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Back Problems

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Would a chambered (hence lighter) guitar not be a good option for him? maybe a smaller body design and chambered too?

Well he owns a music store and is a gibson and fender certified repairmen and is a tone junkie he already gave up playing les pauls for strats and chambered kills tone so I am just trying to see if there is anything I can do for him.

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Would a chambered (hence lighter) guitar not be a good option for him? maybe a smaller body design and chambered too?

Well he owns a music store and is a gibson and fender certified repairmen and is a tone junkie he already gave up playing les pauls for strats and chambered kills tone so I am just trying to see if there is anything I can do for him.

Is the general consensus on chambered that it INCREASES tone...? He should try maybe an SG, they're pretty light. Or maybe an Ibanez SA, they're really light, mahogany body, very balanced, just swap out the pup's if he doesn't like them. VERY cozy guitars to gig with. That with the harness thing should be nice for him.

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There are several such straps on the market including the Dare Strap and the Wittman Spinstrap. The former connects like a conventional strap and the latter requires some modification. There are additional details on the respective sites regarding their advantages. Ergonomics and guitars are a particular interest of mine. I've been gathering information about the subject and putting it up on my blog - Building The Ergonomic Guitar. As suggested, there are a number of ways to approach the issue apart from just straps. I've suffered from back pain in the past and more recently from Repetitive Strain Injury so its of great interest to me.

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To be honest, it depends what you mean by 'back problems'.

If he's got real back trouble, no strap is going to make the blindest bit of difference. the points at which the weight of the guitar is taken on your shoulder will be more or less identical. A lighter guitar is his only real option to be honest.

Or, he could take up some more rock star poses á la foot on monitor and rest the guitar on his left thigh? classical playing position and all!

Yamaha make a new guitar that is hollow construction (its got 2 p-90's and LED pickup selectors) cant remmeber model number, but it is frighteningly light. might be worth a look? not very expensive.


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I like chambered tone, makes things more lively, really, but honestly it depends on how you chamber. Do it the 'warmoth way', for example, and you retain most of the solidbody sound but lose a lot of the weight.

Best options: make a stand that holds the guitar in playing position, or just play seated.

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