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Wezv's New Batch

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Nearly done!!

The bass just needs a backplate and inlayed truss rod cover:





Same with my cousins:




This one is put together now and sounds amazing, i have it wired with 5-way switch, master volume with coil tap, master tone and an extra volume for the bridge pickup that overides the 5-way switch so you can have neck and bridge or all pickup combo's. It really does have the best of a strat and les paul:


You may remeber this one from 5 pages ago, its just getting oil and waxed then i can put it together. Check out the ziracote fretboards, all the guitars except my cousins have them but this one shows up the best in the photos:



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Thx for the kind words B) I dont see the Myka thing but i certainly dont mind having my work compared to his :D

I only really went with the wooden pickup covers because i made a mistake routing for the normal sized pickups so enlarging the pickups with wooden covers let me hide/fix that. Its not about having the skill to do it, its about having the need to fix it :D

For me building is an organic process that takes on a life of its own - i was unhappy with the design of the bass neck join from the start and a few things went wrong like the pickup routes. I came very close to scrapping this project a few times, thats a new thing for me! Its only by carrying on and taking the bass to completion that i have come up with something that feels like the best and most original (and maybe even marketable) thing i have ever built. I plan on taking the design further maybe a 6 string through neck fanned fret bass, lots can go wrong there :D

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heres all mine finished:




naths is done as well but he's been taking it band practice so i havnt got any pictures yet. The Red singlecut guitar is not going to be refinished in time so thats not going music live but i might see if the guitar shop want this one i have finally finished off:


Its a hard ash body with solid wenge neck and Bare knuckle pickups BKP-92. Quite bright but the tone control (0.047 capacitor with 300k pot) is excellent and really does a good job of taming it, its quite a versatile guitar for a single pickup jobbie. It can do all the way from telecaster to proper LP Jnr!

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those look awesome

I'd bombard you with more compliments but my friends just decided to throw up all over my carpet (nicely avoiding the toilet which was directly in front of him :D

In fact hes the only reason im still awake at 3:30 am


basically nice guitars

The bass is especially awesome, as its so unique

I love all 3 electrics too

the burst on the lpjr is a bit abrupt imho (or maybe its just the photo?), but it still looks cool overall


to summarise

me likey


btw ben means idiot in chinese. I leant that today

you didnt need ot know that

but whatever- you do now

also BT (my initials) means pervert



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