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Venus Custom

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hey. this is my first finished project. i will make some better and more detailed photos in a few days if anyone wants to see more oft it... i hope you like it.. this is the second version of the guitar... some of you guys helped me building the "first version" a year before, and now i found time to redo some major things, like make the cutaway and oiling the whole thing..


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Wow that is different, sort of a single cutaway viola meets shredder....where are the controls?

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thank you ^^

actually, it was meant to be a replica of a caparison venus, thats why the headstock is the same. but in the end i made that many customisations, it does not have that much in common with the original guitar...

ah and the controls... it just has no controls... there is this little dot on the left lower part of the guitar which you can see... this is a 2 way switch to switch between the pickups, but thats it.. when i make detailed photos you will see X)

thanks already for your interest

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I'd like to see a close-up of the fretless part of that neck; did you raise the fretboard up to about fret height there? How did you make sure that when playing on the fretless part, the string didn't fret out lower on the neck?

Anyway, a very cool and innovative build. Muchos props here. :D

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Is the top carved?

Also, can you give us some specs? What kind of top/body/neck/fretboard/pickups/bolton-set-neckthru

Also, the fretless part, do you intend to play/experiment with it alot?

If so, why did you make the neck heel so long?

Meh, I'm just a little confused with the practical assets of the guitar. :D

I really love the uniqueness though. It's.. sWELL :D

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So what is that black stuff on the sides of the pickups?

Heh heh...

Actually I was wondering that myself...looks like you originally routed for a different set of pickups? If those really are holes in the guitar, I'd think about adding a pickguard...

Otherwise, when I first looked at the guitar, it looked like you'd forgotten to trim the edges, you know, like the way a lot of molded plastic toys used to be (seems like they've got a better manufacturing process nowadays) where you'd have to trim the plastic around the mold line.

Interesting idea, nonetheless. I like the 'no controls' thing.

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thanks guys for you probs! i will try to answer all the questions as good as i can..

the wood is mahagony with an oiled and waxed finish

i didnt raise the fretboard in the fretless part, but now when i play it, i get constantly reminded that i should have ^^

the top isn really carved, but as you maybe see, it is built in two "layers" with a carved "connection" (sorry, these words arejust used due to lack of english vocabluary)

so the body is, as i said mahagony, there is no top, just one big piece of wood. the neck is a one piece maple neck with a ebony fretboard (a really old and beautyful one, in my opinion, ill make close ups)

the pickups are an esp lh-206 and a shadow sh 661 (humbucker in single coil format). its a bolt on neck

i dont intend to do much with the fretless part.. this guitar was meant to be a cool looking and deep hanging power cord guitar ^^ but i will surely try some things out with the fretless part. i already recognized that is will only sound good if you use really really much gain because you need much of sustain coming from the amp for the fingers stops the sound imideatly (i also play violin for 12 years, thats why i thought it would be intersting to try it...)

the neck heel is so long because i thought it would look nice if the body ends where the frets end. i still think so X)

the black stuff is actually black velvet... i thought it would look noble (dont know the right english word.. sorry..) but it only looks crappy... i built the guitar when i was 17 so i did not think far enpugh.. i will make pick up cavitys out of light (the opposite of dark.. if light isn the right word..) wood because i reyll dont want a pickguard to be in front of the mahagony....

i hope i answered all your questions, thanks for your comments a lot again, and please sorry my bad english.... yes.. oh and i will make the close ups when my dad comes home and brings his camera, for i dont have an own..

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ur english was fine..up untill

''i dont have an own'' :D

haha,as you can see your still a better typer than me,i tend to miss out letters by habit

that is a really unique guitar,i love the carved of edges

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work, but I think I prefer the original Venus design. The design Gackt made was already perfect. I'm actually building a Marcury right now. Gackt's other signature guitar. :D

I'll try to keep mine as close to the original as possible though. But i'll probably use a strat neck with a custom headstock and double humbuckers instead...

I won't have any controls either, except for a on/on/on mini switch for the pickups. I will probably make the control cavity as big as a LP one though...for eventual future upgrades.

Here is a mockup pic of what mine will look like. http://web.telia.com/~u17403824/Other/Guit...te%20mockup.jpg :D

I'm only in the sanding processes so far...

Anyway, nice work man! B)

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thanks ^^

i prefer the original design as well, but i cant afford a "real" one and my building skills are not good enough till now to do a real replica..

id like to see how your marcury will look like when its finished X)

ah and by the way, do the kana on the guitar have a special meaning or is this just some random stuff?

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Yeah I know! XD

But just wanted to show where I got the kana like thingies from. But like I said mine will more or less be a white Mercury but with the kana on it.

I'm kind of busy with school right now and I'm looking for a neck that I can use. But I'll continue building as soon as I have time.

It would be fun though if you could show some more photos of your venus. Maybe from different angles and the back. ^^

Edited by Jens
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