycho Parapedal?

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